
Chapter 1: Thanks, my dear.

Chen Anhao is very happy as she waited for the night falls. She try every ways to control her excitement.

"Tomorrow is my wedding day! Aaaahh. What should I do?" Anhao try to suppress her excitement once again.

The day that she has been waiting for a long time finally came. She's very excited. Lu Chi Feng, the man who made her heart waver everytime she hear his voice.

She has been in love with Chi Feng for 5 years. Now, the time has come. She's completely excited.

"Ha!? I should meet Chu Xia or else I'll be totally insane. I should tell ask her to help me out. I need to get a hold of myself." Anhao left her room to see Chu Xia.

She called Chu Xia but there's nobody answer, so she made her way to Chu Xia's room.

As she reached the door, she heard a faint sound of panting. Her body started to shiver. She reached out her hand to the door knob. Unfortunately, the door made a creak sounds and attract the people inside.

Entering the room, Anhao was very shocked to see such unpleasant surprises. Never in her life thought that the friend who she loved and pampered dearly would done this kind of bullsh*t.

Her friend? having a *** with her future husband? Wow. Anhao thought she's daydreaming but a sore voice of the man make her realised it ain't a dream.

" Anhao, it's not like what you see. I and Xia Xia had nothing. This is just a mere accident. I don't know. It's all her scam." said Lu Chi Feng. His face showed a fake smile while blaming Chu Xia.

" An accident? woah. Are you taking me as a kid? Lu Chi Feng!! I'm clearly saw you enjoyed having *** with her just now, yet you still try to say you're had nothing to do with it. You damn son of a b*tch! You f*cked my friend yet you still act innocent. Listen here, Lu.Chi.Feng! From today onwards, we had nothing. The wedding cancel and I will sue your family for tainting my family with your f*cking *ss." Anhao stopped before she continued.

" And as for you, the delicate An.Chu.Xia! I want you to mark in your head that I , Chen Anhao is no longer your friend. I'm not blaming you that you having *** with this bastard. I just hated the fact that all this time I've been a friend with a slut. Don't ever show me your vuglar face or I'll make sure you will never get out of your house. Because from today, I'll make sure to reveal to the world how damn you and Chi Feng are. Thanks my dear, ex-bestfriend and ex-future husband. Thanks for the memory." Chen Anhao turned her head and reached the door before she come to halt.

" Anhao. Don't you dare to dream of stepping on me. Don't you know that all this time, I and Chi Feng had been having affair behind your back? Don't you know how funny you're? You innocently believe that he will marry and love you dearly. But he's only playing with you. I am his lover. As for you, you're just a toy. Haha Anhao. I'm sorry for you" Chu Xia said with a mocking face. Serve you right Anhao.

" Please don't be sorry Chu Xia. I'm very pleased to see you guys hooked up together as the people says bird flock together." Anhao continue her step towards elevator.

Lu Chi Feng tried to stop Anhao but Chu Xia held him from make a move. Lu Chi Feng didn't love Anhao but he use her as his family sheild. Chen family is known as one of most influence family in A city. He loves Chu Xia but her family is nothing compare to Anhao. The thought of it make him somehow regret about it.