
Loved by chance

Jodie, a sophisticated beautician who has had her fair share of heartbreak and just got out of a relationship. She meets Zayne. She’s attracted to him but he wants just a one-night stand with her and nothing more. Will she succumb to his wants or will she be able get him to fall in love with her.

Nechel_1 · 都市
18 Chs

Chapter 5


 The evening was getting chilly, I watch Sophie and her husband walk to the elevator. Jason is taking her home. We had already said our goodbyes. Sophie looks back at me, gives me a sly smile and waves at me. I wave back to her shaking my head. The two of them huddled into the elevator. I feel Ruby cuddling tighter against me, I had almost forgotten she was there. She had insisted that I carry her. She is exhausted from all the running about. 

 "It's getting cold out here, we should take Ruby in" Kayla says standing up, motioning for Robert to do same. He gingerly pick her up from my body but not before Ruby sleepily wrapped her little arms around my neck and pressed her lips to my cheek. I hug her back.

 "Good night pumpkin" I whispered into her ears. And put her into Robert's open arms. Kayla standing bedside him looks at me.

 "Will you be okay up here?" Kayla asked. "Ruby likes the both of us tucking her in and Zay should be back up soon"

 "Yeah, sure" I smile. I watch my Kayla and her husband leave with Ruby. I've always admired her strength and ability to build a healthy family. I'm sure Sophie also looks up to her. This got me wondering why her brother is doesn't want a family.

The elevator pinged open and he walks out, he has changed out of his ridiculous looking onesie. He's now in a half buttoned shirt and jeans trousers. I've also changed back into my clothes. He seems surprised and relieved to see I'm the only one left up here.

 "Where're they? he asks motioning to the empty chairs where Kayla and Robert had earlier sat and settling into a chair opposite mine.

 "Ruby needs to be tucked in by both her parents" I say casually hugging myself. 

 "So typical of Ruby" he smiles as he replies.

 "You adore her. Ruby, I mean. I saw how you were with her today"

He shrugs "Yeah I do. You'd make a great mom you know that right?"

 "Awwww, thank you. I'd take that as a compliment. I hope I will. Seeing you with Ruby today. You still don't want to try marriage and kids?" I asks tilting my head to look at him. 

He shakes his head "I don't know how this sounds but I'm too selfish to try. I like my freedom" I regard him rubbing my arms. He looks down at his hands.

 "Should we go watch the street" I asked trying to break the silence. Although the street would be empty now but anything to make him speak.

He regards me for a while before nodding. We both stood and walked to the ledge of the rooftop with low glass railings. I lean over the rails and let my hands dangle as he stares into the street. We remain like this for a while as he turns to stare at me intently. I always know when he's staring but I refuse to be fazed.

 "I used to be scared of heights no matter how low" I say looking at him.

 "You're not doing so bad here" he narrows his eyes and turns his gaze back to the streets.

I shrug "Sophie helped me get over it in a funny way, she pushes me down from little heights until I stopped being scared"

He smiles. I like the fact that I got to make him smile.

 "Tell me, what's the most recent thought you've had that most people won't say out loud?" I asked.

 "I should say honestly?" he looks at me and I nod.

He looks me straight in the eye "I want you! Like here and now" I wondered what I was expecting to hear as my mouth open and clamps shut almost immediately. I was thankful for the the dark night because of how heated up my face is. I hear him chuckle and raises his hands in the air in surrender. Not what I thought he would have said.

 "You asked for my most recent thoughts so I answered. You're irresistibly beautiful. I am a guy. That's what I think that most people won't say out" he grins.

I couldn't look him back in the eye. I groan inside me.

 "We'll I've made it clear that I'm not into one night stand" I finally replied.

 "You won't agree to a one-night stand. How far would you go Jodie?" His eyes matching mine.

 "Before what?" I whisper I could almost not hear myself.

 "Before I have you"

 "I don't know" I whispered again breathlessly not understanding what his voice was doing to me.

In a swift move he reaches out, pulls my body to bump into his. I feel my body stiffens, he's so close I can feel the warmth of his breath cutting the cold air. His face was just a few inches away yet I refuse to look at him, but I didn't pull away either. If I did look at him, we'd brush lips.

 "Jodie" he whispers into my ears and brushes lips against them, I shut my eyes as he begins to slowly crawl his fingers towards the hem of my shirt. He begins to inch it upward in the same motion until a slither of my stomach is showing. "Oh God" I whisper as my hand slides up her stomach. I

 turns to face him. I opened my eyes to look at him. The look in his eyes completely captivated me. He looks hungry and hopeful at the same time. I sink my teeth into my lower lips as his hand begins to tease it's way up in my shirt. I can feel my heartbeat quicken really hard.

 "Is this too far?" He asks. I shake my head and say "not even close"

With a grin he brushes his fingers underneath of my bra lightly, slowly rubbing the hardened nipples through the bra.

A moan escapes my lips and as soon as my eyelids fall shut, a piercing ring pierces through the air. It is a phone ringing. His hand stiffens when he realizes it was his phone. He drops his forehead on my shoulders. "Dammit" he rasped.

I couldn't hide my frown as soon as his hand slips out from beneath my shirt. He fumbles for his phone in his pocket, taking several feet back to take the call. I watch him walking to and fro rubbing his hand over his face. I gripped the back of my neck as I look at him. 

 "I'm sorry" he mouthed to me. After several huhs over the phone he ends the call after saying"I'll be right there".

He takes a long stride back to me "I have an emergency at the clinic, put your number here" he says as he passes his phone to me. I hesitated "please" he whispers.

I type in my number hoping he wouldn't leave, and passes the phone back to him.

 "I will find you" he says as he brushes his fingers against my cold cheek.