
Is she, or no one

Alex wanted to laugh but held his peace, it will look so embarrassing for Zack, he can’t believe that Zack is still a virg….!

“What is funny?” Zack asks him.

“Nothing, but is a good thing you are telling this to just me, if you try this when Jack and Brian are here, you will be dead meat.”

“What do you mean?”

“You can’t tell me that you are still a virgin!” Alex said looking this way and that way to see if anyone was listening.

“But I didn’t say I was a virgin,” Zack said with a straight face.

“So why did you want me to teach you how to date a woman?”

“Because it been long”

“Oh…” Alex was relieved, he can’t bring himself to think that he has been walking around with a virgin boy, that will be too insulting to him.

He remembered their code in school and he smiled, that is the one code that has made him who he is today, all the girls can’t seem to have enough of his charms.

“But wait! I hope is not Ella?.” he has been meaning to ask him this, but since he was too busy with his wedding, he didn’t have the time to ask him.

“Ella, No”

“Oh thank goodness,” he said with a relief smile on his face.

“But why? I thought she is your friend” Zack wanted to know why he was so worried about him dating Ella.

“Ella was never my friend, Jack pushed her to me, and can you imagine she was sleeping with both of us?” Alex asks Zack and he thanks his star that he was not the one who told Alex.

“How did you know?”

“I know, the way they act, the body language  and all, so I decide to check and it was true,”

“So why didn’t you ask Jack about it?”

“No need, I didn’t like her anyways, so if Jack wants to play then let him play, but I’m relief that is not her, so who is the lucky girl?”


“What?, No! Way!” Alex almost yell.

"Why? have you slept with her too!” Zack asks because he can’t trust Alex when it comes to women.

“No, not at all” he didn’t want to tell Zack about Pat crushing on him for years, he knew about it but he didn’t want to, even when Brian made some effort to bring them together, he was just not cutout for her.

“So what do you think?” Zack wants to know his opinion since he's an expert at womanizing.

“Is okay with me, she is a good girl, but what did she say?”

"I think she likes me too”.

“Hmm, you are beginning to loosen up, I like that” Alex said.

“And what is the meaning of that?” they both laughed but Sandra heard them, she only walk back to their room, she already knows about Pat crushing on Alex, Pat told her the day they went to look for Brian in Alex's house.

But to think of it, Alex choose her and married her, is a miracle to her, she knows his history of womanizing, Pat told her everything, but she is okay since Alex loves her.