
Alex is back

Clara did all she could to come out of the cell but no way, the guy that she thought she could use to come out of the cell was transfer to another post and a more tough guard was place to watch over her.  She tries to strik a conversation with him but the man won't give in.

“Oh…shit, what is wrong with him?, why is he so serious! he should at least smile a little” Clara murmured.

Alex woke up in an unknown place with a serious headache but  then he asked for water to drink. “Bring him water” Zack said.

Alex drank the water he could see clearly now but he didn't recognize where he was.  “Who are you?” he asked Zack.

“You should just say thank you and I will say you're welcome” Zack said in a sarcastic manner making Alex to remember him.  “You!... I know you, you’re that guy at the party, I saw you that day and you followed me home what are you doing here and why am I here.?”

“If I were you I won't ask too many questions, you have a limited time Alex, things are getting  worst and you have to do something real fast”

“What are you talking about?”

“You will know what I'm talking about very soon because as I'm talking to you right now your father and your mother are dead, your sister is in prison in a Cell underground and your beloved Sandra is......  What should I say slave?, well a servant maybe but she's in a very bad state.”

“What!.. Sandra is what!..” Alex got up and rushed Zack grabbed  him on his shirt collar with and shook him.

“Ok let me break it down for you, but can you let go first?”

Alex let go of his shirt and he looked at him with a killer eye. “Your father is dead and your mother is also dead why?, because your wife Sandra and her father betray you and want to wipe of your family and anything that has to do with you.

“Why?” He ask almost in tears

“Because they want to be head of the clan and as I'm talking to you right now they are already, everything is changing real fast, and unless you do something, there will be no one left of your our kind.

They're Changing laws to suit them and very soon they will wipe of our kind but if you don't believe me then look at it this way, your dear Sandra the one that sells fish, she's now in Sandra's dungeon, she’s  serving her as a slave for the rest of her life” Zack said and slide his head slowly looking at Alex to see his reaction.

“You mean my mum is dead, my dad too. and Clara is what?”  he ask again.

“Clara is in the prison Underground, the problem is that I don't know how long she's going to last and your beloved Sandra I think she's going to collapse and die very soon if you don't do something to help them.”