
Find her

“Have you seen her?” Alex ask when he came back from searching the other side “No have not, but I think we have to follow Blaze, she will know where Sandra is”.

“ Yeah that girl, I know her let me follow” Alex starts following her but the Zack warned him to be very careful.

“I’ll be fine” he keeps following Blaze and she could sense that someone is following her so she lead Alex away from the party and they where heading towards the hill.

“Where is she going?”, Alex has to turn back and went to the party looking for Zack. He saw him talking to Sandra his wife and his heart skipped. Not because of love but he was kind of afraid and partly angry that he wants to bounce on her but he remembered Zack's warning. They have to rescue Sandra and Clara before they will come for them.

“Hey…” he greets Sandra and Zack introduce him to Sandra as his younger brother.

“Hmmm, he’s so cute!”

“Yeah, took after my father” Zack said patting Alex on the back.

“You want to dance?” Sandra ask Alex but instead of saying yes, he was looking at Zack for approval.

Zack could see Alex is very angry so he offer to dance with Sandra instead.

“Have you seen Alex?” Sandra ask Zack as so as Alex step aside.

Why? Dead men don’t talk” he said in his usual way.

“Am serious, and am suspecting you also, why do you keep coming here?” her eyes turning red in anger as she dance with him.

You have nothing to worry about, I’ve been attending this party before remember?, I have nothing against you. But you have to answer to Alex.

She immediately took her hands off Zack who stood there looking at her and feeling good for tormenting her.

“What do you know?, tell me now or I call my father.” She threatened.

“You know you can’t  do that”


“Because I know that you killed Alex and took over all that belongs to her.”

“What do you want?” she ask grinding her teeth.

“I want Sandra, released her to me”

“And the what?”

“Nothing, you will be free to leave your life the way you please”

“Never;, that girl is my slave and I'm not releasing her for anything she made Alex not to look at me his wife, she made him fall in love with her and then Alex sees me as a monster he never come close to me, he didn't sleep with me even for once. so I got to do what I got to do"

“Hmmm, I see, come to me let me make you happy” Zack  spread his hands to Sandra but she refused to go to him.

“I don’t like you”

“Really!, suit yourself” Zack walk out on her going to look for Alex.

“Let’s go”

“What!, I have to find Sandra, am not leaving this place”

Then you have to stay here for a very long time” Zack left Alex because he has no time to convince him to come with him, he’s so angry that Sandra rejected him, not that he meant it but for Sandra to tell him to his face that she didn’t like him made him feel ugly. So he left Alex there.