
Love: What does it mean

Taken, kidnapped, enslaved, they were all words that crosses Narutos mind. Where was she, was she okay. His mind drifted to his pink petal haired friend? Lover? He didn't know but he did need to know if she was okay or not. He could feel that she was alive at least,he felt that in his gut.but where he didn't know nor did he understand, Why her,Why Sakura.

lishyhopkins7 · アクション
2 Chs

What is love

Love can be defined as 'an intense feeling of deep affection.' To Naruto he knew the difference between family love and actual love. But when it came to Sakura it was different because she was his teammate, which easily made it feel like they were family, but when Naruto looked at her outside of being teammates his heart fluttered. That fluttering made him question his relationship with hinata. Naruto sat up in his bed pushing the thought out his head, he was being stupid. Of course he made the right choice plus Sakura was in love with sasuke, but Naruto had his doubts about that to. Sakura wasn't the same girl she was years ago, neither was she as naive.

There was a knock on his window breaking him out of his thought. Naruto looked over and saw his best friend Shikamaru.

Naruto got up from his bed stretching before opening the window.

"Wassup Shikamaru"

The lazy ninja had a smirk on his face

"The hokage has called for us,we have a mission.'

'Alrighht!' The exuberant blonde shouted making Shikamaru wince.

Naruto then grabbed his jacket and hopped out the window next to shikamaru, his black spiked ponytail shifted in the wind as he stood up "let's get going"

They made there way over the rooftops towards the hokage office.

On their way there they ran into both Hinata and Ino. On sight the latter of the two let out an annoyed shriek " What took you guys so long, we were told its an emergency."

Shikamaru just rolled his eyes "we're still on time. "  he said as they began to stroll up the steps toward the the office.

Ino then looked towards Naruto "your awfully quiet, what's wrong with you."

Narutos gaze met hers then slowly drifted to hinata. Who quickly avoided his gaze and rushed up the stairs."

"It's nothing "he replied smiling while scratching his head "We are just at a awkward faze."

In the hokage's office, tsunade sat at the large desk facing the four teens who just entered her room. She didnt have to look to know that shizune was right beside her with tonton in her arms. The hokage sighed as she looked towards the shinobi in her office.

"We have a lot to discuss in a little amount of time."

The serious look on her face kept even Naruto silent.

" I'm afraid Sakura Haruno is missing in action."

No one dared to breath as both Ino  and Naruto eyes widened with each second.

"What" They shouted simultaneously, the marks on Narutos face darkened.

The hokage ran her hand through her hair "Sakura was sent on a month long mission to the Cloud village, we just got a report that says sakura never made it there and its been at least 2 weeks since she was sent out.

Shikamaru brow furrowed " why didn't the Cloud notify us sooner, it's only a five day journey from Konoha to the Cloud why did it take almost another week for them to send word."

"As sharp as ever shikamaru, that is the problem I have with this. They are saying that they thought that she was delayed. But"

Narutos loud voice cut in " So this is the mission , because sakura needs help." Naruto said. I'm not going anywhere unless it's to find her.

Ino nodded her head in agreement.

The hokage breathed in " yes, you all under shikamarus leadership will find out what happened to sakura, I'm sending you all to the Cloud village to investigate."

They all nodded in agreement and began to file out of the room, shikamaru stayed where he was.

He stared at the hokage intently " what's wrong, what are you not telling us."

" if sakura was kidnapped it may have been when  she was traveling to the Cloud village because it's so close to the border of the sound village."

Tsunades let out a slow breath "or maybe she was sold."