
Invisible stalker

"What did you say?” Clara asks with a confused voice and she blinks even though she knows she’s the one he is talking to, she reacted this way because the man sounded so damn romantic that it almost confuses her because the voice in which he said it does not match his appearance, he is so tough in his looks more than his voice.

“I said I love you, he repeated looking straight into her eyes and Clara looked away immediately “I love you so much” she heard him say again but when she turned he was already close to her not a space between them was left.

“Huh…” her eyes lighten and she raises her face to look at his, she has suddenly become shorter, she thought she was tall, but standing next close to him and sizing him up made her realize how short she was.

“How do I tell him about Jack?” Clara bit her lips as she could almost hear his heartbeat.

“I know about Jack,” he said because he could hear her thoughts.

“What? are you reading my mind?” Clara asks with a straight face and Zack snaps out of it “I’m sorry, I know about you and Jack not because I read your mind but because of the way both of you look at each other the day I was in your house” he lied.

“Oh, that? Is nothing” Clara said smiling as she didn’t want to say anything about their relationship, she wasn’t sure if Jack and herself will be able to have that kind of relationship.

“So what do you say?”


“I said I love you”


“Clara!..” Sandra interrupts them and Clara was so thankful that Sandra came, she didn’t know what to tell him because to her she still like Jack, and the fact that they’ve not been able to be with each other made it more interesting for her that she wants to know more about Jack.

They both look away when Sandra appears. “Uh. I’m sorry… did I interrupt anything?” she asked as she stood still not moving from where she was standing.

“Oh, no..no” they both responded simultaneously and Zack was the first to leave. Sandra turned to look at him as he leaves and then back to Clara.

“No way!” she said in a low tone.

"What!, don’t think up nonsense in your head okay, we were just talking."

“Really?, anyway I have something to tell you” she pulls Clara away from there to the swing.

“What is it?”

“I felt like someone is stalking me,” she said and Clara's eyes widened in shock.e

We need to tell Zack about this, Maybe is Sandra and Blaze, they’ve found out where you are and will stop at nothing to get you” she pull Sandra to go into the house but Sandra stopped her.

“Hold on, is not Blaze and Sandra, I don’t know how to explain this but is like something invisible, yeah, I always feel it when I come to this place either to cry or to relax” Clara look at her and smirked. “Don’t tell me you still cry?”.