
Love: What does it mean

Taken, kidnapped, enslaved, they were all words that crosses Narutos mind. Where was she, was she okay. His mind drifted to his pink petal haired friend? Lover? He didn't know but he did need to know if she was okay or not. He could feel that she was alive at least,he felt that in his gut.but where he didn't know nor did he understand, Why her,Why Sakura.

lishyhopkins7 · アクション
2 Chs

What is determination

The definition of determination is the firmness of purpose; resoluteness. This is what resolved in Naruto as he stood up.  He knew he had to save her if it was the last thing he did.

Naruto, Shikamaru, Ino, and Hinata were all standing at the village gates.

Naruto stood a little ahead of them fixing his  headband. Silence echoed before them as each of them was checking their supplies.

Shikamaru spoke first "Okay I think we're ready to move out,  our first priority is to get to the cloud village. "

"Alright! Let's go " Naruto shouted.

"right" Ino shouted, both Hinata and Shikamaru nodded.

The group set out on their way to the cloud village.


The sun was setting when they decided to rest. They stood on the ground surrounded by trees. The area where they were going to set up camp was fairly small. The grass was long and turning brown.

"this seems like the perfect spot." shikamaru told the others.

Ino sat down her pack before she began talking.

"okay shikamaru your on setting up the fire, which also means collecting the firewood. "Ino ordered.

There was a low groan as he turned to wards the trees and left.

"anyway naruto and hinata you two are unpacking our things and putting out sleeping bags. I will go search for water. "

B-but Ino don't you think I should help y-you. " hinata squeaked out.

Ino just smirked and walked away.

"Well I guess we should get started Hinata-chan. "Naruto let out a small laugh and went to the center of their campsite.

They finished there work quickly and went to their respective bed rolls.

"are you okay hinata, you seem a little red." Naruto questioned.

He got up and stood before her. Laying a hand on her forehead to check her temperature.

A low whimper was heard as her face got redder and warmer.

Naruto lowered his hand "Im sorry hinata"

"For what"Hinata whispered.

"For neglecting you,  for not showering you with the love you deserve. "naruto took a deep breath " Im still figuring out everything and learning what love even is. "

Hinata sighed "I know naruto,  I know your trying I get it and I don't want to push you." Unshed tears shimmered in her eyes

"I'm fine with taking a break Naruto,  you need to figure out who you are and what love means to you" and what others mean to you to. Hinata thought as a pink headed girl came to her mind.

"Can we atleast just take a break until we find sakura. I just want to focus on one thing at a time. But I do like you hinata,  alot." Naruto inhaled "I just need time"

Hinata just nodded, got up and left in the direction Ino went.

Naruto sat down on his bedroll as shikamaru passed him and dropped the fire wood into the circle of rocks.

Ino and Hinata came back shortly,  the former glaring daggers at him.

Shikamaru sighed as he lit the fire "don't pay her any mind,  she likes to believe she is the guru of relationships, when in reality she barely has one. "

Naruto smiled "thanks shikamaru,"

The last boy just smirked and announced"okay quick check-in, everyone group up. "

Everyone sat down next to the fire.

"we are five days away from the cloud village, sakura has been missing for about two weeks. 

Although he mission started 3 weeks ago" Shikamaru rubbed his temples. " We need to figure out what happened to Sakura, whether she was kidnapped....or sold."

Naruto's face darkened "What do you mean sold, who would do that."

Ino looked weary as she lit the fire "Naruto, Sakura is Tsunades apprentice. There are many reasons why sakura could have been kidnapped or sold. We need to figure out if this has anything to do with the Cloud."

Hinata sighed "poor Sakura, but w-wait if S-Sakura was targeted it may start a big conflict if the Cloud has anything to do with it."

"That's the problem to, Sakura just isn't well known in the leaf village but the Sand village also, She's helped so many people over the years and even healed Gaaras brother, this could turn into a major problem." Ino finished.

Naruto passed a cup of ramen to everyone as the water from the fire was finishing up.

"So how do we approach this shikamaru"Naruto said as he poured hot water in his ramen cup than passed the water.

"Well first we are going to the Cloud village, and try and see if anyone even saw her arrive." Shikamaru paused as he grabbed the water from Ino. " That way we can learn if she was kidnapped on the way or taken captive in the village."

"S-sounds like a plan" Hinata whispered.

The group ate in silence and went straight to bed after.

Naruto laid back in his sleeping bag, slowly closing his eye he vowed to sakura that she would save him if it was the last thing he did.