
Love renewal, Kenji-kun.

Kenji, A Half Japanese and a Half Filipino. He grew up in the Philippines and it was the country where he started his romantic high school life . However, it ended up miserably. he suddenly got betrayed by his friend and his girlfriend. Being falsely accused, framed, dumped, spreading such a big lie about him. he got depressed and decided to giving up on what so called life. he is getting gloomier and unsociable as the time passes. His father felt bad at him and decided to help him by studying abroad in Japan with such a big value of money. Afterwards, on the way to the airport with himself fixing his appearance and making himself look decent , He met a cute girl at the waiting chair that made him fell in love with her at his first look. And so on, Kenji arrived studying there in japan. There are more girls who approached and deepen their relationships with Kenji. and so, Kenji's new romantic high school life has begun. a big thanks to JustDiss the person who redesigned the cover using Ibis Paint X app. i will rewrite and fix all of these chapters that was previously uploaded as soon as possible. u guys can follow my instagram: anj_0u

NPCwriter114 · ゲーム
6 Chs


In a silent and peaceful morning, inside of a single room in an apartment There's a young man who's sleeping while wearing headphones on his bed. if you look about his surroundings, there are bunch of magazines and books are scattered around the floor. A game controller and its wire are also displayed to the ground. the other desk is full of papers and the lamp was still turned on in this time of dawn.

It's not so messy as you think unlike from the other people you see. I just answered my homework and studied a little last night and do some otaku stuffs after that.

---- i just suddenly closed my eyes after I've done anything I should have to do and ended up falling asleep.

A morning light is slowly growing to my vision, my eyes were so sticky like I can't open my eyes at the moment I woke up. the sound of the chirping birds showed up and the clear atmosphere was revived in my eyes as usual. A great cool air coming from the window as the air flows inside my room.

My mouth is so dry making a small yawn and I got hard early in the morning. I rushed into the bathroom to refresh myself. washing my back on my own, brushed my teeth and immediately wore my uniform after that.

_I haven't cleaned up the mess I did from last night and it felt like I was ignoring my surroundings and continue to do my hobbies. I lied down to bed in uniform attire while using a smartphone. I opened a social media app to check some game and anime announcement then browse data for a few minutes.

I was surprised because the battery percentage is still high while I spent more time playing with this smartphone. Maybe I should forget about this.

Tomorrow is at the end of the week and there will be no classes tomorrow. I was thinking what should I do for that. Having my computer to take break at least a single day would be a great idea and my smartphones or other devices should be on standby.

Should I go to gym, my weight hasn't changed for the past two years. there might be a chance that I will become weaker in physical abilities in the future because is always sit and play computer. Not to mention, my sleeping time is always vague.

I don't even have a schedule or a daily routine placed in my mind. All I did was breathe and calls it a day. My life sucks. I don't know what am I doing right now and what I am aiming for in the future.

Along with the bright sunshine just like normal morning you've usually see, my feeling right now is completely empty but not like depressed person. Every time there's a subject comes in my mind, it often makes my mind filled with countless thoughts. In short, I'm just a man who keeps thinking but not making things possible.

I stretched out my hand and toss my smart phone in a meter having a deep sigh. The phone was still placed on the bed and it was about to fall. While I was facing at the ceiling, I covered my eyes with my left arm to chill myself.

My mind is surrounded with ideas while I am planning what to do on the next day. I think most students you usually find have plans what to do in their break. while me, all I did was lying down and do nothing. My life today is filled with nothing but boredom.

If I think about the school calendar, the opening ceremony already happened since two or three weeks ago. in the place where the ceremony was held, I can remember the serious faces of the members in student council. They seemed to be the people I shouldn't talk with because they have higher reputation than me. it's not like I'm scared though.

I almost forgot that it's already one week had passed after I went out with Tanaka-san purchasing myself a smartphone.

I played a gacha game with that amateur, Rentarou yesterday. It wasn't a competitive game but it was rather a challenging PvE game. I carried him along the way to make his account better by defeating some strong boss and helping him collect rare materials from the enemies I killed and to let him claim the rewards.

