
Love You Now and After

Anna an orphan all her life does not know what it means to be truly loved. When she gets to know that she has only six more months to live due to cancer, she decides to spend the remaining time with her only friend since childhood and moves in with her. To her utter horror, she realizes that her best friend's boyfriend is falling for her and so she tries everything in her power to avert the catastrophe that might tear her friend's life apart. With the help of Jayden Strum a self-declared playboy and an impossible rogue, anna hatches a plan but never would have guessed the cost to be so heart-wrenchingly painful. (The world is similar to ours but not the same. The current year is 703. The country is called Norwok)

AraWhesto · 都市
3 Chs

Andrew Lewis

----Andrew POV----

I notice Anna as soon as I get out of the house, she is mesmerized by the house and the scenery. She looks blissful and that has some kind of a charm to it. I have only seen her in video chats and hadn't noticed much, but she is a beautiful girl. I don't know why I had thought otherwise, could be because I could not imagine her looking so normal even though she has struggled a lot with her cancer. Catherine talks about how difficult it was and how brave Anna was throughout her treatment. I admire Anna for her bravery and her attitude towards her illness. She didn't let it stop her life and went on to achieve such great things.

Catherine shows Anna to her room on the first floor, which is opposite our room and there is a study area in the middle. Anna takes a look at the collection of books on the bookcase on her way and she looks impressed. There are a lot of scientific journals and books along with novels. I love to check out the latest advancement in science and technology.

"I will give you guys some space and leave now, you guys must have a lot to talk about and Anna it is good to have you here", I say and turn to leave. Anna says "Thanks for letting me stay here, it means a lot to me". I feel there is some hidden meaning to it, don't know why I got that feeling.

When Catherine told me about Anna moving here with us I was a little caught off guard since it had come up all of a sudden, but I didn't mind. I know she is like a sister to Cathy and I wanted them to be able to spend time together. But something keeps nagging me about the timing though. As Cathy told me, Anna never took such a long break from work unless it was an emergency. Cathy says she asked about it and Anna said she needed a break after her recent invention. I guess I am worrying about nothing. I am a bit of a sceptic sometimes and it is hard for me to ignore some details. It will be different to have her around in the house though and maybe interesting too, from what I hear we have a lot in common.

Cat pushes me to go on my way and Anna waves and says "See you around". I smile at that.

----Anna POV----

" So what do you think about Andrew", Cat asks me as soon as Andrew leaves. I took stock of my surrounding in the study area and liked the feel of it. I am guessing most of those scientific titles are Andrews. Cat says he reads a lot, one point in his favor according to me if you ask me.

"I like him, he is so witty and kind, and the looks, they are to die for. You couldn't have picked anyone better Cat, I am truly happy for you", I hug and kiss her on the cheek.

Cat beams at me with this besotted smile on her face and I know she is thinking the same. "I knew you would like him".

"Mind though he is still on probation, I need to study him more to give out my final verdict", I quickly interject.

She laughs and says "Yeah I will be waiting for that".

We walk towards what should be my bedroom.

"This is your room, we are just across from you", Cat says leading me towards a lovely room. The first thing I notice is the large windows spanning one whole side of the room opposite the door. They are wide open at the moment looking into the forest beyond and I can even see a part of a waterfall near the horizon amid the trees. I can smell the fragrance of trees and flowers nearby with the light breeze that comes once in a while.

"Is there a waterfall nearby, I can only make out some part of it from this distance", I turn to Cat and ask.

"Yes there is one, I will take you there sometime"

There is a spacious bed and an antique cabinet opposite the bed, with a huge oval mirror above it. There is another large antique chest of drawers beside the bed and a desk near the window. I love everything about this room.

" I love it here Cat, this is such an amazing place, I should have come here sooner", I say smiling.

"Whoever was stopping you from coming, took you long enough to finally heed my advice".

I sigh. "I know I should have listened to you".

"I am happy that you like it here as much as I thought you would", she says smiling.

I had missed living with her, it will be good to have that back again, even if it is just temporary.

I have to make the most of my time with her now, I decided I will not tell her about my situation just yet. Once I tell her there would be this shadow hanging around us, of my impending doom and we wouldn't be able to do everything I want to do like we used to before. I could postpone it for a little while, to truly enjoy my time with her without any other thoughts or worries.

"Is anything the matter An, you look like you were doing some heavy thinking right now", Cat asks me seeing me zone out there.

"No, nothing's the matter, everything is as it should be", I say and smile to reassure her. "Just can't believe we get to live together again. I want to do everything we used to do and missed so much of it these past four years".

"Of course, we will. Oh wait, don't tell me you already have a list prepared".

"Sure I do, how else will I make up for all these years, I have stored it in my head".

We laugh together and this feels right, it feels like home. "According to my list, the first thing to do is go out shopping with you", I say and she groans.

"Oh no you and your shopping, I am going to be roaming around the stores a lot, aren't I? I never understood your craze for it. You never buy much, but love to look at everything there is. What kind of shopping is that".

"You promised me that we will do everything I like, I remember it clearly", I say with air quotes " Come stay with me for a while An, we can do anything you like and have loads of fun just like we used to", she slaps my hand away. " And now you have to keep your word my dear Cat", I finish saying.

"Oh stop, don't be so dramatic, I will go with you. I was just pulling your leg anyway", Cat clarifies.

So it was decided that we would go shopping tomorrow, since Cat had also taken a few days off work, it will probably give me enough time with her until I tell her my news.