
Found at last

Alex stares at his phone for minutes wondering what is going on with him, deep down in his heart he knows that Sandra is the woman he wants, but why he keeps hurting her is something he can not tell.

Even though he wants so badly to let go of Evelyn he just couldn’t bring himself to do so, maybe because of her beauty, her beauty is so mesmerizing that Alex gave up trying any time he saw her.

"Are you okay with your failure?” Alex heard a voice behind him and turned to look.

“Zack! Long time! And what failure are you talking about?” he hurried to hug him but Zack blocked him.

“Hey. C'mon, what’s wrong with you?”

“I should have known that you will be like this! First is those stupid guys you call your friends and now Lincoln’s daughter, that man is getting the upper hand, Alex!”

Alex smirked at Zack. “You are too serious you know that, sometimes you need to relax, everything is fine, I am just having lots of things to deal with, that’s all.”

Zack didn’t know why he wants to help him out, Alex is one unserious person Zack has ever known, helping him out is something he has promised to do if not, he would let him run around in a circle with no result.

“Where is Sandra?” Zack asked Alex even though he knows the answer.

“Uh…, she went out” Alex lied, he didn’t want to tell Zack the truth seeing Zack will only behave like his father, for goodness sake they see almost the same age, but he and Clara like treat him like he’s their son.

That is why he likes hanging out with Jack and Brian, they understand him better.

Sandra ran away right? And that is all your fault because you now prefer Lincoln's daughter, Sandra has gone through hell for you, do you need someone to tell you that?” Zack started scolding him and Alex just hate that.

He wanted to get up and go when Zack told him. “Let’s find her”

“What? You mean Sandra?”

“Who else?”

Alex hurried to get his car keys but Zack was already out of the door.

“Wait for me!”

“Why can’t you find her?” Zack ask.

“What do you mean? We’ve looked everywhere for her”.

“But you know you can find her without looking too much?”


“Alex you have the power, hanging around those humans is making you not know what you have”

“No.. no, don’t go there, I promise I won’t use those powers again, Sandra hates it” before he could finish his statement they are staring at Sandra and little Lilian.

“Sandra!” Alex yells and turned to look at Zack. “What! Did you just!.. What! Sandra” he hastily went to her but she pushed him away.

“Stay away from me, what are you doing here?”

“Lilian! Come to Daddy” Alex stretch his hand and the little girl hurried to him but Sandra stopped her.

“Stay away from us, go back to your girlfriend”

“Sandra please, I’m sorry, and I’m going nowhere, if you are not coming back with me is okay, I will just stay here with you,” Alex said and Zack shakes his head.