Somehow, after I helped him for a few days, I realized that, all I did was kind of cheating to help him grow faster. It's totally unfair for a loner like me even in a network society for raising my account alone without relying on the others.

Actually, I was bored when I played with him the other day because the enemies and me have a huge gap. It was like facing a lvl.21 goblin while my character is at lvl.175. among that, I can one shot monsters without doing less effort.

Cooking a food for a breakfast is wasting my time. Now the food I'm eating this time is just two pieces of bread and a cup of hot coffee, eating it with a Filipino style. Dipping the bread into a coffee like I was dipping a fried chicken into its sauce and eat it. a tasteless bread now tastes like a coffee. On top of that, the bread was soaked with hot coffee and that makes it better. Regardless, it was such an elegant breakfast for me as a half-Filipino to eat.

The uniform I'm wearing isn't totally ironed and it looks like it's a crumpled piece of cloth. Maybe I went to the school for several days wearing a messy uniform and I just noticed right now [not exactly dirty, huh].

After I ate my breakfast, I immediately stripped off my upper uniform and started to iron it while I have more time to prepare. While I was still ironing my uniform, the doorbell rang. Who is it, is it the newspaper boy or maybe Chisa. Well, it doesn't matter I guess I have to open the door to check who is it.

The sound of a light footstep arrived in a small room, making a small creaking sound for opening the door slowly and the light went through the opened door.

I opened the door while I'm naked at the upper half and in a moment later, I realized that it was a certain person who's waiting outside for me, I made an unusual reaction.

A woman, I wonder what's her business with me early in the morning.

A brown and a short haired woman that its hair barely reaches her shoulders, she's wearing our school female uniform, she also wore a knee-high sock and I can clearly see her thighs between her skirt and her socks. She's leaning upwards towards my face and I suddenly asked her like what's up.

-Her beautiful brown hair flutters as the wind blows by, in a close distance, her scent is so good. The azure blue eyes are reflecting the image of myself. in a few seconds, I snapped back to reality and to return my senses.

I don't know what's her point ringing the doorbell here but I guess there might be a reason for that. Tanaka was staring at me with my face being spaced out.

When my eyes are fixed at her for a few minutes I can imagine her image with a cute school girl attire with a bunch of flowers displayed as her back ground. My mouth was half opened like I saw a goddess.

I returned to my senses for having such a weird imagination for the second time and started to talk to the woman in front of me who just rang the doorbell earlier.

"Good morning"

"Ahhh Good morning"

"What's up, Tanaka-san?"

"ahh, no, I thought that you were asleep and I just wanted to go to the school together with you. As I thought, I shouldn't have to bother you from the start. "

"don't sweat it. I don't really mind about what you did. I should be grateful because you cared about. I'm always late at the school and always cause troubles to myself."

Oh that. ringing the doorbell early in the morning just for a lousy thing like that. it's not a big deal after all.

"oh, you won't come in? I'm busy so just wait inside. I haven't cleaned my room yet so please don't mind it."

"ahh yes, pardon my intrusion"

Having a girl inside my room is something I could feel not comfortable. I might think of some weird ideas or maybe have some dirty intentions with her. not to mention, I often read erotic manga or eromanga to be precise.

She was staring at me ironing my uniform then she was about to say something.

"Want me to do that for you"

"no, no. it's alright. I can do this by myself."


She was staring at me for just a moment without making any reactions. She slowly opened her mouth to say something to me.

"do you go to gym often; your body seems to be built up a little bit. Your abs are like it was revealed partially."

Back then, when I was living in the Philippines before. i was used to carry heavy materials since I was young, i also did push ups, squats and planks in the past. aside from that, living in the Philippines feels like It's always having a summer season.

I often get soaked in sweat and I don't use air conditioner at that time then I realize that my physical body had its improvement. I stopped working out after I got into junior high school then get focused into study.

