
Lover x Lover

Rhyme and Holy Night have been rivals since they were kids, competing in everything from academics to sports. But when Moryn, their childhood friend since kindergarten, becomes the object of their affection, their rivalry takes a complicated turn. Holy Night is a homosexual woman, adding another layer of complexity to the love triangle. Moryn, unsure of how to handle the situation, finds herself torn between two people she cares deeply about. Despite Holy Night's efforts to surpass Rhyme and win Moryn's heart, Rhyme always seems to come out on top. As tensions rise and emotions run high, the trio faces the challenge of understanding and resolving their complex feelings in order to find a way forward.

Koi_Shiron_Mendoza · 若者
19 Chs



I slowly opened my eyes, taking in my surroundings. The sight that greeted me was a serene expanse of white. The ceiling above me, the walls surrounding me, and even the curtains gently swaying in the breeze from an open window, all bathed in a soft, natural light. The air in the room carried a subtle, refreshing scent, as if it had been kissed by the outdoors.

I sat up from lying down. That's when I realized I was in the hospital. I felt a pain in my stomach so I instinctively held onto that part. I remembered what happened to me last night. It was probably due to that guy's strong blow. Even my legs still hurt when I moved them. I looked out the window. If Rhyme hadn't come, I don't know where I'd be right now.

I bent my head as I remembered why I left the amusement park last night. I sighed deeply. Rhyme and Moryn love each other, but because of me, Moryn hesitates to accept that love. Moryn restrains her feelings for Rhyme because she doesn't want to hurt me. I covered my face with my palms and rested my elbows on my thighs. I promised myself that I would never give up on Moryn. But what I'm gonna do now? I don't want to be a hindrance to their happiness either. I'm hurting, it hurts so much.

I glanced at a nightstand beside my bed. I was surprised to see a bunny keychain. I picked it up. This is exactly what Mom gave me before. I smiled as I looked at it and felt tears welling up in my eyes. Mom, wherever you are right now, I hope you still remember me. I hope I still remain in your heart. I hope you miss me too.

I wiped away my tears with my hand. It's strange. I wonder where this keychain came from. I don't remember winning it. And I didn't notice any of us buying it. Oh well, I left them, maybe they played at the shooting gallery again. But that seems impossible because Leah was in line then, as we were about to ride the ferris wheel. I touched my forehead. My head hurts from overthinking. It's my fault too. I wish I hadn't let my emotions control me during those times, that wouldn't have happened to me.

Rhyme may have brought me here at the hospital. I don't remember anything after he saved me. I wonder how Moryn is doing. I hope I didn't worry her. She's overly concerned. And when I meet Leah, I'm sure I might receive a lecture. What if the three of them ask me why I suddenly left the amusement park? What excuse can I come up with? I can't tell them about what I overheard from Moryn and Rhyme's conversation. And as for my bike, I wonder where it is.

One week passed before I returned to class. I was starting to worry that I might have missed a lot of lessons and activities in some subjects. Luckily, my professors understood, but I still need to catch up on my projects. That's alright. I'm just thankful that they gave me consideration. Even though I was only absent for a week, it feels like Rhyme left me behind for over a year.

Speaking of that guy, I immediately noticed when I entered the classroom this morning that he was quiet and didn't even look at me. Only Moryn and I usually engage in conversation. Well, we're not particularly close, and we don't talk frequently. But there's still something about him that I can't quite comprehend. He appears to be serious and lost in his own thoughts, or perhaps he's simply tired. After class, since the student council office lounge was unoccupied, Leah let us spend our time there for a while.

And here's Moryn, asking again if I'm really fine now. Well, my wounds are actually healing now, but I still can't move around properly. "Hey, why did you suddenly leave last night?" Leah asked, her brows furrowed as she sat on the couch next to Rhyme. I knew it. We're really here for them to interrogate me about what really happened that night. I knew that they would eventually ask, and now that I'm in this position, I still don't know what to say. It seems like I can't decide whether to tell the truth or not.

I stole a glance at Rhyme, who was elegantly perched at the edge of the couch, leaning his back. One of his elbows casually rested on the armrest, while his chin found support in his hand. His gaze intriguingly wandered in a different direction. I looked back at Leah, her expression indicating her anticipation for my response. I forced a laugh while scratching my head. Oh no. What should I say? Should I admit that I saw Rhyme and Moryn confessing their feelings, which is why I walked out?

