
The most beautiful flower

Bernard's P. O. V.

It was a success

All of the years the duchess waited for it was a success, he made a fool out of Lord Alfredo

Asclepius did it well, he nailed it, he killed it. He got the hospital in a short time

David's work to bring back the count to Spain is a success.

Eleanor's experiment should work, or else, I'll be a failure.

As for my job, I did it well, Lady Athena should be prepared.

Years of work, years of affliction, and now, our plan has finally made to life. it will be a success. This is it.

Eli's P. O. V.

My head still hurts

Flashes of memory come back, glimpse per glimpse

From the first time we met, the first time she made me smile.

The first time, I saw how gorgeous she is wearing a long gown while her hair flowing through her back

The first time we kissed, the first time, I called her hermosa.

But, maybe, those are also the end.

Maybe its time for me to move on

No matter how my heart ache

I should, stand up, from this calamity

From my heart, that is broken to pieces

The first time I truly fell in love. Maybe, this will also be the last. I can't survive another heartache.

My heart beats like, its telling me to go back, to where I saw her

Then, my head suddenly hurt, a memory, flashed, its me, and the girl, in my island.

I am on my knee. Giving her a ring.


Then we hugged, it feels, like it was the best day of my life

My heart suddenly start beating so fast

What really is happening

If the girl really made me fall

If she really played with my feelings

Then why, why is my heart beating like this

Why do I feel like, I lost her, like this is not true.

I stood up, and took my laptop

I know some knowledge about gadgets so maybe I can see what really happened to me.

I looked for hours, then, it popped up, the truth.

To. be. unfold.

Thea's P. O. V.

When I heard the word 'I'm sorry' from the doctor.

I don't know what to feel, is she?

No it can't be

For a while, I didn't feel my heart beating

I feel like I'm not alive

I don't feel my body

But my tears are falling.

This can't be

No. No. No.

I mean, she can't be dead

The other day, she was strong, she was smiling, both of us.

We were happy.

Our laughter filled the room

Now, she can't be gone

I fell on the floor

Then I embraced my self

Now what? What will happen next I don't know how to continue

But then someone, stood me up

Its my dad

He spoke

"Go to her room, she is still alive, she said she wants to talk to you" He said

Then I ran as fast as I could then I saw her

Lying in bed, weak, pale, I don't think I can ever speak in front of her

I can't take it, seeing her like this..

She called me

"Darling, sat beside me will you" she said

I followed what she said

I sat beside her, and held her hand

She spoke

"You know, I don't remember you, but my heart does, the first time I saw you when I came to the house, my heart beat, like you are a special person. And I know you are my Thea. I want to tell you, that I'm so proud, so proud of what you become. So proud of what you achieved. And I will always be proud, in every sucess you gain. I'll be proud when you fell and stood up to continue the battle " She said

My tears are shredding

I was caressing her hand

She smiled

" I'm so happy I saw you grew up, you are my Thea, you are my baby, I'm so happy I got you in my life. It was complete sadness before, but when I had you, it changed darling, I'm so sorry if Gradgie is leaving, okay? I'm so sorry if I have to leave you behind" She said in a very weak voice

Then I spoke

"Don't Gradgie, d-don't leave me please. I c-can't afford l-losing you, t-take everything away from me, but not y-you-"

My face are now wet with my own tears. My eyes are red, tired from crying

"I'm sorry, please, I'll be better for you Gradgie, just don't leave me, I can't lose you, I can't, I can't lose you, please, I can't lose you Gradgie."

I was begging but she shush me.

She wiped my tear

"Don't worry darling,I won't leave you, I can't leave you, I will always stay by your side. I will always remain by your side, I will embrace you when your sad. I will protect you from harm. I will always be by your side. My baby, when I die, just look at my immortal star, shining bright above you. Guiding you. I'm sorry if I have to. leave, okay? But I promise, I will stay, for you" She said and wiped my tears

"I love you, Gradgie" I said

"I love you too, My thea" She said

Her last words

Her breath suddenly ended

Her last words were saying that she loves me

I embraced her dead and cold body

My tears won't stop, memories started flashing

"Daddy!!Daddy!!! Don't leave me!!" I was running toward my father whose about to leave

But then, Gradgie, embrace me, she said

I was crying

She said

"Don't worry baby, I'll be right here, I will always be here, don't worry, I will stay by your side, I won't leave you. I promise"


I whispered to her ear.

"I love you"


It was night, it was raining hard, I was scared, I'm alone in my room then the door opened, Gradgie stepped in

I was crying she embraced me with a blanket

She was singing

a lullaby

my tears started to come off

I was beginning to calm down

Her voice is what gives me strength

"Don't worry baby, I'll be here when the strongest storm come, I'll embrace you with a blanket and sing you this lullaby" She said


I am embracing then my father took me

I hugged him and cried to my hearts content



Why her

Why did God took my strength, my inspiration, my love, my soul, the person I love

And why


Even do the most beautiful flower die