

When Maria's phone rang first time , Mike was happy and mourned for that person secretly. However he received high volt shock , when he saw Maria accepted the incoming call. After that he had a mini heart attack when he heard 'boss' word from Maria's mouth. Mike never thought that he would ever heard this word from Maria's mouth. His darling June was boss herself. Who could become her boss? He started to think different situation. But none of situation did fit today's matter.

However Mike felt different vibes from the conversation of Maria and her boss. Although Maria called that person 'boss' , her attitude revealed opposite action. Looked like his baby June was still boss in this mission. It just normal people did not know the matter. Still Mike was curious about unknown boss of Maria. He had to meet that person. Judging from their conversation , he would meet that person today if his luck was blessed. Then Mike suppressed his curiosity and returned to the normal topics.

"Baby , who was that person? You even called that 'boss'." Mike asked calmly.

"His name is Joseph Foley. He is a special officer under PBI department. He is my boss and solo in-charge of this drug case. I'm a mere biochemist with unofficial tittle." Maria replied.

"Owao baby. I never thought that you will call someone 'boss'. However looks like you are the boss of this mission, am I right?" Mike teased.

Hearing Mike's words , Maria rolled her eyes. However she was happy inside. Many days later she felt this closeness and happiness. Although Maria felt her freedom after losing her memory , she still had some shackle. However Mike reconnected her old happiness and memory again. This made her truly happy. She just wish she could give her brother same happiness. Then she gave Mike a soft smile.

"Prepare yourself if you want to come with me. Although you can not be with me , you still can watch drama from little distance. I prepared an invitation card for you. I have other things to do now , so do not talk here. Also please check my dress delivery. I haven't had time to check for that." Maria said with a smile.

Then she started to do her unfinished work. After hearing Maria's delivery news , Mike checked the message and confirmed the location with delivery boy. 15 minutes later , a guard from Maria's house received Maria's dress and handed over Mike. At 10:00 am Maria finished her work and left the laboratory. Then she told Mike to prepare himself and she already bought him a suit. Hearing this , Mike was surprised and revealed a happy expression. After that both friend went to their own room to prepare them. One was going for revenge and other was going for pure enjoyment.

Wedding banquet would start at 12:00 pm. So Maria had lots of time to warp huge gifts for cheat couple. Also Mike had to record everything in his camera for his buddies to watch. Thus both Maria and Mike had different task. And they started to make them the best.


On the other side Jason, Mia, Mary, Kate, Ella and Aiden could not sleep well last night. Their thoughts were filled with Maria and her identity. Those six of them could not wrap up their mind properly and they kept remembering their old memory where they first met Maria and how they became friends. How they became close friends with each other. Although they had status differences before , they always believed that Maria was someone with high status. However they did not know that Maria's status would be this high. Now they did not know what to do or what to say in front of Maria. They somehow started to fear Maria's big identity.

They never thought that their friend would have such huge identity. This was the reason that none of Maria's friends called her till now. Although they listened all the matter of Maria , they could not gather courage to call Maria in the morning. Actually they were hesitating to call her. Unknown to them , Maria had no idea of their hesitation. She also forgot about last night's confession matter. All she remembered now was her revenge plan. Mike presence also helped Maria to forget about anything else.

After breakfast all of the He Family members who were present last night sat together with Mia, Kate, Ella and Aiden in the living room silently. No one said any words for half an hour. Few minutes later Mia broke the silence.

"Jason, say something. You did not say anything after last night meetings. We did not know even Maria's whereabouts. Because of our hesitation, we did not call her till now. If we do not call her , she will think that we did not accept her. Today is an important day for Maria. Think before you do something. She still our friend." Mia said with serious tone.

"You are right, Mia. Maria did not call us till now. Only send a message last to inform us about not coming here. She told us that she would meet an old friend last night. However, we have no news of her till now. If she has to present wedding banquet, she will need us. Also we do not know about her friend." Aiden said with serious tone also.

