
Love Problems

Park Shin Shik A Wonderful And Succesful Person With A Perfect Life... Caught His Lover Cheating On Him!? What is This Nonsense Trying To Find His Old Lover Getting Hit By A Car! what Bad Luck "Wait Where Is This?"

Sanishiki_Sayiko · ファンタジー
1 Chs

Current Problems

The Start:

Hello There You Might Be Wondering Who Is This Wonderful Yet Not So Wonderful Person Well To Answer Youre Question My Name Is Park Shin Shik I Am A Well Known Bussiness Man I Live Alone Due To Family Loss I Have Loads To Tell You YK But I Probably Should Shut Up Now

Third Person's Pov

As Park Shin Shik Was Walking To The Hall He Had A Gut Something was Wrong It was A Sensation It Shivered Unto Him

"Something is Up Just What Are They Planning" Shin Whispered Unto The Thin Air However He Knew He Wasnt A Coward So He Kept Going He Got Closer To His Destination

Finally He was Infront Of The Door What Might Be There You Wonder? I Have No Idea

He Then Slowly Grabbed The Door Knob And Twisted It Revealing

"Wth! I Knew It You Prick" He Got Mad Upon the Sight Of His Lover And A Girl

"So Now You Are Leaving Me For A B*tch?" Shin Exclaimed Looking At The Both

"Kay So What Are You Gonna Do Huh? Throw Me Dump Me I DONT CARE!" His Lover Replied

The Girl Left Upon Seeing A Lover's Quarel

"Hah May I Remind You That I Hold Fame,Money And Power Unlike You Ugh I Cant Even Remember Why i Fell For You"

Shin Replied And Rolled His Eyes

"Yeah So What Why Did You Bother With A Poor Bum Like me?"

"Get Out And Dont Appear Before me Ever Again!" He Yelled

His Lover I mean Ex-Lover Did As asked

Shin Felt Mad,Sad And Lonely He Admit It He was Too Harsh But What Can He Do He Already Said It

Feeling Hopeless Shin Just Dozed Off On His Bed Feeling Tons Of Emotions