
Love renewal, Kenji-kun.

Kenji, A Half Japanese and a Half Filipino. He grew up in the Philippines and it was the country where he started his romantic high school life . However, it ended up miserably. he suddenly got betrayed by his friend and his girlfriend. Being falsely accused, framed, dumped, spreading such a big lie about him. he got depressed and decided to giving up on what so called life. he is getting gloomier and unsociable as the time passes. His father felt bad at him and decided to help him by studying abroad in Japan with such a big value of money. Afterwards, on the way to the airport with himself fixing his appearance and making himself look decent , He met a cute girl at the waiting chair that made him fell in love with her at his first look. And so on, Kenji arrived studying there in japan. There are more girls who approached and deepen their relationships with Kenji. and so, Kenji's new romantic high school life has begun. a big thanks to JustDiss the person who redesigned the cover using Ibis Paint X app. i will rewrite and fix all of these chapters that was previously uploaded as soon as possible. u guys can follow my instagram: anj_0u

NPCwriter114 · ゲーム
6 Chs


I spent my time cleaning up and studying for my weekend. Surprisingly managed to study without playing a game in almost two cumulative days.

I don't have any plans of going outside, buying things or whatsoever. Totally nothing. Nothing to go, nothing to buy. I'm naturally staying at my room, just keep breathing. At least I was staying in my room peacefully.

Chisa's so annoying yesterday, I can't focus on studying because of her. She's playing a game on my console with a max volume. If she can't complete the game, she will rely on me while I'm studying. On the other hand, the game she played was something unusual for me called otome games. it was a bit similar to dating simulator games but most of those are primarily visual novels that is targeted towards women.

She's a little bit younger than me but her looks are completely matured. She's wearing a sando and shorts last day, I can clearly see her armpit and her breasts. Sometimes, she teases me by doing obscene things in front of me. sucking an ice pop like, most lewd girls do. Intentionally making openings near me to get aroused and anything related to that.

In conclusion, think of her as a gal like girl and annoying. My bad, I'm not good at explaining things.

Somehow, I often keep staring at her while she's playing a game. watching her failing the game is kinda interesting as a gamer.

The reason why Chisa come here often is because she can ditch washing dishes and do all the chores at her home. uncle also scolds me for spoiling her or letting her do what she wants in my room.

Well, I'm used to it. My experiences of living and studying here in japan almost reached 3 years. time flies so fast. I still haven't changed, I still a feeling of side character vibes within me.

At least I noticed that there were some progresses if I look at personal status. Of course, I've gotten taller but my weight remains the same. If I look at relationships, I made few friends but still barely reaches 10.

Yesterday, in an apartment I live in, most windows are open in every room just because it's getting hotter and the summer season will arrive soon. If I were on the Philippines, I would get drenched with sweat. As I remember, there are only two seasons there. Summer and Typhoo- no, rainy season I guess.

Forget about it, Here I am I found myself staring at the people walking the street through the open window while an electric fan was facing towards me.

I'm excited about summer season just because it has a vacation or basically a summer break where I'm free do anything I want. On top of that, it's a long break for me to laze around.

It's been three months since I've studied into this school, I didn't notice it earlier. the school trip event will be held soon and it would be another trouble for me again. A loner like me shouldn't have to participate with this.

As I was staring throughout the window, my hair flutters and my hairstyle were destroyed as the wind blows harder from a maxed out electric fan. Furthermore, my electricity bill might go higher at this rate. I think it would be the time for me to have a part time job or just becoming a helper in any household.

The school won't allow their students to have a job but to make them focus on their study instead. However, I only have 12 million yen left in my balance so applying a part time job is clearly vague in my objectives.

I almost forgot to tell you this, my mother actually owns a five-star hotel that was built in the Philippines. at first, I thought she was just a house wife who often goes out of the house and do the chores.

i recently realized that I was raised with a rich family and I just found out why father gave me millions in an instant like he was giving away some normal things.

After all these years, this is the time I know the truth about my parents or relatives.

My mother's brother, no, my uncle, Mark Lauren Santiago, was a congressman. I don't know much about politics but I can tell that he's a rich man.

By the way, Santiago is my middle name and forgot to say it in an introduction. I'm such a stupid guy who forgot his own middle name. my full name is Kenji S. Ichinose, it was already imprinted on my birth certificate. My own name sounds kinda weird for me, I wonder I can change my name like I was changing my username inside a video game.

