
Love Tyrant : multiverse group chat

guy wakes up to find himself in the body of Seiji Aino the protagonist from Love tyrant, he starts to freak out from his impending doom and torture at the hands of a hot red head, however their is a shining light that might just save him, a system with group chat big might but a chance nonetheless not the best synopsis but hey I'm not that good of a righter so yeah deal with it, anyway for the characters used for the group chat I won't tell you but they aren't your usual overpowered or popular characters from anime or games, I went for more underrated or unused characters that aren't usually in these stories and if they are their usually just fan service or love interests which all f the members of the group are not they wont get together sorry. also I don't promise quality high tear fanfics so if your looking for good shit then I'm sorry but you came to the wrong place

Galaxy_Neko · アニメ·コミックス
2 Chs

first official quest this can’t be that dangerous … right?

*groan* "ugh, why is the system so complicated and yet so simple at the same time" I at this moment in time have been messing with this screen for what like 4 hours after waking up and have found pretty much nothing 

"Ugh I thought there could be, I don't know a work around or cheat but no, it's just a regular old system *sigh*"

"It's been like this since last week when we all introduced ourselves, If you can really call that an introduction all we really did was give names, and maybe our occupation" 

Though we have gotten closer somewhat, the girls have binded slightly mostly through Komi-san, this being because Anna finds miruko in general to be too lewd. Her costume, personality, pretty much everything about her is lewd to Anna and that … yeah no I'm not even gonna pretend, Miruko doesn't care … like at all

Then there's me and kenchi. He's a pretty nice guy, we get along pretty well and more importantly we both share a common enemy … women! 

*sigh* "well I do have it worse then him but still he has it bad, pretty sure at the end of the anime he has like what an entire school of women mech pilots wanting to marry him … ok so maybe he has it worse" 

"No I'd rather that then having to be stabbed simply for existing near other women, like seriously who raised akane to stab the man your in love wit- … oh right her mother kidna forgot about her"

"Anyway I'm getting sidetracked. Where was I?"

In the week that has passed I have successfully found out pretty much nothing about this system other then the fact that anyone can start a solo mission whenever they want at any time, of course after asking the system there seems to be a cool down of 24 hours after a failure or success of a mission but that's whatever

"At least the members have gotten to know each other better, and also found out that we're all doomed if we take a mission with only three if kenchi or miruko don't participate" *sigh* I know I wasn't the strongest guy alive after seeing how I acted in the anime but surely I have some combat prowess, you don't just interact with who I'll meet in the future and not learn some martial art"

"That and somehow I'm decently muscular, don't get me wrong I'm not body builder type and I'm definitely not matching miruko or kenchi, but still I'm pretty decently filled out. At least for someone who doesn't workout. neither past me or the seiji part of me did any exercise" 



In front of my eye's the screen appeared unprompted "that doesn't usually happen" I click on the notification

[your world will is experiencing a little inconvenience as the supernatural world is being problematic and may lead to diversions in the set plot of your world. As such the world will requests that you hunt down and exercise the supernatural anomalies that are appearing in your town] 


[ world will request: hunt down supernatural entities that are invading the mortal world!]

[ requirements for completion: 

low breed demon: 0/5

Lesser yokai: 0/5

New-born tsukumogami: 0/5

Reward: to be determined ]

"Alright, how am I supposed to fight demons, yokai and tsukum-tsukumog- that word if I can barely fight a regular person!? Sure I have the iron body skill But that can only take me so far!"


[the will of the world would not recklessly endanger the individual who holds its origin, additionally in no way did the request entail a fight it states 'exercise' simply make them return to their place of origin and you have succeeded] 

"Okay so you're saying that it's possible that I can succeed and survive to see another day?"


*sigh* "alright, so is there a timer or~" god I hope not

[you have a week to exercise the enemies]

God damn it!

"Kk, got it, it's fine seiji just hope that maybe one of them is an animal type creature or else you might just be a little screwed, just a tiny bit. Haha yeah everythings fine"

"Oh, also do I have to find them by myself or will you tell me? How's this gonna work" I say really hoping that the system gives me at least some clue

[i will feed the information of their whereabouts to you as you search you will feel as if you are getting closer if you are or getting farther away if you're going the wrong way]

"Got it so hot and cold well let's go, not like anyone is at home, I mean akua lives here but she's at the gym at this time of night."

