


The alarm buzzed for the third time, this time it

gets louder as it is nonstop, Susan stretches her

hand out of the duvet to put it off. She feels too

weak to get up to prepare for work, not after the

whole drama and chaos she experienced overnight. She stretches lazily as she decides if she was going to be sleeping in today or will resume work late. She picks up her phone to call Bode who picks up at the first ring "Hello" she calls out sleepily "Heeelllo! What on earth is your ass still doing in bed?" Bode replies surprised at the sound of her voice

"Can you please cover for me? I will be coming late today, I'm very weak" Susan pleaded but Bode cuts her quickly "Susie, if you are not physically fit to be here, stay home and rest, nobody will fire you for getting sick" Susan knows no one will get mad at her for missing work one day because she is the most diligent employee in the firm who has never called in sick nor waited to be corrected before she did her job, she is more or less tagged the workaholic amongst her colleagues but she still feels calling to notify about her lateness was the right thing to do. She clears her throat "I'm not sick, I'm just weak because l didn't have much sleep, so I would show up to work but will be late"

"Hollup! Rewind sweetie, did you just say you didn't get much sleep? Hmmmn... Someone has been naughty without my knowledge" Susan scoffs "Sshh! Details please! Just fill me in" Bode persisted but Susan isn't in the mood to gist, all she needs right now is to go back to bed whereas Chichi is sleeping next to her and she wouldn't want to disrupt her sleep with her phone call "Hey, It's not what you think, I will tell you more about it when I get to the office, just cover for me okay?" with that she hangs up swiftly before Bode could start any protest "This guy should have been born a lady" she drops her phone on the bedside drawer, while she gets under the duvet to continue her beauty sleep. The phone rings disrupting the quietness of the serenity that could lead to her sleep, she wonders who in the world was calling her, she swore on her breath that if it is Bode still calling to insist on getting the gist then he better be damned. She ignores it, pretending not to hear the phone at all but it persists and never stopped ringing, at that point, she wondered for a minute if a phone call rings for this long or if the phone just decided to collaborate in pissing her off that morning. Right from her bed, she grudgingly stretches to answer the call putting it on speaker phone without checking the caller ID "hello" she manages to say as low and soft as she could, "Mine" the voice called out over the phone, Susan is taken aback by the sound of the voice she just heard, she jumps out of the duvet and turns the screen to her face to ascertain it's the person she thinks is calling, she sees his name on her screen, her face lit up immediately, she sits up on bed yet draws the duvet to her bosom "Hi...You took me by surprise, I must confess I wasn't expecting your call" she says as she twirls and plays with her hair "I know, I even have more surprise for you" Henry's voice could be heard from the phone, Susan quickly reduces the volume "What more can beat this?" Susan blushes as she waits to hear the surprise he has for her "I am at the airport, will you come and get me?" Susan bursts into laughter at the question Henry just asked her "okay that's funny! If you were trying to make me laugh, you succeeded" "Susan! I am at the airport, no jokes" Henry swears. Susan's stomach churns immediately "What time is your flight? And what time are you meant to land?"

"Susan I have landed, I am here already" Henry

spells it out for her calmly, Susan is shocked "Oh shit! I will drive down now, give me ten.. Sorry fifteen to twenty, shit! Thirty minutes" clumsy Susan cuts the call and paces up and down the room, she is finally going to see him and maybe they would agree and start something together and perhaps get married, oh God, she is about to have a wedding to plan. All the thought of these made her nervous, immediately she feels the need to use the toilet as her stomach wouldn't stop running. She rushes to the restroom to puke after which she decided to shower, her future husband isn't going to meet her for the first time looking like this. Her phone buzzed, it was a reminder notification about work "Shit! Shit! Shit!" Susan mutters as she remembers she promised to show up at work but on second thought, work has always come first all her life, and with the two on her plate right now she will rather let love lead the way, work can wait.