"Well, umm." I started. "Come on, Night. Just say it." Leah raised her eyebrow slightly, making me gulp nervously. Suddenly, Moryn embraced me from the side. "I think that's enough," Moryn said affectionately. To be honest, I felt a sense of relief because of that.

"There are things that we simply can't share with other people, and that doesn't imply a lack of trust on her part towards us," Moryn explained, then glanced at me. "If she's not ready to tell us, then let her be. I'm certain she has her reasons for keeping it to herself." I let out a faint smile. Even though that was the only reaction I could show, I was incredibly happy because, after all, she still understood me. I heard Leah let out a sigh.

"Fine. If that's a family problem, then I just hope you could get through it." Finally. I was sure they wouldn't bother me anymore about what really happened that night.

"Now I'm hungry," Leah complained and glanced at Rhyme. Coincidentally, Rhyme also looked at her.

"What?" He shrugged.

"Just go buy something to eat." Leah gave a direct order.

"Why me? You're the one who's hungry," Rhyme complained as well.

"Can you stop being so difficult! Hurry up!" She insisted. Eventually, I knew that Rhyme realized he had no choice, so he simply followed his sister's command.

After Rhyme left the office, I suddenly felt the urge to follow him. I've been wanting to talk to him about what happened that night. "I'll just help Rhyme," I said as I stood up. Despite being in a hurry, I still noticed the surprise on their faces upon hearing my plan to follow Rhyme and help him. I understood them since it wasn't our usual practice for Rhyme and me to help each other. But he actually helped me that night.

I ran to catch up with him as he walked down the hallway.

"Rhyme!" I called out, causing him to stop and look back at me. "I just want to thank you for saving me," I said.

"Don't get the wrong idea. I did it so that Moryn wouldn't worry about you," he replied in his serious tone. I lowered my head.

"Even so, you still saved me, so I still want to thank you," I said as I lifted my head, and he resumed walking.

"You have no idea how much you worried Moryn, so don't do that again," he added. I remained silent, staring at his back.

When we arrived at the food court, he handed me the list of food that Leah wanted to buy. He told me to be the one to buy while he just sat at a table, scrolling through his phone, seemingly with no intention of helping me. Seriously! This guy is really stubborn, no matter what. Honestly, I joined him to have a conversation with him, not to help him.

When he was carrying me that night, just before I lost consciousness, I asked Rhyme for a favor. I pleaded with him not to tell anyone, especially Moryn, about what had happened. Thankfully, he agreed. But he promised that those two guys would still be held accountable by the law without Moryn knowing what happened.

We returned to the office of the student council with me being the one carrying all the food items his sister requested. It's irritating! These paper bags I'm carrying are so heavy, and he didn't even bother to help me. He walked ahead with his hands in his pockets. It was only when we were close to the door that he finally offered his assistance. After all, this guy is still so mean. When we entered, I noticed the brightening of Moryn and Leah's faces upon seeing the food we brought. We hadn't even set the food down yet, and they already looked so tempted.

Rhyme returned to his seat earlier, being quiet again and sipping his iced coffee. I opened my bag to retrieve my cellphone. "Your keychain," Moryn softly said. I immediately looked at the bunny keychain that I had attached to the zipper of my bag since I had no other place to put it, and I usually leave the house key at aunt Penny's house. I also wanted to see it all the time. In the moment I catch sight of this keychain, my mom is the first thing that comes to mind.

"Oh, this? Leah gave this to me," I replied. Leah texted me that day when I found this keychain in the nightstand. She said she got it for me to lift my spirits. She furrowed her brow.

"From Leah?" She asked, looking at Leah and Rhyme as if puzzled.

"Oh yeah. When you guys left me in line, it took you so long to come back, so I got bored. I went back to the shooting gallery, and that's how I got it," Leah explained with a big smile.

"Oh, I see," Moryn said.

"It's cute, isn't it?" I said.

"Of course. Absolutely adorable," Moryn enthusiastically replied.

 When we left the building, I was shocked by their surprise. I saw my bike, repaired and looking brand new. I was extremely grateful to them, and I felt like crying tears of joy. I was worried about my bike. My dad saved money to buy it, and I didn't want to disappoint him by destroying it. I went home feeling overjoyed. It felt so light to carry this bike now. I'm just wondering, does my dad know about what happened to me?