
First love

Love is something that you will experience atleast once in your life and the first love is always special. You may not have it for the rest of the life but it will make your rest of the life memorable. In india love stories are always complicated they never has a good ending without struggle . So it is a indian story which starts in the school between two lovely teens. So let's get into our story.

It was a boring maths class because most of us feel it boring just like our lead. The students were exausted by solving the problems but there was a guy in the class who was literally enjoying the class not because solving the sums but he was watching her love the girl with whom he imagined the rest of the life.

Armaan the lead of our story is the one who is experiencing his first love. He was lost watching her he was feeling like he is the most luckiest guy. Shreya (love of our lead) has the prettiest eyes and smile that he has never seen. Shreya asked armaan can she borrow his pen?. He immediately handed over his pen with a smile. The maths class is finished and the students are happy finally they are going to have their lunch.

Armaan was standing with his friends near the water cooler then shreya comes to fill her bottle with her friends. Armaan friends starts shouting armaan armaan (as its a sign of true friendship in india) and they run away. Then one of the friend or armaan says ` you have been crushing on her for a long time it's high time you should propose her' armaan blushes but says no. His friend tells why are fearing i am there for you i will come with you then armaan accepts his request and go to propose her. Shreya was passing through the corridor with her friends.

Armaan calls shreya because of the courage given by his friend but when he calls and turns back he found his friend was missing. He got nervous but some how gathers courage to talk to her. Shreya replies yes armaan then he wishpers the three most magical words `I Love You` to shreya and runs from there.

So are you wondering what will happen next lets see it in our next chapter.