
Love Uncanny

DaoistDH8bS4 · アクション
7 Chs


Adriel remembering all of that aggravated his Anger and With a defiant cry, Adriel's form shifted and contorted, his body transforming into that of a werewolf. It was a startling revelation, and he looked up at the other wolf, his eyes filled with determination.

Adriel clenched his jaw, his growl rumbling deep in his throat, ready to fight.

With a feral snarl, the two werewolves engaged in a brutal and fierce battle. Their bodies collided, teeth bared, claws slashing through the air. The garden became a battleground, the very earth quaking with their ferocity.

The battle raged on, their strength matched, and the garden bore the scars of their struggle. Yet, Adriel's injuries began to take a toll. His wound from the earlier arrow reopened, and he grew weaker by the moment.

Just as xeus was about to deliver a devastating blow, a new figure entered the fray. Two werewolves, larger and more powerful, launched themselves into the fight. The tide of the battle shifted as this new wolves fought valiantly, overpowering the previous adversary.

In the end, xeus was defeated and he ran away for fear of being killed by this new wolves. The new wolves transformed bk to human.

Adriel couldn't hide his astonishment. "Kadrel?" "Gaius"?he uttered, his voice a mix of relief and disbelief. How did you two get here?

Kadrel, Adriel's best friend and Gaius his loyal servant,they both flashed a wry smile. long story but I will personally tell you all of that story when we get home, for now you have to come with us your father is So worried and the coronation is in 2 days. ThankGod you are still alive and we arrived in time to save you from xeus your envious brother. But just then Kadrel, his senses sharp, picked up the scent of the human and decided to investigate. Adriel stopped him, revealing that Elara had saved his life. The revelation of a human's involvement in Adriel's life left Kadrel perplexed.

"A human?" Kadrel asked in disbelief. "You know we don't associate with humans. They have haunted us in the past and you know the ancient story. Adriel, you're treading on dangerous ground."

Adriel's voice was resolute. "I love her, Kadrel. I can't explain it, but she's different. She's genuine, and I'm in love with her."

Kadrel's disbelief was evident in his expression. "In love with a human? Adriel, you're treading dangerous waters. I'm tempted to go inside and retrieve her myself."

Adriel stood his ground, preventing Kadrel from entering the house. The two friends locked eyes, their silent communication fraught with tension. Elara watched in trepidation from inside the house, her heart heavy with the impending conflict.

In a sudden burst of anger and frustration, Kadrel pushed past Adriel and dragged Elara outside with a look of disdain on his face. Adriel's heart sank as he realized he had failed to protect her. He stepped forward to intervene, standing in the gap between Kadrel and Elara.

The two werewolf friends, once inseparable, now faced each other with fury in their eyes. The tension in the air was palpable, and Elara could hardly bear to watch. She stood by, trembling with fear and uncertainty, as the two best friends prepared to confront their differences.

The showdown was intense, their voices raised in anger as they argued over the fate of the human who had come between them. Elara's heart ached as she realized the depth of their conflict, a conflict that threatened not only their friendship but also her life.

As the two werewolves fought, their battle was a reflection of the inner turmoil that Adriel had been grappling with.Kadrel's disappointment and anger were evident.

Adriel's Injury opening more at every move, finally he was on the floor bleeding with his voice tinging with frustration. "She's not just a friend. I love her. She saved my life. Please let's spare her please, we can't fight because of her please Kadrel.

Kadrel sighed in exasperation, his patience wearing thin. "And that's precisely the problem. We don't associate with humans, let alone fall in love with them."

Kadrel's gaze remained steely, looking at the other wolf Gaius who just stood at a place watching the two friends fight "Adriel has forgotten our principles. He's endangering our kind."

Adriel couldn't suppress a spark of defiance. "I won't let any harm come to her."

With this Kadrel left angrily without looking at how hurt his friend was.

Gaius the other wolf helped Adriel up and whispered into his ears, "I understand your situation my lord but your coronation is forthcoming and you will have to choose between coming back to this realm to stay with her which means leaving your inheritance for xeus or taking up your inheritance. Either ways you will still leave your human lover behind or don't you think so"?

I know you have the interest of your people at heart, your brother has no love inside of him, he just wants the throne. Just think about this and make up your mind before dawn.