"Right right. Now I remembered her friend's matter. She said that she would come here. But in the end, she cancelled that schedule. She did not even inform us about her whereabouts till now. Jason call her immediately. She already accepted all of you when she told all of you about her real identity. Now any of you can not back out from this." Jason's elder uncle Zack He said with authoritative tone.

Hearing Zack He's words , everyone regained their senses. Thus they regretted their action and started to worry for Maria. So, Jason followed his uncle's words and called Maria. At first no one received the call. When the second call started to ring , someone accepted the call.

"Hello. Who are you?" A male sounded the other end of the line.

When Jason heard male's voice , he somehow got panicked. Different kinds of thoughts surfaced in his minds. However he did not show his anxiety to everyone. Because they would feel anxiety more than him. Thus he forced his heart to calm down and started to talk.

"I'm Jason He and Maria's close friend. Who are you speaking? Where is Maria? Why did her phone with you?" Jason asked series of questions at the same time.

"I heard a lot about you last night from Maria. I'm Maria's childhood friend and my name is Mike Jonas. Maria is currently choosing a dress for her. In addition I can touch Maria's phone anytime. It's a special treatment for me. Ha ha ha ha. Why did you call Maria? As far as I know you should be at wedding banquet , am I right?" Mike replied with calm voice.

Hearing Mike's reply , Jason relaxed and automatically his anxiety vanished. He felt a huge rock lifted from his heart. Thus his expression eased a lot. Then he said , "Oh. That means Maria went to meet you last night. Although Maria did give some hints about you , I do not know until now. Good to know your name. We will see each other after weeding banquet. As for the reason of my call is that I'm also going wedding banquet along with others. Can you inform Maria to pick us from He Family mansion? By the way where are you both staying?"

"I see. You don't need to wait for me after wedding banquet. Actually I'm also going that wedding banquet. See you all in your house. I'll tell Maria to pick to you all. Also we are staying Maria's house. Last night we came here late that's why Maria did only message you. She did not want to disturb you , she did not tell her staying place. Actually I'm also partially responsible for this. Don't mind her. See you in one and half hour." Mike said with patient.

"No need to apologize. I understand her. Also thank you Mike. See you soon. Bye." said Jason.

After that Jason cut the call. Everyone in the living room stared at Jason like hawk. Then Jason's informed Maria's situation to everyone. Then Jason, Mia, Mary, Ella, Kate and Aiden hurriedly went to their rooms to prepare themselves. Elders who were in the living room , were astonished to see those devil kids actions.


Robert was waiting for today's wedding banquet to see his wild bunny. Thus he woke early in the morning although he could not sleep well last night because of his bunny. After having breakfast and completing his important works , he kept himself busy to choose a perfect suit for today's banquet. Although he did not need to prepare himself for this banquet , he still wanted to dress up for his wild bunny. So he would look more handsome than before and his wild bunny would fall for him immediately. Robert thought he somehow understood Maria's character. Unknown to him, no matter how handsome Robert looked , Maria would give a single face to him. Much less fell for his handsome charm. Because Maria was filled handsome guys from her childhood and it was like her daily routine , even her bodyguards were handsome also. Although Robert could compare her childhood handsome guys or could be superior than them , she would not not feel anything for Robert handsomeness. That was Maria's speciality. Because her brother's looks gave her the special immunity towards handsome charm.

Robert's action made his bodyguards and Sam speechless. They never saw this side of Robert. Robert's suits were always custom made for him from his personal designer. Thus no appropriate suit was allowed in here. However today Robert's action made them to think that their cold boss was going for blind date. If anyone from City B knew this , the whole city's female socialite would go crazy with jealousy. Because Robert was doing this for an unknown orphan girl.

Thanks for reading my story and waiting for me. If you have any thoughts about my story , feel free to comment it. Also support my story if you like. Love you all.

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