I have money but I don't feel anything. Some netizens in the social media are posting some memes or posting anything related to money and it seems like most of them needs a huge amount of money to buy anything they want or something like that.

Happiness, sadness I don't feel anything. All I did was breath and wait a miracle to happen within me. I'm rich but no use of the society, I'm look cool but actually good-for-nothing loser.

After I said something like emotions out of the blue, I was thinking about what's the point of being alive if I have nothing to do or feeling anything. Don't get the wrong idea, I'm not depressed or feeling sad. It's just that I was doing nothing all the time.

Well, I guess I shouldn't think of myself in a negative way. I might lose my self-esteem if I go further. This feels like I'm talking to myself all the time.

Boredom is a crime for me, so I should make a move before my boredom gets worse.

I'm done studying, cleaning the room, paying the bills, laundry and got bored on doing otaku stuff. It was like I'm feeling bored in every chapter of my life. if my life was a story, it would only finish in a single or two volumes. Perhaps it would be lesser than that.

Forget it. I guess I have to continue studying and I might choose a strand if I found something I'm interested in. living all by myself might be difficult but it's like a lesson for me.

After having a slight of sight outside, I lied down in the floor and turned the electric fan facing down on me.

My smartphone was charging on the table and I'm too lazy to turn on my computer at this time. Tanaka might be busy for now, I shouldn't have to bother her.

In a moment later, I realized that the image of Tanaka always appears in my mind if I'm alone or I feel like I have nothing to do Because of my boredom that has reached to its limit. I don't know why she always in my mind. I don't feel anything about her after all.

I only think of her as a friend. Just a friend.

I decided to go outside to eat some street foods or go to the arcade to play. I might end up go shopping to purchase some clothes if I go outside. i often spend money to buy mangas and gacha rolls in the past few years.

Kenji changed his clothing, wearing a jacket and a normal pants leaving his hair being frizzy. He removed his glasses and immediately went outside with moderate sound of his footsteps. He only brought his smartphone and his pocket then he's good to go.

As I left the room, I took a glance at the next door, where Tanaka's inside. I just only took a glance and walked away even though I don't know where to go.

Later on, I found myself eating a 1-dollar snack called crepe in a park alone. while taking a bite, I was watching at other people or strangers hanging out with their friends or a lover. There are kids running around the park while having fun with their parents and guardians looking at them.

My hair is getting longer within 3 months has passed. I'm slowly returning back to my gloomy appearance in the past again. Nagase will talk to me with a Disgust look in the class. It's not like I keep talking to her but she's my seatmate, there's no way we won't interact each other if that's the case.

Having a long frizzy hair, wearing a pair of glasses, frequently closing the mouth, don't usually talk. Those are the thing or characteristics that shouldn't be shown in the school. People nowadays judges the book by its cover.

Thinking about that made me remember how it feels to be ignored and being stared with a disgust look.

Sitting at the bench while spacing out was like something embarrassing I could think of. I immediately stood up and walked away towards the mall. It's getting hot so going inside the mall is a great idea because it had an air conditioner.

I threw the wrapper of the crepe in the trash bin near to me and continuously went away from the park without taking a glance on my back. I can't handle the atmosphere there after all. An introvert like me isn't suitable at that place.

As I thought, I shouldn't have to go there earlier.

This may be sounds weird but I think I could call this a date with myself. hanging out with my self is a concrete reason for me to say that.

While I was walking, I saw so much couples at this weekend. most couples have a date in weekends so I won't expect about that. I don't have much friends to hang out with so I often go out alone.

In a moment later, I went inside the mall to get myself cool and buy things I want here. besides, there are more people going into the direction where is movie is now showing. There's a line of people giving their tickets to watch the newly released movie.

This made me curios about that new movie but I think I have to pass right now. Waiting in the line is troublesome so I might watch it on a disk release or a pirated site in my laptop If I wanted to. The only thing that disappoints me is it's a romantic movie. I might get bored watching at the casts flirting in a whole scene.

Playing a video game might be better than that.

I went to the store to buy some clothes instead, underwear is also included with it. there are many fashionable outfits or clothes or whatsoever displayed anywhere inside the store. I don't like most of those clothes with fancy designs, it feels like I'm a Rockstar or a chick magnet if I imagine wearing something like that.

I walked to the direction where the cashiers are to buy the clothes I picked. Most of those are just having a normal design so I shouldn't have to mention about it.

After finishing the process in the cash counter, I went outside the store and I was holding two shopping bags where the clothes I purchased was placed inside.