"Wait … where the hell are our parents? I have no memories of them from seiji other then blurred faces and blue hair and they haven't died since we don't have custody of ourselves nor does someone else so where the hell are they, they don't even have a room here, did they just leave us and go somewhere whilst giving us enough money to survive?" 

"Whatever I'm getting side tracked again, time to go and try to be an exorcist, … I better try the yokai first and hope they are gonna be an animal cause if I remember tsuskumog-thusku- whatever their objects right? and demons are just … well let's leave them till last"

With that I get dressed in semi warm clothes you know hoodie, tracksuit pants, the works and leave the house since it's basically night time now the sun just set so yeah "hey at least I won't be seen doing what I'm about to do"

(Time skip:20 mins)

Right now I'm standing outside of a sushi restaurant and looking at their open aquarium glass container, more specifically a curtain blue and purple multi armed little guy

"Okay you have got to be kidding me" 

[what is the issue user seiji?]

"What do you mean what is the issue? How is this thing a yokai? It's so small and cute"

(image of yokai) 

[that is the target user seiji, would the user like me to use analysis on the target]

"Wait … you can do that?"

[the ability is offered to those of level 5 and under to make their experience better however after level 5 you will have to purchase or learn the skill]

"Gotcha, okay sure use analysis on the poor little guy"



[analysing complete]

[ Akkorokamui (young):

Description: a gigantic octopus god. When it extends its legs, its body stretches over one hectare in area. It is so big that it can swallow boats and even whales in a single gulp. Its entire body is red or blue with small numbers rarely having purple, a sign of greater divinity. It is so large that when it appears the sea and even the sky reflect its colour, turning a deep red, blue, or purple. {due to its age it is nowhere near it's full size as such it holds little power as of now}


Divinity: as a species who are revered as gods they have some level of divinity even if it is small in comparison to an actual divine being

Titan: these yokai have a tendency to out grow most other creatures and hold immense strength due to their size as such their strength is multiplied by 10

Glutton: due to the growth and potential size of the Akkorokamui, they are believed to have near endless stomachs as they instantly turn all inside their stomach into nutrients ensuring that they are never truly full leading to them devouring entire ships even if a ship can't be considered food]

"Okay ... what the hell!? how is this small little octopus a god damned ... well god? let alone a titan of a sea creature, this little guy fits in my hand"

[the yokai is still in its early stages of life as such it is easy to deal with, however it is recommended to deal with now as if left alone could cause mass destruction once fully developed]

"right *sigh* well I'm not killing it, I'd be a monster to kill such a cute little thing. Here, let's try this, hey little guy, can you understand me?"

the little red octopus nods back

"key cool, so do you know where your home is cause I gotta get you back there okay"

the little octopus just nods and points one of his tentacles in a certain direction

"Okay well let's get going then" I say as I gently pick him up and put him on my shoulder then I start to walk him home "so why are you away from home? I don't imagine a god would allow their child to just wonder round" 

the octopus just gurgles but my skill kicks in as I somehow made a lesser bond with the little guy and I can somewhat get the picture

"So you went out to have a swim and your mum was asleep, eventually after you got far enough away you got caught in a net and ended up where I found you, sound about right?"

{confirming gurgle noises}

"how the he- you know what I don't even want to know how they caught you when you have a skill that gives you 10x strength"

*sigh* "So on a scale of one to ten how pissed are your parents gonna be at me when we get to your home?"

the little dude just shrugs a few tentacles indicating that he doesn't know "great, just great ... I'm so gonna die if mama or papa octopus are as big as you species were described"

{tiny gurgles of reassurance} 

*small laugh* "alright little guy we're almost home just a bit more and we're there, see you can see the peer you can see the water-"


I look up after reaching the peers edge to find a fucking huge octopus staring me down, more specifically staring at the little blue guy on my shoulder 

(insert image here)

{why do you have my child human!?}

"uhm, would you believe me if I said he was caught in a net and I found him and brought him back to you with nothing but good intentions?" god I hope she believes me I mean I am telling the truth

*smash!* she slammed her tentacles near me again

{you expect me to believe that you worm!?}

damnit, I'm gonna die, wait why isn't my skill taking effect? doesn't the taming buff give me a good standing with animals?


