
Lovelorn Tie Lassie

the boy i loved saved me and my friend from an accident but nearly died . losing him , triggered my past life memories to return . as soon as i digested what entered my head i saw a cold body covered in red no , not red but blood !! the face which was covered in blood still couldn't hide his beauty but that didn't matter now . i realized at the sight of the face . he was my lover in all those lifes ! we died together every time . i immediatedly checked his pulse . he was barely alive ! he survived but way too much things about him changed . to make matters worse me and 3 more girls were dragged into a game to get his love !? we all compete together to get his love while fighting the dark figures that lurk in the shadow who want to erase love !! and why do all these beautiful boys around us ? geez, too much to receive love. who are they ? what do they want ? why is my beloved in the centre of all of it ? why do we play this game ? what is the ulitimate outcome ? and other millions of questions n my head . will i be able to solve this web of twisted love ! will we escape this game or not and have a happy ending ? i will change the future !! ------------------------------------------------------------------- welcome to the game of Lovelorn Tie Lassie . in short LTL . i am Danielle . your commenter in the game , let's see who receives the love of the heavenly boy . Rules :- 1) cannot use underhanded methods to get love 2) respect the heavenly boy's decisions 3) cannot harm the heavenly boy 4) use of magic and potions is prohibited on the heavenly boy. if you don't break these rules then everything is fair ! after all there are needed some shackles to make the game interesting ! not everything is fair in love and war , and these is both !! now let's see who are the contestants :- Camilia Wixx Ishtar Moyon Juliane Coraline Annalise Lorelie Bithiah now, let's see the judge :- the heavenly boy , Zane Adonai and ( the author ) now let's meet the audience :- The God (people reading the novel ) i Danielle will give you updates about the game so let the game , begin !! i wish the contestants the worst luck and hope that you all lose !! after all tragic is the best ........

Athena_Amor · SF
10 Chs

Orpheus and Eurydice - 4

Orpheus fell in love with a nymph named Eurydice, who tragically died on their wedding day when she was walking down the aisle and stepped on a poisonous snake.

Orpheus was able to make his way to the Underworld and used his musical talents to convince Hades to release his true love. Hades agreed, but only if Orpheus would lead his bride to the world of the living without looking back to make sure she was following him.

Orpheus almost made it all the way to the surface before he couldn't control himself and turned around.

Eurydice had been following him the whole time but once he looked at her she was immediately taken back to the land of the dead for eternity. Orpheus swore to never love again.


what a love story ! dear orpheus , who told you to be impatient ?! can't control yourself from seeing your beloved so , broke the promise ? too stupid ! have some conscience and to make matters worse , you seem to blame your love for that ?! it was your impatientness that caused this y'know ? or is it that you can't love anyone else other than your beloved . hmm.. now that's what i call love ! can't love anyone else other than your beloved . so sweet ! i wish that it's option 2 or else i am going to time travel and smack that empty brain of yours .

" Or bid the soul of Orpheus sing On the Morning of Christ's Nativity Such notes as, warbled to the string, Drew iron tears down Pluto's cheek, And made Hell grant what Love did seek. "

such a story ! orpheus if you can see this , make it that option 2 is your choice or else, you are a goner . wishes from athena !

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