
Love that can't stop

When the red moon lights up above the sky, every demon, werewolves, witches and vampires came out from their place to see the moon. The bloody red moon gave her tears to the earth. They were the shooting stars. Then, every one started to catch the shooting star. The red star of bloody moon was being the rare powerful treasure for them. At last, no one found that star landing place. They thought someone hided. But they still find it over long years.

Alexandriana11 · ファンタジー
30 Chs

Ep - 4

Over those years, she became a family member of master Leonra and his fellows. The other masters couldn't become family for her. She used to live with drink blood of humans and wild animals. Howsoever, she couldn't forget what Elizabeth and her men do upon her mother. She thought her mother died because of her. She couldn't forget herself and this make her feel unwell all the time. When she wanted free time, she tripped to other's mansions from far away lands. But she couldn't go far from them. They ever followed her around for giving them protection. One day, she went down to the garden stepping down from the stairs, and head to the forest in the evening. The sun shined up bright and windy breeze passing through the trees. For her, it felt calm and peaceful. She walked into the forest deeper and deeper. She hadn't noticed how far she reach. Then, she closed her eyes under the big tree which bloom the bright blue flowers and put her hand on the tree trunk. It gave her a connection to her mother. She had a weird hobby since her mother stay beside her. The elves taught her how to speak with trees. The trees contacted her exactly when she talk to them. The trees answered mostly like moving leaves without wind, blooming flowers, and producing many fruits without water. She was living in her thoughts when she touched the big trees. The big tree sent her back to that period of time with her mother. She regrets what she does.

Suddenly, she heard the unfamiliar noise at the back. She opened her eyes wide and turn around for searching where the sound come from. She couldn't see the person around her because the bushes moved by the wind and the sun goes down. She said, "Oh, dear, it's getting too late to go back". So, she held her clothes tide and pick up the wooden log. She didn't know who come after her. But the steps and growling sound didn't seem like her family members. She ran up to reach the yard. On her way back to the mansion, she ran as fast as she can without looking back. The sound of wild animals was getting closer to her. Afterward, she blacked out because someone's over her. She was too frightened to open her eyes. The strong breath around her neck made her scared. Then, the wild thing was sniffing all around her body. She couldn't able to move away. A moment later, she opened her left eye and try to take out the whistle. Leonra gave her this whistle for calling the guard around the forest or nearby. She moved her hand slowly on her coat and slip it into the pocket. She found the whistle but that thing with fury coat was sniffing around her hand. She held her breath and tried to calm down. After that, it moved up to her face. She closed her eyes back but peek a little. She said, "is this a werewolf or Lycan". She thought back to the lesson time when mother teach her about the creations of moon goddess Diana. The Lycan was getting stronger than the werewolf who are the warriors of the white moon. Not likely to the origin werewolf who turned to wolf formed under the red moon and got the power from blood moon by taking the blood.

A minute later, that thing let her go and change itself to human form. It kneeled down to the ground and said "greeting moon princess, my name is Gyra from the werewolf clan". She opened her eyes when it move away from her. She said, "how do you know me". Then, Gyra said, "our general Alpha and Omega were looking for you all those years but we found your burning house". She said, "why are you looking for me". Gyra said, "moon princess your life will come to trouble". She said, "what do you mean". Gyra continued "our leader tell us last night after reading the moon". She said, "what does it say". Gyra continued "the moon god and goddess knew the red moon goddess breaks the rules of god and built army at the human world". Gyra told her "you must hide at the safest place with our protection than the weak vampire knights". She said, "I am living safe and sound here". Gyra said, "it's not safe at all after the stardust warrior of the white moon goddess and moon knight arrive". She said, "what else do they want from me". Gyra said, "I don't know exactly but I must take you to our clan's place". She said, "I can't go anywhere else without my knights". Gyra said, "all right then, I will come up to you again before the blue moon rises". She said "all right". Then, Gyra went to the dark forest quickly. After he left, the vampire knights come towards her. They said, "are you alright". She said, "Yeah, I am fine but I need to talk with your leaders". Vampires took her back to their place.