[the reasoning for this is due to the anger of the mother, her anger is enough to bypass the effect also her resistance is increased due to her intelligence as a beast]

well shit she's too angry and too smart to be affected, I only have one thing to rely on now! well here goes bullshit no jutsu "hey! stop doing that are you gonna pay for the damages!?"

{I'm a god boy! Why should I pay for the land that I walk on to appease measly ants!?"

 "Because that's the law and if you don't believe me about having good intentions ask your kid, here" I say as I lay the little guy down next to the water

The blue octopus crawls over to it's mother and starts to gurgle angrily almost as if it's scolding her

{wh-what no I-I'm not being overprotective, he stole you from me!} the mother says in a panic swinging some of her huge tentacle in the air in outrage

{angry gurgle noises} 

{b-but-} some the tentacles start to droop as to show her apprehension

{angry gurgle noises}

{you can't be serious!?}

{confirming gurgle noises}

{f-fine, *sigh* human it seems I have wronged you for that I am sorry, however I will not reward you for bringing him back if that is what you were looking for *hmph*} 

did she just *hmph*? what the hell am I dealing with a god or a school girl from an anime, whatever the quicker I leave the better my chance of living

"no need, I'm pretty busy right now so I'm gonna go, see ya kid, bye big scary octopus god lady" I say as I wave goodbye and walk off 

(time skip: later)

"holy shit that was terrifying, if that was just one yokai how the hell am I gonna deal with the other 4 and the 5 demons and tsukumogami?" I say as I lean up against a brick wall on the side of the street with a hand on my chest where my heart is trying to calm myself down


"huh?" a screen pops up in my vision

[you have received the blessing of a low tier water goddess]

[skill: waters embrace lv1] 

[description: whilst in water the user obtains a low level regeneration effect, healing mostly small wounds and scratches furthermore the user will also be allowed to breath underwater for 5 minutes{time may increase with level up of the skill]

"wait what? Since when could skills level up?"

[to answer the host almost every skill may level up however the skills the user had before were varying in strength based on user performance not skill level, and for cases like {iron skin}, the skill is a stagnant skill meaning it cannot get stronger or progress] 

 "Okay … wait wasn't that octopus lady like pissed at me? I'm pretty sure she isn't exactly my friend so what's the deal?" 


"Wait a minute, is the giant god octopus a ... tsundere? ... no surely not, I bet the kid probably nagged her to give me something or whatever, that has to be it ... right?"

*sigh* "whatever, I still have time until akua gets home from the gym so I can manage one more yokai before I gotta get home and cook dinner for both of us, let's hope this one is less chaotic" I say with a not so excited look to my face



[ Lesser yokai: 1/5 ] 

"cool , just 4 more and the yokai are done"

(time skip: 5 mins) *the third one ... damn*

I am currently at a late night festival area surrounded by street stalls and families "okay how the hell is a yokai gonna hide here? there's people everywhere

*sigh* "it's fine, anyway the system's hot and cold thing is telling me it's to the left, but all that's here is a fish scooping game, how the hell does a yokai hide here-"

"... wait, system"

[yes user sieji?]

"scan those gold fish" no way, no way the damned yokai that the world will thought was troublesome is a god damned goldfish



[analysing complete]

 [Amemasu: an enormous whale or fish-like monster that resides in Lake Mashu in Hokkaido, Japan. It loves to attack boats, creates earthquakes and causes other problems


growth diet: Yōkai amemasu can grow to colossal sizes, sometimes spanning an entire lake from head to tail as a result of eating. As a side effect they eat whatever they get their flippers on with the only requirement being that it's alive.]

"... why am I having to deal with a bunch of yet to be colossal giants? *sigh* I'm doing that a lot lately sighing I mean, Maybe this whole system thing is stressing me out ... that can be solved later what matters is the damned goldfis-" 

I stop my thoughts as I see a young girl scooping the potential titan fish and putting it into a small water bag "oh shit!" I start to run after the girl who gave chase to her parents, before I can reach her she gets to her dad and mum 

"alright dear we've spent enough time here let's go home" the father says

"alright daddy, oh look I got a cool fish"

damn it damn it damn it damn it damn it! what the hell am I supposed to do now!? wait "hey system?"