Always remember that your decision matters as it will determine our state in yrs to come. With this Gaius left as well.

As the other wolf left Elara rushed to Adriel and held him Soo tight. "Come on in let's fix your wound you are bleeding.

Together they went into the house and Elara began to mix some herbs to help the wound heal.

The room was silent and cold all the while Elara was applying the herbs on the wounded area. Her mind racing from one thought to another,she couldn't look him in the eye, she never thought the mystic kingdom that Adriel had told her he belonged was of werewolf. She decides to break the silence, "You told me your story," she said, her voice trembling, "but I never realized that you were a werewolf. I thought you had some supernatural powers. I'm so scared now, Adriel. What if you become aggressive and hurt me?"

Adriel who had been silent looked up at her reached out and gently touched her face, his thumb wiping away a tear that had begun to form in her eye. "I could have done that," he admitted, "but I didn't because I love you, Elara. I didn't tell you about my true nature because I didn't want to lose you."

The weight of his confession hung heavy between them. Elara moved with compassion, her eyes finally locking onto his face ,She reached out and embraced him tightly, a kiss sealing the depth of her emotions.

"It's fine," she murmured, her voice filled with love and acceptance. "I'm scared, but I love you, Adriel."

Adriel held her close, his heart swelling with gratitude and love for the incredible woman who had entered his life.

He wrapped his arms around her and cuddled her on the bed.

Elara eventually fell asleep in Adriel's arms, and he watched her slumber with tenderness. The thought of his impending coronation weighed heavily on his mind. He knew he would have to leave her, perhaps forever, to take on the responsibilities that came with being the next alpha of his realm.

As he held her, he couldn't help but wonder how he would face a future without Elara by his side. The love they shared was a force of nature, but the destiny of his realm called to him.

The clock ticked away the hours, and Adriel's thoughts grew heavier. He watched Elara sleep, her peaceful expression soothing his troubled mind.

He new he had to leave for his kingdom before dawn.

As the night wore on, Adriel wrestled with a difficult decision. The impending coronation in his kingdom required his presence at dawn, and he knew he had to leave Elara behind. The weight of responsibility pressed heavily upon him, and he feared the consequences of his love for a human.

Gently placing Elara on the bed, he kissed her forehead, his heart aching with the knowledge that he had to leave before dawn broke. She stirred slightly in her sleep, as if sensing his departure, but remained peacefully unaware as he slipped away into the night.

In his kingdom, the atmosphere was filled with a mix of emotions as Adriel returned after his sudden disappearance. His father, the current alpha, welcomed him with a mixture of relief and pride. Adriel's friend, Kadrel, was also there, his face a blend of surprise and lingering resentment due to the last fight.

As Adriel approached Kadrel, the tension hung between them. But it didn't take long for Kadrel's face to break into a warm smile. He stepped forward and embraced Adriel, the weight of their past disputes finally lifting.

Adriel found himself alone in his room, his coronation attire neatly laid out before him. The looming responsibility of ruling his people weighed heavily on his heart. Despite the grandeur of the occasion, his thoughts were consumed by Elara. He couldn't shake the memory of her, and the undeniable connection they had formed.

Adriel was faced with an excruciating choice, one that would alter the course of his life. To stay with Elara meant sacrificing his throne and his place among his people. It would also mean defying the age-old rules that forbade werewolves from falling in love with humans.

It's dawn already meaning it's time for the Coronation , and Adriel stood before the gathered crowd, including his father. He was adorned in the regal attire of the alpha, the symbol of his impending rule. As the crown was presented to him, he felt the weight of the responsibility and the expectations of his people.

But in a heart-wrenching moment, Adriel rejected the crown. He knelt before his father and the assembled witnesses and confessed, "I have defiled the rules of our kingdom. I have fallen in love with a human, Elara, and I can no longer fulfill the duties of an alpha."

His father's face contorted with shock and disbelief, and murmurs of astonishment rippled through the crowd. Adriel's declaration shook the very foundations of their traditions, threatening to disrupt the order that had endured for generations.

The path he had chosen was fraught with uncertainty, and the love he held for Elara had led him to a crossroads between duty and the desires of his heart. As he gazed into the eyes of his father and the waiting crowd, Adriel's heart was heavy with the knowledge that he had forever altered the course of their kingdom.