I guess I have to say her that I don't go to gym to build my physical body and that would be fine for this conversation.

"nope I don't"

I slowly wore the uniform that was currently ironed. While I was inserting the buttons to the hole, Tanaka stood up walked closer to and she tried to fix my collar. Her face is so close. When I take a look at her face closely, she's even cuter.

By the way, I still can't handle long conversations after all, even a few years have passed. I wanted to change but still I have a feeling that i can't make it. however, if I compare my present self to the past, it's similar but I've improved like 4%. My progress is so slow after all.

I almost forgot that there's a book that was along with the other scattered books on the floor

"okay, now were finished"


We exchange our stares with our faces were so close to each other. I can see the image of my face in her beautiful blue eyes and my heart skipped a beat. I can feel her warm breath and it was like an indirect kiss.

Her pale face and soft lips are also the material that made her have an image of a beautiful high school girl. I leaned down on her face just because she's shorter than me. I can see her cleavage and her upper underwear so I looked away. She noticed that i was staring at her chest so she stepped back and put her right hand on her breast without saying anything. However, I'm the one who suddenly apologized like I accidentally bit my tongue.

"ah sorry"

"Don't think about it and anyways, let's go to school together."

I turned off the air conditioner, closed the windows, putting my fully charged smartphone in my pocket and locked the door then go downstairs to walk towards the school. Leaving the scattered book unarranged.

At the school

I and Tanaka broke up and separated ways. i went to the shoe locker to change my footwear. The moment I opened my locker, there's a sheet of paper or was like a mail that was placed beside my shoes. I slowly grabbed the mail and put it in my bag.

Wearing the shoes in my locker and started to go to the classroom to laze again. There are less people in the hallway then that means it's still early huh. I slowly opened the classroom and went to my seat. I was using a smartphone just to buy time until the class begins. Playing at least a single match in a competitive game is enough this morning I guess.

If the class begins and the match was still going on, I have no choice but to go AFK. That's why I should play since it's early. I woke up 5 in the morning and the time today is Around 7, no it's five minutes left to reach seven.

I was double thinking if I should play a game or take a lean on my desk. That Rentarou guy hasn't arrived yet to play with but there's nothing I can do for now.

I almost forgot about the sheet of paper that was put in my bag and this may be the perfect tome to take a look at it. I was facing down and holding that mail between my legs to check what's inside. In love simulation game, this would be a love letter. This is reality so I shouldn't expect what inside. Never mind that, I should look at it.

Unwrapping the mail and there's a bundle of rectangle papers was put on inside. It was a money; the exact ten thousand yen was inside and there's a letter. What's written her was….

"Ichinose-kun, thank you for lending me this money before. I wanted to repay you the next day after you lent me this but you were absent at time. I'm sorry that I repay you in a several days have passed. If you weren't absent at the second day, this would get finished normally, dummy!"

She even left some additional tsundere words.

I was making a goofy face after reading this letter and put the money I received on my pocket. I placed my left cheek on the desk while facing on the left side. I spent my time last night answering my homework. I feel like I wanted to take a rest in the infirmary, I'm tired.

The door was slowly opened and there's a twin tailed blonde girl passing by and sat beside me. she took a glance me then looked away. Meanwhile, me, who doesn't know what to say a word started to say something.

"Good morning, Nagase-san. You seemed fine and refreshed today"

"Good morning, Ichinose-kun."

"Kenji's fine, just call me Kenji"

"uhm um, Kenji-kun. Just forget what you have read this morning. I feel like I wanted to die after that."

"it's fine, there' nothing wrong with that. and anyways, you shouldn't have to repay me back."

"that's money and that's everyone's currency so there's no way I would ignore that"

"I see."

"what's that respond, you're freaking me out"


[Actually, i was raised with a poor family. That's why I'm serious in terms of money. my father was unemployed and my mother died. my grandmother was sick and we don't even have money for her health. I ended up using the money you lent made me repay you back so late. my bad, Ichinose-san]

She said that with her mind making a sad face. Nagase's eyes looked like she's depressed. Kenji, who suddenly confused with a stunned expression and his expectation was ruined. Kenji tried to make fun of her.