[yes user?] 

"when you said the quest didn't require fighting that doesn't mean I can't kill the yokai right?"

[correct user]

"oh life just got so much easier" okay game plan, I just gotta make the poor girl trip and drop the fish bag on the ground and hope it pops

"Okay now how am I gonna ruin that little girl's whole night? … ah there" on the right of the footpath leading out of the crowded festival is a medium sized rock I pick it up and start to toss and catch the rock to test its weight

"Okay, weirdly built body don't fail me now" I pull back and throw the rock, and by pure luck the damn thing lands right in front of the girls foot leading her to a one way trip for her face to the dirt 

Oh and there goes the bag out of her hand- "wait … it didn't pop!?" shit shit shit, where's another weirdly sharp rock … there. I grab the rock pull back while lining up the shot and throw the small sharp rock at the fish bag

"Yes!" it actually hit fuck yes!



[due to repeated action leading to great success the user seiji has acquired the skill {throw} ]

[throw lv1: the ability to throw objects from long distances, current distance possible 15F {may increase with level up} ]

"Okay good to know I don't need to spend shit tons of points to get skills, love that but is teh damned yet to be sea monster dead?


[ Lesser yokai: 2/5 ] 



[achievement! for killing a yokai that would have caused great harm and killed many innocent people in the future you have received the title {monster hunter}]

[monster hunter: whilst fighting any creature that will kill dozens of innocent life human or not in the future or has killed dozens of innocent life you will naturally be stronger against said creatures furthermore said creatures feel an oppressing feeling from you as if they stand before their natural predator]

"Huh … neeto, welp it's like *checks phone* 8 pm and akua will get home soon so I gotta get back" 


"Im almost home, let's hope akua didn't get back before me, she'll beat me senseless for disappearing without leaving a note or something"

As I'm about to pass onto my street the hot and cold function from the system is going buckwild "the hell!?" I start to look around frantically until I see a quivering pelt of green or teal fur sticking out of the shrubs along the footpath 

"Okay please, for the love of god don't be some kind of titan or yet to be godzilla, please!" I plead as I inspect the bush 

(image of yokai)

The green otter weasel looking thing is curled up into a ball and quivering, more importantly it seems to have blood pouring out of it's back leg and what appears to fractures along it's lower back

"The hell!?"


[detriment activation: animal lover]

[your anger is rising and are starting to become volatile, the system requests that user seiji calms down and keeps a level head]

"Calm down!? Look at the poor thing! It's entire lower back is fractured and its leg also appears fractured with bleeding! What did this cute little thing do to deserve this!?"

[usr seiji it is recommended to calm down, getting angry and shouting is not helping the yokai further shouting may draw attention, and could lead it's assailant towards it's pray]

*heavy breath in* *heavy breath out* 

"Okay … okay I'm good just … just analyse it please"


[analysis complete]

[Fūri: Fūri are wild beasts from the mountains of China. They are about the size of a tanuki or a river otter, and their shapes resemble both animals. They have red eyes, short tails, black fur with a leopard-like pattern, and blue-greenish manes which run from nose to tail. They can moves as quickly as the wind, and resemble flying birds when they leap. They can clear the distance between two mountains in a single leap. They are very fragile, and die immediately if they are struck. However, if you try to slice them up with a sword or knife, the blade will not cut through their skin. If you try to roast them with fire, their bodies will not burn.]

[Danger! : the innocent yokai is in critical condition and will die of blood loss if not treated, action is recommended or death will occur shortly]

"Oh shit!" after reading the danger message I gently and carefully take my jacket and wrap up the Fūri and pick it up while rushing home

(In seiji's room)

*breath of relief* "okay that should be it, I wrapped up teh wound and put some disinfectant cream on the wound, as for the fracture … system you got any ideas?"


[it is possible for the user to take injuries of his tamed beasts for himself, of course the damage will not be proportional to the master, the size of the wound stays the same]

"Okay … so I just same what 'tame'?"


[due to the yokai's fragile health and mental state the bond has been formed with relative ease. Congratulations for forming your first bond user, please treat your beasts well!]

"Sigh whatever, umm … transfer wounds to me?"


[confirmed! Transferring damage from tamed Fūri to master seiji]

"Wait is this gonna hurt- oh! Sonofabitc-!"