
Chapter 64

Sandra don't understand why Alex has refused to call her since the day he drop her off “maybe I should go and see him or maybe not. Maybe he didn't want to see me, I can just wait” she keeps turning and tossing in bed.

Alex was facing one side of the bed why Sandra was facing the other side of the bed. She couldn't understand what Alex hate her, she has been the queen in her school and no man has ever have any reason not to like her because she's so beautiful, so why is that Alex is finding it hard to love her. Or maybe Alex is in love with another girl.

Sandra keep imagining and thinking, she got up and walk round the room. She keeps pasting back and forth until Alex got up from Ben.

“What is the matter with you?, why can't you let me sleep?, you're disturbing my sleep and I don't like it.”

“Fine, tell me, who is she? who is the girl making you not to love me?” Sandra ask Alex.

He stood up to face her “what the heck are you talking about?”

“You heard me Alex, who is she.?”

Alex heart began to pound heavily, he thought maybe she has use her superpowers to find out about Sandra, he was afraid for Sandra, he didn’t want anything happening to her.

I don’t know what you are talking about, just let me go back to sleep.

He lies down again but was unable to close his eyes.

“This guy is playing with me, God help that girl if I catch her she will know the stuff I’m made of”. She sat back down on the bed and lie down beside her list but she wasn't sleeping.

They stay that way till the next morning and Clara came to call them for breakfast, she has prepared breakfast for both Alex and Sandra.

“I don't understand you now Clara, you are my senior sister but this days you have started behaving like a servant” he said referring to the fact that Clara cooked for Sandra.

“Stop it Alex” Clara said because she knows that Alex was referring to Sandra and she knows when he wanted to start a fight.

“Fine I am done eating” he stood up from the table and went outside, he didn’t want to eat on the same table with Sandra. He was just angry about everything and everyone.

“Maybe I should just call father and mother if you are going to be like this” Clara said walking up to him.

“What do I care?. I'm no longer afraid of them I can take care of myself now”

“ Really then I don't think I need to be in this house looking after you”

“Exactly, I am not your baby boy so quit looking after me”

“Where did you go to?” Zack parents question him. “We asked you to watch over that boy Alex, but you just disappear into thin air”. His mother query him.

“Why are you like this?, you wanted me to check up on him and I did and now you are angry, why is it that whatever thing I do in this house you guys don’t appreciate it?”