
Zachary inlove

Athena is preparing breakfast in the kitchen. Pancakes, strawberries, coffees...

A smile then painted in her lips seeing what she has prepared.

'This is far more than enough for the people I love best.'

Athena said in her mind and started cleaning the table.

Minutes have passed as she cleans the tables. She thought of the days when she was a kid.

She was watching Gradgie making her breakfast and she can't help but to smile back then knowing that she is being took care of the person she loves.

A chuckle escaped her mouth... She can't help knowing it has passed time and indeed time is very uncanny.

She started playing music and started dancing in the kitchen. It's still early so she knows that her family is now awake yet.

This is her home, that one place she can do the things she wanted since she was a child. A simple and happy life. Not living on someone's expectations. Just being the one she always wanted to be.