

The beautiful morning sun found its way through Lloyd's window, the cool weather outside was exactly what made him want to pull the blanket over his face and face more dreams but the alarm always ruined this reunion.

"Aaagh i wish I was just...."the phone rang before he finished thinking..it was his boss The Big Man Mike just as they called him

"Yeah hellow Boss

"LLOYD GET TO THE OFFICE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE...'Mr big man had spoken in capital letters insistingly so there was no time left on his side . With his toothbrush on his mouth he went to the shower in no time he was already on his shirt and well ironed pants..

"Hi miss how was your weekend"Lloyd spoke to the reception lady miss Jane who has been on Lloyd's crush list..her big eyes and her athletic body sent waves on his brains

"Perfect thanks, the boss wanted to meet you sir" Jane replied with a smile

"Where when"

"At his office. He left a message sir that

you should meet him as soon as you arrive "

"Ok thanks. By the way nice hairstyle " Lloyd spoke while leaving the reception and leaving Jane blushing


"I was notified on the poster that you made concerning this company ..it was a nice idea so could you help me to create more of them" Michael spoke while giving Lloyd his back facing the rest of the buildings that are on the same floor as his outside

"I'm glad you loved the idea but it requires a lot sir

"I'll offer what you need to work it out..and trust me' ...he turned to face Lloyd "this will get us bigger offers and I see you on a promotion some days ahead just show some support"

Lloyd was not a person who was easily blown off by promotions so he left the room cutting the long stories short.

The head of his department ,the most beautiful lady in the office one can say was a naughty fellow though Lloyd never noticed that she was an egoist who always wanted to be praised by everyone...she went over to Lloyd's table and said "Hi there seem busy "

"Yeah Miss Crin" Lloyd spoke unconcerned with her presence. Then she left silently

When it was afternoon Lloyd decided to go over at miss Crin's office and have a word with her

"Hi, can we have a talk miss"Lloyd spoke..he always wish to have a relationship with a beauty like her though it looked pretty hard to eventually get over with her especially on a thought that she was his head of the department.

"Sure come have a sit.."she said while closing up a file on her table " what's up"

Lloyd wanted to make a perfect use of his time so he went to the point

"Sorry it won't be office matters, and I don't think it's a right place to speak so can we go to a nice place please"

"Ok restaurant across the street is a fine place"

"I wanted to tell you that I..i really have feelings for you like I really like your style, your body, you..

"Whaaat did you just say

"Yeah I love you.."

"Idiot " she left like a pissed of police who heard of the thiefs who stole stuffs at his house..To Lloyd it was not easy to handle maybe this maybe that was going on his head he went back to the office to finish the remaining 10 posters of the boss's request.


Usually it doesn't go well with people who try to get closer to miss Crin so we could say Lloyd was in a Great danger maybe of losing his job

On the way Lloyd post the posters and tried to get to speak with different companies which needed to work with theirs..The landmark which dealt with a lot of stuff like publishing newspapers, branding people's businesses, selling electronics appliances and many more.

Lloyd went back home relaxed he prepared some spaghetti and meatballs then turned on his Tv to watch his favorite series .

In the late morning the next day he discovered that he fell asleep on the couch maybe due to fatigue and he was very late for work

He took shower fast and wore his clothes took a taxi off he went to the office. On the way he met Crin on her non understandable look

"Lloyd I don't entertain unrespectable behavior especially from you dear I owe you some big time" Crin spoke and left Lloyd trying to swallow and digest the undigestable words from Crin.He went on moving to his table where he met Mike who was the happiest man in the office at the moment

"Hey Big Man today you look bigger than your own bouncers what's up"

"Thank you so much Lloyd I knew you were going to make it happen"


"My dreams

"Oww how ?

"The posters have brought great offers in our company.. finally we get to work together with the well known companies thanks for the great job"

"Anytime anything I am available

"Have a day off please okay.

You have done enough and I have injected some cash in your bank account for some sort of relaxed Time"

"Thanks boss " Lloyd said as they part ways . Lloyd's direction changed he went back to the exit door where he met Crin again

"Where to Mr you don't want me to file up another case to Mike,do you?"she asked smiling evil

Lloyd smiled back and told her

"I'll be glad...bye"he left her on a highway of thousands thoughts standing on the center of the ground floor of the Landmark company