Now then, what should I buy next?

I was standing next to the corner while holding my smartphone to check my previous to do lists if I have an Idea if there's something I can buy necessarily. Unfortunately, everything on the lists were all completed. I guess I have to call it a day and go back home.

I put my smartphone in my pocket while giving such a deep breath. I unloaded my shoulders and I was on my way to return back home.

"uhhh, is that Kenji?"


[that voice, it sounds familiar]

At the moment I heard my name, being mentioned all of a sudden from a girl makes me took a glance behind me.

While I glanced at the back, my expression went a little bit stiff when I saw that girl in front of my eyes. a brown skinned woman whose hair are totally black appeared in front of my eyes. she's the girl who also dragged me down and yet she's making a normal expression on me.

Should I say at least single word to her or at least a greeting.

Besides, she's with her friends. I don't have time to deal with them or I don't want to interact with them to be precise. She might have fun hanging out with her friends and pretend that she didn't meet me here.

[maybe I should ignore her and proceed to go back home]

I forced my mind not to recall anything in the past if I interact with her. but my heart won't accept that no matter what. there's no need for me to talk to Anna. it's like a side character talking to the heroine.

I was a little bit surprised when she had some nerves to talk to me after the time passes.

After I glanced at her, I looked away and walked out of the mall. She's free to call me rude or a disrespectful person, I ignored her so I don't mind. I just wanted to move forward while not getting involved with people or rejecting my social status.

Enjoying my own company is great feeling.

"ahh, Annyan, He ignored you!"

"that's unfortunate, he looks cool when he glanced at me"

"he had the looks though, what's his name Anna-chan?"

"shut up!"

"uhh, she's pissed"

Anna's friends made fun of her after I ignored her. they were making a small laugh and suddenly felt pity for Anna. It's like they were teasing her or making fun of her. anyways it's the same phrase though don't mind my narration.

In a moment later, her friends went silent and they were staring at Anna of she felt. They have a feeling that they made a joke while Anna felt sad about it. their reactions returned to normal and attempted to divert the topic.

She felt down after she got ignored by his ex-boyfriend, Kenji. She just wanted to say hi but it seems Kenji sees her as a total stranger. She began to feel pain at the back of chest as if there's a hole in her heart.

Kenji's back shrank and disappeared when he's getting too far. Anna faced down and she told her friends that she will go to the restroom.

She washed her hands and looked at the mirror. She was thinking that she saw a bad girl that resembles a bitch in front of her. she was muttering making such words with "why" questions.

Anna went out pretending that nothing bad happened to her and started to go with her friends. Making a fake smile. They went to watch that new movie released to have some fun. Meanwhile Kenji, booked a taxi in the terminal to go home immediately, his eyes are clouded and his expression became stiff again.

Because of her, everything went downhill. I can't stand getting treated so harsh in school. My best friend didn't trust me anymore. I can still see her hatred within me, I was empty inside back then.

I was in a void, everything went dark. I can't see anything. Their hatred aura surrounded me, hearing those hurtful words went within my ears. I wanted to escape by abandoning my reality, I became a hermit who usually stay in their shelter.

I am grateful that I became an otaku.

Watching anime, reading manga, playing games comforted me after all these years. time can heal but what I experienced wont. Somehow, I was wondering why some students back then hated me even though they're not involved with it.

Maybe I am thinking too much, I think I should have to read manga if I return home. father might call me again at night. My life sucks. I stared at the window again waiting for the taxi to arrive at my destination. I bought clothes and underwear yet I don't know when should I wear these.

[uhh, a traffic jam. It's unusual for a weekend.]

I can't stand staying inside taxi with an air conditioner, I feel nauseous and my breathing feels weird, totally uncomfortable. I decided to leave out of the car while it's in traffic. No worries, I already paid the taxi driver. It's okay for me to go out now.

the feeling of temperature became hotter as I went outside of the taxi. My place is near, so I guess I have to walk again. I'm a little bit tired.

I laid my step while making a sigh. It is the feeling of wandering outside alone with unfortunate things happened. I missed the chance to go to the arcade or a game shop.

And so, my boring lifestyle continued as I returned home.

On the next day, it's time for me to go to school.

I did the same things as usual. Waking up, breath, stretch, brush my teeth and eat breakfast. I often take a shower on the evening so it's not necessary for me to take a bath in the morning. I'm a kind of person who doesn't have a bad smell or a bad body odor, I guess I can't smell my own scent. Nah, That's something I should worry about.

