
Journey to my dreams

As a child,

I always wished to own a factory of snacks

with tankers of juices.

My personal friend should be a little fairy,

and yes, how can I forget about my biggest demand

which was of that magical broom but was switched to

the Aladdin's carpet, everything should be comfy no?

As a teenager

I was always afraid of any kind of vulnerability

so to escape I wished to be a good student, a good daughter,

a good sister and of course a good friend.

I had also some special wishes,

since I was growing,

the teenage hormones you know

I wished to have a proper height,

healthy skin and a boyfriend in bonus if possible.

Till now,

nothing much has changed,

I just wish to fulfill my childhood wishes at least in my dreams

as well as my teenage dreams in my imaginary stories.

But I have some additional wishes,

for my non-teenage path.

This time it is a practical one,

but I am not going to write it.

bcoz I have heard from somewhere:

"A told wish never fulfills".


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Akriti_Jhacreators' thoughts