
Chapter 4

Catherine was hanging out on the streets for half a day.

  There was nowhere she could go. She was force to imprison during the halfway of the university study. Now she must be eliminated from the school register, and she can not go back to the university anymore.

  Friends ... In order to chase Adam, she offended a lot of people around her. Only one girl that she got along well with, had already studied abroad, not in this country anymore.

  She has no other place to go except going back home.

  Catherine dawdled for a while, she worked up the courage and took the car home.

  Just when she arrived at the door, she had met the family's old maid, Nancy.

  Nancy said with a surprised look on her face, "Miss Catherine, you're out of jail?"

  Catherine froze slightly and said awkwardly, "Yes ... Nancy, how did you know I was in jail?"

  She did not tell her family about this.

  Nancy said: "What happened about you are all on the news, everyone watches and knows it. You attempted murder, and sentenced to three years in the jail! The master knew the news, and he was so angry that he was hospitalized!"

  Catherine asked anxiously, "Is my father okay now?"

  Nancy hurriedly grabbed her, took her a few steps outside the house and whispered, "The master still forbids everyone in the family to mention about you! He said you have disgraced the whole family. And he said that once you get out of jail, he will give you a lesson!"

  Catherine stood in amazement and slowly drooped her head.

  Nancy let out a sigh and said, "My young lady, I think, you should not go home for a while. Maybe after some time, when the master has not being angry anymore, you might come back. otherwise ... I am afraid that he will have to be hospitalized again."

  Father was getting older. It was very important to live in a health life. He had already had hypertension and hyperglycemia. Catherine didn't want to let him down and get stimulated again.

  "I know ...," Catherine said despondently, "I'm gonna leave right now."

  Catherine returned to the busy downtown area. The lights were bright and the traffic was unstoppable, but Catherine could not find a place to live.

  She walked absentmindedly on the street for half a night. She was so tired that she wanted to find a hotel to check in. However she count the money in her bag, only a few hundred. This few amount of money can not afford for anything and it can't last a few days.

  She had to find a job.

  But a woman who had not graduated from college and had been in prison for three years, could not find any decent job at all.

  She has been outside for three days, the money she had could not even afford to eat.

  Standing at the busy streets, Catherine bit her lips and thought. In order to live, she can do anything. It's just like ... what she did in prison.

  Taking a deep breath, Catherine walked into the red light district.

  She found a job at a massage hair salon, the owner of the salon is a slightly fat woman named Helen. She is always holding a cigarette between her fingers. She only took one look at Catherine, and agreed to give her a job.

  She also gave her food and a place to live. But there is no base salary. The salary is all from commission. And all Catherine had to work, is standing at the corner of the street, soliciting customers. Every time she solicit a customer in, she get ten dollars paid.

  This work content is the best that Catherine can find, and she did not hesitate to agree to it.

  Helen nodded and said, "It's almost dark, you come with me to change your clothes, put on make-up, and go to work tonight."

  Catherine followed her through a dark corridor and entered the innermost dressing room.

  It was called a dressing room, but actually was a miscellaneous room with a mirror. And there were already several women in different ages sitting inside, putting on makeup and changing clothes.

  When they saw Helen, they all greet to her one by one.

Helen walked into the room, took a puff of smoke, let Catherine sit in to a chair. She came close to Catherine and looked her small face up and down.

  Catherine's appearance is extremely delicate. Even without any makeup, but she also looks better than the normal girls outside.

  The three years of prison life have sharpened her youthfulness, giving her eyebrows a few more distinctive and deep charm.

  "You look really good." Helen said admiringly, "It's good for you to work as a main force here. Behave well, I'm counting on you."

  After putting on the make-up, Helen gave her a set of red short skirt. She was asked to wear them, and go to the intersection to solicit customers.