
Love Syndrome:The Pampered Wife

[This Story Theme set in Western+Eastern historical period ] [ In this story we explore the thin line that's differentiate between love and lust...] This Story About Strong+hot tempered girl,who found herself in the body of another person,that person name was same as her.... [Scarlett] She was originally the young miss of the Nobel Family, but became a peasant girl due to some unknown reason at birth. With great difficulty, she grew up into a delicate beauty, but no one wanted to marry her..... Rumors said she was ugly and was born a fool, and that she was a star of disaster that brought about the tragedy of her parents. However, the husband she picked up from the street in a midway was a cripple but later her husband become the future bigshot. ........... Author Note: #love-hate relationship [This Book participate in Cupids Quill Contest] [Request from my side if guys like this story then please show me your love by giving review,vote or add to library... ...…............................................................ This story I wrote inspired by many other people works...So if you guys find some similarities then this is purely coincidence.......

Cosmic_Lover · 都市
14 Chs

Lotus Hall PT-2

David left in disappointment. Just as he was about to walk out of the lobby, he heard a polite voice in front of him. "Young Master, are you here for checkup ?"

"Ah?" David was stunned for a moment and looked at the other party. It was a young man in luxurious clothes. His aura was somewhat strong, but his attitude was very gentle.

David did not recognize him. "You are …"

The staff recognized him and wanted to salute him, but they were stopped by the second boss with a look.

"Oh, I'm from Lotus Hall." The second boss said pleasantly, "Young Master, are you feeling unwell?"

David shook his head. "No, I'm not sick. I'm here to see my classmate."

"May I know your name, Young Master?"

"My name is David." David said with cupped his hands.

"My surname is Hu." The second boss returned the salute.

"So it's Doctor Hu." The other party said that he was from the medical center, so David naturally thought that he was a doctor here.

The second boss did not correct him. He smiled and said, "Then may I ask where your classmate is feeling unwell?"

David sighed. "His leg was injured half a year ago. We've found many doctors, but none of them can cure him. I think that only Doctor Jin from the medical center can cure him. But I heard that … Doctor Jin will never come to the medical center again. "

"Who said he won't come?" The second boss coughed lightly and said, "If he comes, he'll come tomorrow!"

"The consultation fee …"

"Fixed price, 100 silver coins!"


All the staff in the room choked.

David also choked. "One, one hundred silver coins?"

"Is it expensive?" The second boss blinked and hurriedly said, "I said it wrong. It's 10 silver coins!"

David: "…"

The staff: "…"

No matter how stupid David was, he knew that it was very expensive to see a doctor. Not to mention Doctor Jin from the capital, even a barefoot doctor from the countryside could not be agree with 10 silver coins.

"Didn't you say that Doctor Jin's consultation fee high?" he asked doubtfully.

The second boss's expression did not change. "It's cheaper to see a doctor."

"Cheaper … by so much?"

"Our medical center, business is not good, and it's off-season!"

David: "…"

The employees were speechless again.


David immediately went to the village and told David about the consultation, "… The consultation fee is only ten silver coins, and the cost of the herbs will be calculated separately. Their business is not good now, so I guess the cost of the herbs won't be too expensive."

The business of the medical center had indeed been affected, but it was still hard to believe that it had suddenly become so cheap.

David excitedly said, "I've asked Manager Wang about it, and Manager Wang said the same thing. This matter can't be fake, so just wait patiently. I happen to be on holiday at the end of the month. I'll go with you! "

Even the date had been set. It seemed like it was true.

Three days later, the results of the exam came out. Thomas came in second place.

This time, the examinees came from all over the world. There were hundreds of them, and there was no lack of children from wealthy families among them. They had hired teachers since they were young, and their learning conditions were much better than Thomas's. Even so, Thomas was still able to come in second place. It was really a great honor for the Bell family.