"HAHAHAHAHA. At first, I thought it was a love letter sent from a girl. But it was beyond my expectation, it was a money and made me feel disappointed."

"didn't I told you, just forget about it"

I was making a dry laugh for having my expectation totally different from reality. However, Nagase-san was flustered probably because I mentioned a love letter. She had her tsundere act and said something like "Dummy" as her additional words.

"I mean why don't you ask me if I have a sometime. You should've given that money to me in face to face. Is it because you fell in love with me and you're so shy to approach me. how cute."

"shut up and die"

This is now the second time for teasing someone other than Chisa. Watching Nagase-san being flustered makes me have a feeling that I like that part of her.


"What is it? Virginose-kun"

[what's with that weird nickname! Heh however]

"you're so cute, I fell in love with you at first sight. Would you please go out with me"?

I was saying that It was a confession inside the classroom and it was making my confession look serious. Making a serious face that Nagase-san couldn't doubt. And here it is her reaction…

"huh!!!! what are you talking about!!!!, saying something like that all of a sudden. Are you an idiot!!!!??! And anyways. It's not like I wanted to go out with you or anything."

"that's it! the tsundere move! It's like I'm living inside the love simulation game. words like "it's not like" and "Idiot" are being said by a certain cute person to me is like heaven."

"are you making fun of me? if not, you should go to the mental hospital or consult to a therapist before it gets worse"

Teasing a girl and on top of that, she's tsundere that I'm making fun of. I smiled at her and making a dry laugh again for doing such stupid things like this. A gloomy person like me is now having a chit chat with a cute girl. I still don't understand myself why am I doing that but having a feeling like this isn't bad after all.

"Nagase, you're so cute"

"Huh, what are you talking about, so lame"


"I'm not cute as Tanaka, my breasts were so small, I'm short and to be specific, I'm not exactly cute"

She was feeling down as she says that word. That line is something most inferior people say. I guess it was my bad for saying something to her out of the blue. However, I will tell her what's my opinion about her response.

"You're cute, in just the way you are."

I was making a face like I was picking up on girls while speaking into her. my heart just skipped a beat and it feels like I didn't notice it earlier. her cheeks went red after she heard me say that in front of her.



"that's the first time someone called me cute"

"is that so"

On the other hand, Tanaka who was talking to some other girl, she saw Kenji talking to a cute blonde girl beside him. She saw Kenji laughing and the girl beside him was flustered. The image of two people was caught on Tanaka's eyes. it was like a couple flirting at each other and just by watching them, Tanaka had an unusual feeling and tried to divert her eyes and paid attention to her new female friend. That girl who's talking with Tanaka, their relationships are just acquaintances or just classmates.

There are more students coming inside the classroom and there's a guy who looked like a delinquent moved towards my direction and sat in front of me. but before he sat at his seat he greeted me a pleasant expression.

"good morning, Captain"

"Kenji's my name, don't call me something like that in the public, it's kinda cringe"


"Well, you see, Nagase, I created my own guild in a game and this guy, Murata Ren is my member while I'm the captain"

"Is that so"

This is all of a sudden but I created a guild later at that time I purchased a new smartphone. There are 5 members in my guild including Rentarou. There are some players who joined my guild and I noticed some familiar usernames by checking some names in the Ranking list. Nagase-san is a normie and there's no need for me to explain more.

"then, Murata-kun. Did you character leveled up?"

"ahh yes, thanks for helping me."

Everyone went silent and started to return to their seat when the time passes. The sound of the sliding door that was about open revived in everyone's ears "shhhhuuuschulak". The red haired tho…t no, I mean teacher happened to appear in our front. Saegusa Risa, our homeroom teacher, a beautiful woman that both male adult and teens are rooting for her.