When she got back to the mansion, Leonra was waiting for her in the living room. Over those days, Leonra changed himself from a cold to a warm family-type person to her. Besides Leonra brother Ven also treated her as a little sister. They never kept her away from their eyes side. They kept watching when she walk around the place. When their relationship ties stronger, they let her go downtown and sometimes they send her trips with guards. Most of the time the two brothers went on trips with her. She was becoming the three clan's leader and controller. All of them lean upon her power. If her power turned weak, they might get killed by the enemies. However, the vampire leaders didn't allow the werewolf to get in touch with. So, it was still being hard to contact the miles away group. She once asked about this directly to Ven when Leonra wasn't around. Ven told her don't make it happen without the leader's permission. She asked him why. He said, "because they can harm you most of the time". She said, "I think I can handle them well". Ven held her shoulders and look at her eyes "don't choose the dangerous way". She said, "who is the leader here". Ven moved back and said, "Yes, your highness". Among the three clans, they called her "moon princess or your highness because the blood moon mother gives her power to defeat them well". If she wanted, she can destroy them all. So, they couldn't control her well. The elder of the vampire clan disliked her sometimes but they can't do anything. They stopped their discussion and went back to their rooms.

In the evening, she was thinking about Gyra the werewolf tell her that day "if that person gave her the true information about the white moon goddess plan, she must gather her team". She was walking back and forth around her room by thinking about it over time. And then, she made a decision at last. So, she walked forwards to Ven and said "I need to talk with you and the other leaders of this clan". Ven said, "it's too early to call them out". She said, "I have serious information about our enemy so we need to discuss it as fast as we can". Then, she said, "I must go to my room for washing up first". Ven said, "alright, I will call them out". She said "good". Afterward, she went upstairs for washing up her hands and legs. The werewolves messed up her black coat. She ordered her maid to get her new clothes. When the maid went to the wardrobe for getting clothes, she put her hand on the basin in front of the mirror. She told herself "why I am giving up this life and leaving my loved ones". She said, "if the white moon god wants a war, let's war". She gripped her hand tightly. Her maid saw the strange expression on her face appear in the mirror. Then, she held her face back to normal and smile again. After that, she dressed up and headed downstairs to the meeting room.

There she saw the masters of the clan, they stood up from their chair and bow down to her. She said, "it's not necessary". Today, I met the boy from the werewolf clan and he gave me the information about the white moon goddess. They were shocked and said, "what did he do to you". She said, "nothing, I am fine as you see". She continued "attention please this is necessary, the white god and goddess planned to send the knights and stardust warrior girl for killing me and destroying you all". The old masters said, "how can this happen upon us". She said, "believe it or not we must prepare to attack them back before they come". They said, "how". She answered, "We must combine the three clans as one and we need to find the best clue for removing them one by one". They said, "agreed". She heard the louder agreed voices from the vampires but masters don't join in her decision. After the meeting ended, Ven came up to her room for talking about that. She said, "I am getting tired now". Ven said, "I need to know about what that person looks like". She said, "it's a big wolf-like furry man with long hair, sharp black eyes, and claws". Ven held her shoulders and look at her eyes "be careful and don't go closer to them in coming days". She pushed his hands down and said "who do you think I am". Then, she pushed him out and close the door. She was thinking about his eyes change lately. She said to herself "why is he changing a lot over those days and years". She thought back to their first time meeting "he was being the coldest man among the others now he becomes the warmest around them". She noticed his eyes have a weird meaning but she doesn't know why is that happening. When she went out in the morning and afternoon under the bright daylight, he followed her by putting on the long black coat from neck to toe and opening up the umbrella on his head. She ever asked him "why are you heading out during the day". He said, "I don't want your life in danger". She said, "it's okay, there is no witch around here but he still follows her".