

she planned everything perfectly but something unexpected happened.. everything was going smoothly but suddenly her biggest dream became the worst nightmare..she is trying to overcome it but failed..again..then a calm voice ,"you can do it" And everything became normal again. With her past ,she still can do it.. and then a voice came.. "although past is very cruel, it will catch your heart tightly and you will suffocate but remember you are always free to begin again..and you are always free to believe..when you find your dream that your hearts belong ,you'll never leave " suddenly she smiled..a gentle, calm , peaceful smile like she knows everything.

Jemima_Yeasmin · 若者
7 Chs

Dyna's evil plan

I don't know what is happening in the school now..I am so sick and that's why I didn't go to school..yes it's true that Rose told me that she'd also stay at home but I disagreed and told her to go to school...

(in the school)

"where is Alisa ??" ,Jun asked Rose.

"She is a little sick now so she is absent today..", Rose replied...

"I thought it is my first day of the plan...but anyway..it's okay....

By the way I want to ask a question ..",Jun said.

"what ?", Rose asked.

"you told me that you choose me for this plan because all the girls in this class think I am so handsome.. right ??", Jun asked.

"yes" ,Rose replied.

"but what about you ? don't you think I am handsome ?", Jun asked.

"ohh dear ofcourse...(silence)..not..",Rose replied.

"you are always rude to me (smiling wryly)...I have never seen any girl like you before...you are just awful ..", Jun said.

"yes I know...and I am happy with it. ", Rose replied.

"I know there is definitely something bad happened to you..you can tell me if you want..after all I am your friend now.", Jun said.

"and who told you that (angrily)??..I am not your friend.. remember you are only the part of this plan...and I am the only one who knows Dyna's secret ", Rose replied and moved .

"but I know there is definitely something..I can see you are in pain but you are hiding it Rose. And I will find it out...I am not angry at you because I can see the pain on your face that I have had before.", Jun is thinking in his mind.

(at Dyna's place)

"This girl is just awful..I can't tolerate it anymore. Sehun is mine and who she is to steal my boyfriend from me.", Dyna said.

Dyna is sorrounded with her 3 friends now -

Choi nuri , Kim yun and hee-jin.

"you know what is Alisa's strength ?", nuri said.

"Sehun ??", Dyna replied.

"no no no..it is Rose..she is rich as well as intelligent..you should try to break their friendship first..", nuri said.

"I want my Sehun back and if I have to break Alisa and Rose's friendship now..I will do that too (evil face).", Dyna replied.

scene shifted to Choi Sehun.

"wait Rose..where is Alisa today ?", Sehun asked Rose.

"she is actually sick today ..so she is taking rest.", Rose replied.

"what ? is everything okay ? is it so serious ?", Sehun asked with a tensed face.

"no no there is nothing to worry about but if you want you can visit her house today at evening..I am also going ",Rose said.

"okay then.. please call me at evening after you'll ready to go.",Sehun said.

"okay then ..byee ", Rose replied.

After the conversation finished ,Sehun left the place and Jun came towards Rose.

"I heard you are going to see Alisa. well I also want to go...and you can say her that I am your friend .", Jun asked.

"okay ...", Rose replied.

wait wait wait don't you want to know what happened next..if you want to know then just wait for the next part and if you have not read the previous parts yet then go and read only on your own webnovel....and don't forget to like, subscribe and comment your valuable feedback below....