After that, I turned off the lights and any appliances to reduce payments in my electricity bills and went outside to walk towards the school. The next thing to do is to wait for Tanaka to go to school together.

[Ohh wait, since when did I wait for her to go inside the school together]

Never mind, better to wait for since I have much time to spare. I don't mind getting late, I'm used to go to school late in the Philippines.

The problem is this is Japan, being late might be bad news for me. I might even call out to a faculty or a guidance office. Interacting with members of discipline committee waste of time. it would be better to go a little bit early.

I was waiting at her outside the apartment. I'm too shy to ring the doorbell in her place so prefer waiting for her instead. It's been a long time I've been waiting for someone to go to school together. I was waiting for Anna back then and now I did the same.

Oh, I have no time for being nostalgic or thinking about the past. I should pull myself together.

*Kenji imagined his life on a school trip at it's a troublesome face*

A moment later, Tanaka was staring at Kenji spacing out. She assumed that He's waiting for her. Kenji didn't notice that she's was standing right beside him for a minute. Tanaka smiled lightly and called his name to stop him from spacing out.

"Ken, Ke-Ken, Kenji, Kenji! Hey Kenji! Wake up"

"uhhhhh!! Oh Tanaka, my bad! I didn't notice that you were here. I was waiting for you yet I was the who made you wait"


I glanced at her and she greeted me in an instant. Her angelic face is right within my eyes. she's shorter than me so elevated down my chin.

I cannot forget her scent, Am I a pervert now? Heh, as if I do.

I think I was just keep thinking about her. she had the figure of my ideal girl but unfortunately, she's a 3D girl. 2D is better than 3D as an otaku. i said something in the past that I won't need a girlfriend anymore and it would be better not to think of Tanaka-san anymore and focus on my dear self.

"Good moning, Kenji-kun"

"well, good morning"

"my bad, I ended up spacing out and made you wait"

"no! it's not a big deal, Kenji-kun."

"is that so"

"Anyways shall we go?"

She asked me while having a straight gaze towards me. her back bent a little and she was facing above. Her face is getting closer so I stepped back and responsed.

"well, yeah"

It's the same thing happened again, we went inside the school together while there are some school mates who were staring at us. when we get together there are more than one people who kept staring at us. they were mumbling and I couldn't hear their thoughts but I assume that it was about us.

After thinking about what happened, I didn't realize that we were holding hands while we were on the way to our destination. It leaves a warm in my palms and it makes my cheeks turned into reddish color. Her reaction seems pretty normal, maybe I'm the only one being ignorant here.

The warmth of her hand reminds me the warmth of anna's hand in the past. I can also remember how anna slapped me from the hand I held before. on top of that, it was on a public place. I felt embarrassed and ashamed back then.

I smiled a little bit and continued to do my objectives. That is to go inside the classroom. This may be sound goofy but I'm not wrong. That's a good thing for me to do.

My hair style is like the common hairstyle you've ever seen with other men, of course, my image too.

I went inside the classroom to laze around again. I have Ren with me so I'm not alone for now. He isn't on his seat, it seems he's late again. no wonder, he's doing some otaku stuffs in the morning.

He was called out by our homeroom teacher more than three times as I remember. He keeps making lousy excuses just like I do. Ren passed the semester examination, I sense no problem or toubles within him.

Nagase's on her seat already, she had her chin got supported with her right palm while waiting for the class to start.

The semester exam already finished last week and the results were displayed on the board. I would expect that the class is vague today. Hopefully that would happen, new lessons are so tiring. I still haven't joined a club yet, things would be bad in my school status if I don't join one. Most clubs are something interested in, what a drag.

This isn't the time to think about that. besides, I have much time left for that. My eyes are stuck staring at her and I don't know why. Staring at her without an expression, huh. It is kind of weird not to greet their seatmate. My classmates are doing that so I guess I have to greet her normally.

"Good morning, Nagase"

"ehhhh! Uhmm, Good morning Ichinose-kun"

"uhmmm, Ichinose-kun. There's something important I wanted to tell you, I need to talk to you in private later. Let's meet at the rooftop when the class is over."

I don't know what's her point of asking me to meet her in the rooftop after class. it may be an important business that involved me but most likely, something she wanted to discuss with me. I'm not curios about it , I'm just expecting things to happen.

"alright, if that's how it is. then I will talk to you later"

While I was talking to Nagase on a little time, I noticed that the way she speaks is rather strange than I usually talk to her last time. I took a glance at her again and she looked away while her arms are folded.