While I am staring at her chest, I noticed that the upper button on her uniform was clinging to its life just because sensei's breasts are too big to handle. Lately, the teacher was staring at me with an unpleasant face. If I think about it, this feels like some sort of déjà vu. I think I saw this scene from before. I think it's from the first day of class I guess.

I regained my posture and straightened my back. The beautiful teacher who was having an ice-cold expression, she started to say something.

"this may be all of a sudden but there's a Filipina exchange student coming here. she will spend her time here in high school. I hope you would get along with her."

My both male and female classmates are chattering and started talking about the exchange student. Actually, I was curious about that exchange student. Not to mention, a Filipina, I can imagine a Morena beauty in my mind.

"come in."

A morena woman walking inside the classroom. The black long hair flutters as she walks towards the front us. a woman with a clear skin and soft lips, her eyes were black like they were the black feather floating around here. in the moment I take a look at her image, my eyes were widened with a surprised expression, i clenched my teeth as if there's something bad happened to me.

Nagase glanced at Kenji and suddenly noticed that Kenji was staring at the transfer student with his stiff expression. Kenji seems like he forgot to breath. Nagase doesn't know anything about Kenji but she assumed that both the transfer student and Kenji know each other. in a few seconds after the transferee showed up, Kenji have a thoughts in his mind.

[is this a coincidence? or it's not?]

"Nice to meet you, I'm Anna Reyes Diaz"

""Kawaii"" ""a Filipina, she's a real deal"" ""a Hottie yet cutie"" ""Cocacola!!!"'

Anna Reyes Diaz, a person I knew. She's my classmate in elementary school in the Philippines. I still hold and remember my dark past with her. i wont forget that hole she engraved to my heart. if you were confused, she's my ex-girlfriend who made my reputation ruined.

The image of her slapping hard to my cheek in the past. on top of that, it's in front of the school yard in Junior high school then most students in that class began to threat me harshly. I haven't forgotten of what she had done back then.

I don't have any intentions of making revenge with her but It would be better to ignore her and move forward even though I have an unclear future that awaits me. I can hear the voices of the students saying some harsh words towards me. I can see the face of the old me in a moment. Those clouded eyes, stiff expression and a lousy appearance. Just by watching at the old self, it was slowly killing me inside. This time, I will do something that it won't happen again.

Kenji and Anna exchanged their stares. Kenji was staring at her making a expressionless face and it was like he just took a glance at some strangers with no other mixed feelings. The boys in the same class had their mouths half opened just because they had another hottie to be in the same class.

She sat on the empty seat beside that guy who was drawing a manga in the middle of the class as the teacher told her where her seat was. I didn't notice that she's been speaking Japanese fluently. If I compare myself, she's speaks better than me even though I traveled here two years ago.

I diverted my eyes by glancing at the window. I supported my chin with my right hand making a bored pose. Making a heavy breath and I feel refreshed. i realized that I had an ability to breath, converting the Oxygen into carbon dioxide. That's my only talent engraved in me.

I ate a lunch with my friend at the cafeteria. Crowded place as usual. Maybe I should buy some sandwiches or bread and eat it in the second building.

While we were walking at the hallway there are girls watching over us. I tried to listen what they're saying without taking a glance at her. at the moment our backs fading away into the girl's eyes. they started talking to each other while I have a feeling that they're still staring at us. I wonder if the made a gossip about us creepy otakus. Never mind, It would be better to do as I please than sweating about a small problem.

"Hey, Captain, how much money did you spent on games"

"around two thousand dollars, I think."

"2 thousand? If it's converted here I think it would be around 200 thousand yen. You sure are a rich person. While me, I spent 75,000 yen in a Gacha game. It feels like i lost in gambling."

It seems that Murata is unsociable like me. His eyes looked scary and he smiles like a killer. Both boys and girls avoided Murata, most of them got scared just because of his looks. At first, I was nervous if I can communicate with a guy like him. But when he started to talk to me, I have a feeling that he's a good person and we got along after that. Now he's my friend and he often talked to me.

