
Love Syndrome:The Pampered Wife

[This Story Theme set in Western+Eastern historical period ] [ In this story we explore the thin line that's differentiate between love and lust...] This Story About Strong+hot tempered girl,who found herself in the body of another person,that person name was same as her.... [Scarlett] She was originally the young miss of the Nobel Family, but became a peasant girl due to some unknown reason at birth. With great difficulty, she grew up into a delicate beauty, but no one wanted to marry her..... Rumors said she was ugly and was born a fool, and that she was a star of disaster that brought about the tragedy of her parents. However, the husband she picked up from the street in a midway was a cripple but later her husband become the future bigshot. ........... Author Note: #love-hate relationship [This Book participate in Cupids Quill Contest] [Request from my side if guys like this story then please show me your love by giving review,vote or add to library... ...…............................................................ This story I wrote inspired by many other people works...So if you guys find some similarities then this is purely coincidence.......

Cosmic_Lover · 都市
14 Chs

Richard P-1

After Ethan entered the examination hall, Scarlett carried her basket and left.

She was going to the market to sell the wild mushrooms and the dried wood ears in the basket, and to do something else while she was at it.

Heaven Academy's reputation spread far and wide. There were many people who came to take the exam. Some were locals, while others were foreigners like Ethan.

Everyone who took the exam had a recommendation letter from a village school, county school or government school. They were then separated into their respective examination halls.

Because of their different grades, Ethan and Thomas were assigned to different examination halls.

Ethan was in the last row.

Heaven Academy's entrance was very high. Most of the people who came to study were at least elementary scholars. It was not easy to become an elementary scholar these days. For Thomas to pass the exam before he was twenty was already very rare.

Ethan was only seventeen. He was the youngest among all the candidates.

He was also the most handsome one.

Unfortunately, he was a cripple.

The candidates looked at him strangely, but it did not last long. They began to fill in the exam papers.

The poetry exam in the morning and the classics exam in the afternoon.

The candidates who were able to come here had a lot of knowledge in their stomachs. It was not difficult for them to compose a few poems on the spot. The difficult part was the classics exam in the afternoon.

The classics exam questions were all from the original texts of the Four Books and Five Classics. The candidates had to strictly use the eight-part essay.

The eight-part essay consisted of breaking the question, accepting the question, beginning, beginning, beginning, middle, back, and binding. Metaphors were not allowed. One had to use the tone of a saint. It was very restrictive for the candidates.

In addition, the questions were very difficult. After a day of examination, the candidates' faces were all green.

When Ethan came out, his classmates had already been waiting outside the examination hall for half an hour.

"Ethan! Here! "He waved at Ethan.

Ethan walked over with his walking stick.

His classmate said, "I just heard a lot of people complaining that the scripture questions are tricky. Sigh, it's your bad luck. The questions this time were set by the dean himself. If you hadn't taken the exam with me, it wouldn't have been so difficult … It's all that wretched woman's fault! "

Ethan glanced at him and frowned.

His classmate continued, "Oh right, she didn't bully you these few days, right? I was so worried that you wouldn't be able to come today. "

Indeed … he almost couldn't make it.

Ethan paused.

Suddenly, as if he had sensed something, he raised his head and looked ahead.

The examination had just ended, and there was an endless stream of people on the street outside the Academy.

A slender little figure was leaning against the wall with a small basket on her back. Her arms were crossed in front of her chest, and she looked a little absent-minded.

From time to time, people walked past her. Because of her face, all kinds of gazes were thrown at her, but she did not care at all. She was not angry, not annoyed, not shy, not embarrassed.

Soon, his classmate saw Scarlett and frowned. "Ah! Why is she here? Don't tell me she's here to find trouble with you! Tell me honestly, did you run away from home today? "

Actually, Ethan wasn't sure if Scarlett was here to find him. He only knew that she was leaning against the wall, and it was obvious that she was waiting for someone …

Probably because there were too many examinees coming out, it finally attracted Scarlett's attention.