As I was staring anywhere inside the classroom, I saw that blonde guy again staring at me. we had a direct eye contact like from the first week of the class, is this some sort of déjà vu? I wonder what he wants from me.

Maybe I'm just thinking too much.

Ren arrived in school just in time. when I checked the time in my smartphone it's already 9 in the morning. I noticed that there's no teacher in school. A meeting? A teacher's conference?

Well, it's none of my business. Better to take a nap. Tanaka might be talking with others and do her stuffs. Nagase was doing the same thing as me. Ren was reading a manga inside the classroom, hopefully his smartphone wouldn't be confiscated. I closed my eyes and I was feeling relaxed.

And so, I ended up falling asleep inside a classroom. Essentially, I was having my arms crossed while falling asleep. It was embarrassing that I revealed my sleeping face to the whole class.

My classmates saw my sleeping face clearly. The tip of my hair flutters and my head was tilted slightly. It was an image of a handsome guy sleeping on his own seat while there are many people nearby.

Nagase was staring at my sleeping face while have some thoughts on her mind. She's Wearing a light smile as if she had to look on her little brother. I was just sleeping in the class, it isn't a big deal to cause a scene. Besides, a side character like me is the concrete reason for them to ignore it.

Lately, because of my drowsiness, I leaned on the desk involuntarily and continued to take nap. Me eyes are like glued and I feel like I don't want to open my eyes anymore.

Nagase's thoughts in her mind are messy like a messed rope. While she's looking at her smartphone, the picture of sleeping me was saved into her gallery that was displayed her smartphone. Did she take a picture while there are other people? Taking pictures of me without a consent huh. If I look at it I might consider this thing as a spying or a cyber libel.

I suddenly got awake at noon. I forgot to eat my lunch and my stomach starts to rumble. I asked Ren if there are teacher coming inside the classroom. Luckily, there isn't a single teacher who went inside the classroom to teach.

Something like this made me realize that it would be better for me to go absent rather than staying in school for nothing. Well, at least I took a nap earlier. i don't have a lunch box to eat and I was too lazy to go to the cafeteria.


"melon breads? What?"

She was standing right beside me she put on some food that can be purchased in the canteen. She's putting her right hand on her right hip and her gaze caught my eyes. somehow, I can sense that she will become a ideal girl when the time passes.

Dealing with a tsundere girl is more complicated that having some time dealing with gyarus. I don't actually dislike gyarus but I mostly find their images annoying. Just like that girl from before, she approached me out of nowhere.

"you're hungry right? I bought this for you"

"oh, thanks."

"don't get the wrong idea, I'm not here trying to be kind with you. It's not like I care about you or anything."

"what's with that tsundere lines and telling me nonsense?"

My reaction was stunned in an instant for not understanding anything she said. My clouded eyes were fixed at her face and my mouth was totally closed. As I mention a "tsundere" word to her. her face became red and she began to say the common word "idiot" to me.

She stepped back not returning to her seat but went outside the classroom instead. She didn't land another glance at me while she's walking. Looking at her back, her waists are pretty slim. I can see her thin arms waving on top of that, her nape looks beautiful.

I don't have any nape fetishes but rather, there are parts of a woman's body that I like. I'm sure you already know it so I don't have to mention that.

I took a glance at the seat where Tanaka was and it seems she's going outside the classroom. I don't see Ren in front of me. where are they going? Never mind.

I ripped out the plastic that was wrapping the bread. I started to eat the bread, this is my favorite food I wanted to buy in the cafeteria, this is the cheapest food available there. Nagase probably bought these pieces of bread because this is the food I often eat in school.

The melon bread tastes the same as I remember and chewing them is a little bit interesting for me.

On the other hand, Tanaka just returned back to her classroom and saw Kenji flirting with another girl. she had a little feeling of jealousy and at the same time she was relieved that he managed to get along other than her.

this chapter is all about the day of his weekend. i had to admit that this chapter is boring or maybe entire story too.

i'm surprised that i uploaded more than five chapters in this romantic story.

Actually i uploaded the chapters directly, without getting edited or rewritten. i tried to read my own story and found so many flaws. perhaps, i could revise the whole story if i have more time to spare.

i uploaded it but it feels like it's too late.

I appreciate for those people who spent their time reading this. I will work hard and i will make sure that i wont dissapoint you.

NPCwriter114creators' thoughts