
Chapter 3: Love? What is that?

Han Li Chen walk towards the elevator with an alluring aura. He pressed the button and stepped into the elevator. His eyes caught a silhouette of a woman. Li Chen saw that woman's face. Her face was flushed red. Li Chen found out that she was crying.

' Why she's crying?'.

Li Chen didn't know why his heart felt a piercing pain like stabbed by knife when he looked at that woman.

Afterwards, a faint sound of sobbing heard by Li Chen. He wanted to ask the woman but as soon as the elevator reached the floor, the weird woman run out. Li Chen saw a glimpse of that woman's face. ' So beautiful but what makes her cry?'. He flustered with his own thoughts.

Li Chen shook his head and walked out of the elevator. He drove his car to meet Ji Cheng.

He had promised Luo Ji Cheng to have a drink tonight. 'Pure Garden Club'

" Chen ge. Why are you so late? We've been waiting for you half an hour. Sit here." urged Ji Cheng.

Luo Ji Cheng is Han Li Chen's junior as well as his best friend. They have been friend since middle school.

" Chen ge. Don't you have any girl with you? Why don't I introduce you with some?"

" Don't worry of me. I'm not interested. Can we just drink and forget about woman. I'm so annoyed with them"

" Chen ge. Don't be like this. Have you ever been in love? I've never see you with any woman. Truthfully speaking, are you gay?"

" Hey, watch your mouth."

" Haha. Chen ge. You're not young anymore. Don't you want to find a lover? Fall in love?"

" Love? What is that? I don't know. The sight of woman make me terribly annoyed."

As he talked, he remembered that woman. His heart quiver remembering it.

" Chen ge. Do you remember Lu Chi Feng?"

" Lu Chi Feng? Lu's family only son?"

" Yes, that one. I've got an invitation to his wedding tomorrow. Do you wanna come over? He keep asking me to bring you."

" I'm not really interested with his wedding. Furthermore, his family is so fake."

" Chen ge. Why don't you follow me? Can you?"

" Alright. Send me the address."

Li Chen and Ji Cheng continue their drinks until midnight.