
Love will not enough

"WHAT THE HELL AMADEUS ASHER HARLOW! WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS TO ME?!" I shouted to him. But he just calmly looking at me sitting on his swilver chair that makes me even more angry! "Answer my damn question Asher! Why are you doing this to me!!" "Why? What am I doing to you? I don't really know what are you saying? " he innocently said then smirk. So damn annoying but he is damn so handsome! "YOU DAMN MAKING ME CRAZY FOR YOU. WHY DO YOU MAKE ME FEEL SO IMPORTANT! WHY DO YOU WORRIED SO MUCH TO ME?" I shouted in rage. I'm so much in rage right now. "Because, your my friend?" he is acting damn so innocent. "DAMN YOU ASHER! I HAVE A LOT OF FRIENDS ALREADY! AND YOU ALREADY KNOW THAT I'M DAMN INLOVE WITH YOU! DON'T ACT LIKE YOU COULDN'T FEEL IT!" there I said it! I'm damn inlove with my former enemy turned to be my friend. He stood up and walk towards me. He stop in front of me. He leaned and whisper. "Your still so gorgeous even when you are upset my baby."

143_Jansiii · 若者
12 Chs


Sylvan POV

I don't know what to do!! I just stared at his face whose looking at me emotionlessly.

I wanted to run!! I wanted to run where I can't see him but my damn feet can't move!!

"What are you still standing at?? Come on sit baby." My mother sweet voice makes me back on reality.

I sat beside my mother which causes for me to face Asher. I can't really look at him now I'm just too embarrassed to even look at. While my mother and her best friend are talking to each other, I can feel his stares.

"Mom, I'll just go to the restroom." I excused myself because his stare was too much! It's making my whole body nervous. He really has too much effect on my system huh??!

As I was about to closed the door of the restroom a hand suddenly came up and stop the door from closing it. My eyes grew bigger when I saw Asher dangerously looking at me.

He steps in that makes me step backwards he then now closed the door and he even locked it.

"What are you doing here? You are not allowed to enter Asher." I wanted to clap myself because I didn't stutter even though I really nervous like hell.

But he doesn't seem mind what I said because he is now walking closer to me but I didn't let it happen so I step backward, he moves closer again and again and again until I felt the cold wall on my back. That's the time when I saw him smirk.

"How dare you to ente---" I was cut when he move his face closer to mine and he gave a smack kiss on my lips.

"How dare you to leave me that night after you scream in pleasure and shout my name to move faster hmmm." I stilled when I felt his arms snaking around on my waist.

"What are you saying?" I lied. Damn it!

He smirk at my reaction and I was about to say something when he already claimed my lips.

I didn't know what happen? His kiss was rough at first which I like it because I felt he miss me and I hated to admit t but I really do miss this guy too. Until his kiss became slower and became intimate. I catch my owned breath when he releases my lips but his lips begun to travel to my cheeks to my ears until it reaches to my neck.

"Hmmmm, Ash" I moaned silently when he is sucking and licking my neck and went back to my lips, kissing me damn passionately.

I wanted to push him away but damn my hands do the opposite. My hands traveled to his arms and automatically wrap on his neck making him to deepen the kiss he was given me.

But my senses came back when I heard a loud knock on the door. I immediately push Asher away but damn he didn't even move a bit. He then gave me a peck kiss on my lips two times and buried his face on my neck. I was catching my breath.

"Alice Sylvan Sawyer! I know you're in there. You even put this caution in the door 'Do not enter, Under maintenance'!" I heard the voice of my mother.

I was about to speak when suddenly Asher lick my neck and suck it up.

"Ashh" I wanted to shout at him but instead a moan escapes from my mouth.

"Alice Sylvan!! Your making me worry baby." My mom's worried voice again filled the restroom.

Thank god Asher stops what he was just doing and just rested his lips on my cheeks, wrapping his hands on my waist not leaving any space between us.

"I'm okay mom, I am just talking to a very important people on the phone." I voiced out I felt Asher's lips move forming a smile.

"Then why put this sign?" I wanted to roll my eyes because Asher even though his lips were resting on my cheeks his hand is now traveling over on my body. I grab his hand, he look at me and I glared at him.

"I don't want any disturbance mom. Go back to the table now and I will follow after this call." I heard the heels of my mother walk away.

His face now looks so serious. I inhaled very deeply and move away from him. I fixed myself and my hair.

"Do you now remember how loud you scream my name and beg me to pound you faster?" he sarcastically said.

I rolled my eyes on him. Lying won't really help me to get away from him. I look at him and wipe his lips using my thumbs. After I remove the lipstick that smudge on his lips. I look at him in the eyes. I was about to say something but he suddenly spoke.

"Answer my question lady." His tone was so commanding and I hate to admit it to myself that I found it so hot.

"What was your question again?" I asked I literally forgot what he is asking me. His kiss makes me.... Whatever! He raised his eyebrow and gorgeously smirks.

"How dare you to leave me that night after you scream in pleasure and shout my name to move faster." He said very calmly.

I look at him with shocked written in all over my face. How can he damn calmly saying all of that thing.

"Damn it Asher! Don't say something like that so casually."

"Answer me lady." His seriousness is really making him hot even more though I prefer his playful aura. It less intimidating.

"Why would I answer your freaking question!! Your making me embarrass Asher." My face literally became so hot. But he just smirk at me and his next line really makes my whole body heat. Not just my face but my whole body.

"Answer me or I strip your clothes and eat your pussy and fuck you right where you are standing until you can't walk."

I cover my face with my both hands and when he tried to pull my hands away I tighten it but he is much stronger than I am. He pinned my both hands on top of me. I gulped.

"Let's not talk that here Asher." My tone is now pleading. It's like I'm surrendering to him that make him smile.

"Hmmmm, okay I'll text to you the address of my condo. Come over to my place this evening and well talk there." He is giving me a peck kiss on lips while his tone was so tender.

I don't even know why I'm allowing this man to just kiss me and come near me and I just can't believe myself that I am nodding on what he is saying.

He smiled at me and then gave me a peck on my lips and leaves me.

What the hell is happening to me? Why the hell my heart is beating so fast like what the fucking!!!! Hell!!

I inhaled a lot of air and went to our table. I sit on my chair and I can feel that they are all staring at me. My mother suddenly touch my face making me to face her and her eyes came down to my neck. I was so confused because she was just staring there. Her best friend also staring what my mother is staring while Asher is biting his lips preventing his lips to form a smile.

And then I realize that the part that my mother is touching was the spot where Asher lick and suck it earlier. Damn!!!!! Don't tell me he give me a damn hickey!!!!!

"What happen on here baby." I wanted to scream but damn it!! It really fucking shit like the fuck!! I look at Asher who is now slightly laughing. If a look can kill Asher would be dead right now.

"Don't worry mom. That was just a bite of an insect." My mind was so ruffled right now but I'm so amazed because my voice is so calm and I didn't even stutter. I looked at Asher who is now laughing so hard. My mother and her best friend also stare at Asher with their question look.

"Really an insect? That insect must be big. It probably big as human?" Asher asked slightly laughing. I wanted to punch him damn!!!! Why does he give me a damn hickey!!! Fucking shit him!

"Yeah, the insect is so big. Actually the insect is as big as you." I sarcastically smiled at him. He smile back an evil one

"Well, if that the case then the insect must be really big and hungry huh." He coolly said with an annoying smiled on his lips.

My whole face become hot and I'm positive that right now is really red.

Damn you Amadeus Asher Harlow