

Gradgie's P. O. V.

This shouldn't have happened an innocent life was taken, this is not in the plan

"What happened today, was a lesson for all of us, Catherine's death is my fault, so, I'm sorry team, this time, we need to focus, no more innocent life should be killed. So tomorrow, Bernard I want you to call him, bring him here, we need him, plan E"

I stated

"What if she declined, your highness?" Bernard asked

"I know he won't, I possess something he wanted, so tell him. this. ' Go to me, and I'll give him what he want'. He'll come, trust me." I said and looked at Alexander

"We will leave the Philippines, break their hearts if you need so, besides, one should be hurt to obtain the greatest lesson in love. As for you David, make sure Eli will go back to Spain. Ask Eleanor if the medicine she's experimenting is done, we need it ASAP"

I said and left the conference room.

I went home to check Thea. She'd been in her room crying. She kept blaming herself for not being enough.

Before I knocked at her door I already heard her sobbing

I went inside and hugged her

"Its not your fault my dear" I said

"No Gradgie I s-should've I should have been enough, I should have been stronger, I should be much more brave, but I didn't, I wasn't that good at all, I was not enough, I-I'm so sorry Cath, you s-should have lived, b-but no, you died because of me!" Thea said crying

" Its not your fault your not enough baby, you fought so good, but the enemy was greater, Catherine's death, is a lesson for you, she may be now gone, but it doesn't mean she won't come back"

I pointed at her heart

" She will remain in your heart baby. Let her death be your inspiration to be stronger, she loves you so much Thea, baby, look at me, the worst is yet to come, be brave, you need to face everything that comes heads on, you are a born fighter, and I know you don't standby in the presence of evil. You. Are. The. Best version of yourself, don't let any calamity, from the weakest up to the worst, take your shine. " I stated and kissed her forehead

" I'll be stronger Gradgie, I'll ne stronger for us, for Catherine, for Eli, for, myself " She said and I hugged her tight

that's my girl


Tommorow will be Catherine's burial, I need to be there, for Cath, I'm gonna miss her.

I kept thinking of what Gradgie said and she was right, I need to be better, for myself, for every people I'll meet, I can't lose any of them now

I texted Eli

'hey mi conde, I miss you' I hit sent

'miss you too, hermosa. Wanna watch a movie?' He asked

'nope, I'm gonna rest for today' I hit sent

'rest well, hermosa' he replied

I took my earbuds and played a Taylor Swift song, her music never fades, I listened to her for an hour or two then I relieved myself from the burden I'm carrying, rest in peace Cath, I will revenge you soon.

Eli's P. O. V.

'I need you to go home next year'

Its dad again

I heard my phone beeped

'father calling'

I answered the call

"Alexander Elliot! You will home next year, my decision is final!" My father roared

one year it is

"Yes father" I said short and clear

"Good" He said and ended the call

What do I do now? I wanna be with her but how can I say no to father when he has something I need so bad.

I love Thea, but I can't leave her, I need a plan. I can't lose her, I need her, but I also need what father has, I can't choose, but I need to, my world really is messed up.

Hopefully one day, this will all be answered.

Thea's P. O. V.

We're on our way on Cathy's burial, I looked at Cath's parents they are not sad. They are, smiling?

I head towards them, I kneeled and said

"Tito, tita, I'm so sorry all of this is my fault, I should have been stronger I'm so sorry please, I'm so sorry, please forgive me" I was begging for Forgiveness, but Tita Catalina stood me up and she spoke

"it's not your fault, Thea, you know, Catherine always talk about you, how close you two are, you see, we can't give her a sibling, so she always cried because of that, but when she first met you, she said, that she found a sister in the park, and why you guys got so close" Tita Catalina said

I started crying

"I want to thank you, Thea, for giving my daughter something we can't give her, a sister, don't cry over her, she will hate to see your tears, she won't like those sweety" Tita Catalina added and wiped my tears.

I looked at Cathy's grave, I'm gonna miss her

Gradgie went by my side, same with Eli, they both hugged me making me cry again, these two, are the reason for me to fight.

This time I fill fight for the person I love, I'll be prepared, I'll be strong

Thank you, Catherine Bridget, the girl who showed me, I'm not alone, thank you so much, someday, I'll give you the justice you deserve, 'til we meet again girl

I spoke in my mind and bid goodbye to Tita and tito..

Eli and Gradgie looked at me

"Hey what's the matter?" I asked

"We know how much you cried hermosa, so we're treating you"

They are so thoughtful

God I'm so blessed