Scarlett turned her head and looked over. Among the sea of people, she saw the handsome young man.

She smiled and walked towards Ethan.

"The examination is over," she said.

"Mm." Ethan nodded. "Have you been waiting for a long time?"

"Not really." Scarlett pulled her little ears and said.

"Didn't you go to the market? Why didn't you go home? "Ethan saw that her basket was filled with wood ears and wild mushrooms, so he knew that she would go to the market. But the market would close at noon at the latest.

"I happened to have something to do nearby," Scarlett said.

"What could have happened to you?" Her classmate rolled his eyes.

However, Scarlett's words reminded him of something.

He finished class early today and went to the medical center. He found that Doctor Jin was there again, and he even saved someone who was about to die.

"Are you sure it's Doctor Jin?" Ethan was slightly stunned.

Doctor Jin also suffered some superficial injuries from the medical dispute last time. In fact, Doctor Jin was not the one who saved the murderer's family member. He was completely implicated. But in the end, he was provoked, so he said that he would never come back again.

Her classmate said firmly, "Of course! I saw that person being carried in with my own eyes. His body was covered in blood, his neck was crooked, and he was not breathing. Other than Doctor Jin from the capital, who else could save him? "

Scarlett silently looked at the little ant on the ground and didn't say a word.

Her classmate continued, "Doctor Jin can even save that kind of person, so he must be able to cure your leg. You don't have to worry about this. I'll ask when Doctor Jin is going to make a house call. "

"When are you going?" Scarlett suddenly asked.

Her classmate looked at her with disdain. "Why should I tell you?"

Scarlett was speechless.

They had dinner in town. Her classmate insisted on bringing Ethan to try the noodles near the academy, saying that it had the taste of their hometown.

After dinner, Ethan and Scarlett took a mule cart back to the village. This time, Ethan asked for a carriage.

Night had completely fallen. There were no oil lamps in the carriage, but the bright moonlight seeped in.

Scarlett sat across from Ethan. She stretched out her long legs and stretched her toes.

She bought new shoes.

They weren't embroidered shoes like the daughters of rich families, but a pair of cheap cloth shoes. They were pure black with no extra color, but surprisingly, they looked very good on her feet.

She looked very obedient as she played with the shoes. Her eyes were like broken stars.

The mule cart was still parked at the entrance of the village.

After the two of them got off the cart, Scarlett followed behind him at a distance.

The news of Scarlett fighting with Thomas because of Ethan had already spread throughout the village. Emily specially waited at the door. In the end, she saw the two of them walking in the night, one in front and one behind.

Could it be that her eyes weren't playing tricks on her last time?

Were these two really together?

"Idiot Bell!"

A voice broke the silence. Emily turned and went back into the house.

Scarlett and Ethan stopped outside their house and turned to look at the young man who was walking quickly towards them. It was Richard from the second branch of the Bell family.

Richard and Tom were both born of the Raven family because there mother belongs to Raven. However, compared to his own twin brother, Richard had always been closer to Thomas, his cousin.

Scarlett only glanced at him indifferently before looking away. She unlocked the door and entered the house with Ethan.

strode over and stood at the door with his hands on his hips. He said angrily, "Idiot bell, I think you've turned the sky upside down. How dare you treat Eldest Brother like this! Do you know that you almost delayed Eldest Brother's exams? You even embarrassed Eldest Brother in front of the entire village! "

Don't listen, don't listen.

Scarlett stepped over the threshold and was about to close the door.

Richard saw that she was ignoring him and became angry. He stepped into the house and held the door with one hand. "You dare? Grandfather told me to come find you! Hurry up and kowtow to Eldest Brother and admit your mistake! Otherwise, I'll beat you to death! "

Scarlett simple mood change into angry mood after listening his word...


"Did you hear that? If you don't make things clear today, don't even think about … "

He was halfway through his words.

Scarlett lifted her leg and sent him flying out with a kick!