I wonder if Kara made friends. She's an otaku's and she don't usually interact with other people. I guess Tanaka just joined a club suitable for her. Sometimes, Without Tanaka beside me. Her image always inside of my mind and ended up thinking about her. Hmm What is this feeling. I really don't understand.

in the afternoon...

Most students usually go into their clubs for their activities. While me, I often rushed on my way back home with Tanaka. aside from that, I haven't joined any club yet. There are many clubs open for me to join but most of them are something I'm not interested in.

I played a competitive MOBA game with Ren. I told Tanaka-san that I cannot walk home together with her. well, playing a game with a friend that only happens sometimes.

Duo matchmaking…..1…..2...3 enter. Now it's time for character Picking and Banning. I made my brain active while playing a competitive game and I always think carefully, like a strategist. Unlike in class lessons, my brain and my mind went to another dimension as if I was unconscious on class.

The character and role I chose was a tank and Rentarou's role was a support. I supposed to pick a damage dealer but I'm being bored for using core characters in all fantasy games. becoming an Offlaner sure is tough role for me.

Offlane, it is an offensive lane or suicide lane. Offlaner/offlane are one of the most important roles in a MOBA game which explains they actually defend their lane, clear lane, encounter an opponent more than one in a single lane.

"by the way, Murata. Have you even joined a club?"

"yeah I did join a club, it's literature club."

"I see."

Literature club. One of the clubs with troublesome activities. I joined the same club in the Philippines and I remember what happened to me at that time, my eyes feel like it's going to fall because of stress and pressure. Not just my eyes but my both mental and physical body are being overused with it.

I almost forgot that there are girls in this school who kept staring at us ever since that time when me and Murata went to eat lunch together in cafeteria as my gaming buddy. I wonder what with that. it would be better for me not to think about that.

I was looking through the window and I was staring at the students who were walking towards the gate to go outside or return to their homes. I guess it's also time for me to go home later after this match. Not to mention, I went to the school leaving some messes in my place that weren't cleaned yet. I'm also planning to buy ingredients to cook something for my dinner.

My eyes are now in contact to my smartphone moving my both thumbs and also performing a claw gameplay inside a MOBA game. I decided to finish this match to do all tasks and chores I need to do in my house after I return home.

Tomorrow might be the perfect day for me to take a rest and lie down to the bed.


The enemy surrendered, it seems like one of the enemies got angry and stopped playing. A rage quit huh. I didn't expect that but it was a GG for my enemies. after the game was finished, I slowly grabbed my back and stood up like I was about to go. I took a glance at Ren and I started to say something.

"It's the time for me to go home, Murata-san."

"you'd better go, you live alone, it would be better for you do some chores"

"yeah, see ya"


I went away without looking back at him. The sound of the slamming door occurred in the moment I left the room. I changed my foot wear and started to rush and I'm on my way to the house by myself.

While I was walking alone, I felt a little bit of lonely when Tanaka-san isn't with me. no, I'm already a loner. I mean, walking without opening my mouth to talk to, feels like it's unusual thing ever since me and Tanaka-san often goes to school back and forth.

Assuming Murata-san is on the internet café or go to the mall to play an arcade game. I just found out that he's an actual gamer. I mostly meet him in the arcade and at the internet café by coincidence.

Having my mind working while I'm in the public feels like I'm a person that needs to be consulted by a therapist.

And so on, I arrived at my house and did some chores and tasks quietly.

this chapter is kinda long yet confusing. i'm so busy typing another chapter for my other novel(thief in another world). my time was divided and i cannot edit or fix my grammars in this chapter.

i was actually hesitating if i upload this new chapter or not but i already typed it so i guess i should.

as an author, i mostly have a slack of sleep, always busy and it feels like i'm burnt out for a high schooler like me.

i often upload more chapters in every first week of the month. unfortunately, i decided to take a break and upload a new chapter in two months. even having an author's thought is so vague for readers though to understand.

Thanks for those readers who have supported an unecperienced writer like me.

feel free to comment to let me know about your reactions of this novel.

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