Especially since the questions this time were personally set by the Headmaster. The entire academy was spreading the news that the Headmaster was going to come out of seclusion and recruit a personal disciple from this batch of examinees.

Thomas felt that his chances were very high.

"How did Ethan do in the exam?" Old Man Bell asked.

Thomas smiled then said, "He also got in."

He also came in second place, but it was from the bottom.

There were a total of one hundred examinees this time, and Ethan was ranked ninety-nine.

Thinking about how he had left Ethan so far behind, Thomas could not help but feel proud. However, he said, "He didn't go to a private school for half a year. He studied hard at home. It's already very good that he could get such results."

"He studied hard for so long and almost didn't get in. It's clear that studying requires talent. In this aspect, you are much better than what I expected." It was rare for Old Man Bell to say so much. Originally, he did not dare to have too many expectations for Thomas, but now that the results were out, he felt that Thomas would definitely get in next year's Fall Quarter Examinations.

Old Man Bell was very happy. He sent his second son to town to get two pounds of pork belly.

Today, it was the second branch's turn to cook. Madam eva knew that most of the pork belly she brought out would go into Thomas's stomach, so she secretly hid two pieces in a jar.

"Mother, you hid the meat!"

Tom rushed in with sharp eyes.

Madam Eva was so scared that she trembled and almost knocked the jar over. She turned around and hit Tom, "Keep your voice down! What are you shouting for? "

Tom raised his eyebrows and said, "I want to eat meat."

"I won't give it to you!" Madam eva turned her back and held the jar tightly.

Tom snorted, "If you don't give it to me, I'll tell grandpa and grandma that you hid the meat!"

"You …" Madam Eva raised her fist in anger. Other people gave birth to sons to enjoy life, but she gave birth to sons to make herself angry.

Madam Eva also knew that Tom would really do something like that. She painfully opened the jar and cut a small piece for him.

Tom did not even have the chance to taste it before it was gone, "Why did you only give me half a bite? There are two big pieces in the jar! "

"That's for Richard!" Of her two sons, only Richard was willing to study. Madam Eva hoped that Richard would be successful in the future so that she could benefit from him. She could not count on Tom. If he did not come back to squander money in the future, she would be praying for Buddha.

Tom wanted to give some meat to his sister, but he couldn't really snatch his mother's jar. So, when his mother was not paying attention, he opened the lid, grabbed a few steamed buns, and ran away!

"Little beast!" Madam Eva was furious.

Steamed buns were also good food. Usually, only Thomas can eat steamed buns. They only eat korean noodles.

Madam Eva was so angry that she picked up a stick and chased after him. However, Tom ran away quickly and disappeared.

Tom ran to his sister's place in one breath. His hand was scalded by the steamed buns.

"Sister!" He rushed into the kitchen, but he suddenly smelled something and froze.

He sniffed: "It smells good. Sister, what are you cooking?"


She sold two of the three hens last time. She raised the remaining one for a few days and killed it today.

"What are you holding?" Scarlett looked at his hand.

"Steamed buns." Tom lowered his head. He wanted to give his sister something delicious to eat. Who would have thought that his sister would eat chicken? These steamed buns were a bit inferior …

Scarlett took a bowl and asked him to put the steamed buns in. She also brought a basin of cold water: "Put your hand in."

"Oh." Tom did not ask why and obediently did as he was told. His hand did not hurt as soon as it was soaked in the water.

"Eat here." Scarlett said to him again.

"Huh?" Tom was surprised.

"I left a bowl for you. I was thinking about how to send it. Now that you're here, I don't have to make a trip." Scarlett said as she opened the cupboard and took out a bowl of chicken. She poured it back into the pot.

Tom looked at the bowl of chicken. He knew that his sister did not say those words just because he came. She really did leave a bowl for him.

There was a whole drumstick in the bowl. He saw it all.

Tom suddenly felt a little sour at the tip of his nose.


Update Schedule:[ 2-3 chapter per week]

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