
What is it really?.....

What is love?

Why was it so mysterious?

Why do we need to love?

Why do we need to be loved?

Why is the LOVE so powerful?

There are many questions that I really wanted to ask someone, for me to know the answers.

My life was just as you could say ordinary, just like everyone else. But after the pandemic happened and an incident, my mom chose for us to live to our maternal grandmother's house to permanently live there.

I don't really want to because I don't have any friends there. I wanted to go live with my paternal grandmother in another municipality. But fate seemed to planned everything already, because after I saw my mom's pleading eyes and tearing up, I couldn't gather my courage to say what I want and in the end, I agreed to go with them.

I really planned to stay quiet, friendless and a loner in this new place, and to my new school. I'm gonna be a senior high school student and I originally really wanted to take the strand GAS but in the school that I enrolled to doesn't have that strand. My second choice should be ICT strand but when the teacher assigned was asking me what strand I wanted to choose, my mouth suddenly moved on it's own and said HUMSS that made me fall into a daze that turned into a surprised.

I just don't know that time that it was already the start of my journey to get to know the word love.

I met my now circle of friends, as an introverted person, I won't really go out of my way to meet and find new friends but they are the one who approached me first and and from the start I was so awkward with them until we got to know each other more and more.

It was the first subject at the afternoon, we are electing the subjects officers. He approached us, what I mean he sat on the chair between me and my new friend, I don't really have that much of impression about him that time, all I know is that he seemed to have something going on with our classroom president. He started to joke around me and my friend and because I wasn't familiar with him, I ignored him like he was just an air. I got annoyed by him who always keeps on chattering and joking,I told him some quite harsh words and instead to keep his mouth shut he still keep on joking around me even more until his friends got him to be elected to be the vice president for our subjects officers, I laughed at his face it was so funny, his disbelieving reaction to his friends betrayal haha. It made me laugh a bit, he noticed my smile and complimented me. I got shy and blushed and he started to annoy me even more by teasing me.

That same day at night he sent me a friend request in facebook and texted something that I had said to him and again I got annoyed. But then I smiled as he was the one who made me feel really happy after for so many months of worrying.

It's my life experience about LOVE. They said it's more easy to share your thoughts to strangers so I gathered up my courage to write this.

96Winter_Snow43creators' thoughts