
Love like petals, Chapter 12: A day at Rachel's home -2

Its been a while since we have discovered Ivan and I had this strange feeling that I had seen him somewhere before, but I couldn't remember. Anyways Rachel was totally head over heels for him. I could see her expression really well. She was blushing and was fascinated to see the view (aka Ivan).

Soon after sometime I felt Rachel was trying to follow him, but the problem is why am I also following Rachel in the same direction? I asked Rachel:

"What? Where are we going? We have to return back to your home soon.."

"we aren't going anywhere, just stay behind me and follow me! I am trying to look at something, don't disturb me!"

But she has been saying this for quite a while and we have gone really far from her home. I said to rachel again:

"Rachel stop it! Why are we following him? I thought you were trying to look for something? And we have gone really far-"

And Rachel interrupted:

"Xia! Shh! He's going to see us!!! We are going back after a while! I told you right!!" after saying this to me when she turned back to see Ivan, he was nowhere to be found. He had gone away in a blink of an eye.

"See! Now he is gone! Let's go back!" Rachel exclaimed.

"Its not my fault! You were the one who was following him! Why are you getting angry at me?" I replied to Rachel.

"Fine! Let's go back now, he's gone..." Rachel said.

"Did you really wanted to see him that much?" I asked and Rachel looked at me as if she wanted to say ' Yah B[@#$%&!]' but I didn't say anything to her and we went back home.

Name: Ivan Roberts, Age:15

Currently standing on a busy street near a bus stop when suddenly felt someone's glare behind his back.

'Huh, someone staring at me? Why?' Ivan thought to himself.

'I can't even turn back to see who's looking at me! It'll create more problem. I'll just ignore it. Lemme see how much longer they can continue this!' Few minutes later:

'What the F [@#$%&!]! Are they following me?? I don't know if it's a guy or a girl, violence would not be a good option, matter of fact there are 2 of them, should I report to police? Ugh no I can't! It'll just create more problems. Ill handle this myself! But first let's go to a crowdy area if I can still escape them!' 5 minutes later:

'hahhh.. Now they won't be able to find me for sure! It's good that I don't feel anything behind my back....'

"But where am I now???" said Ivan

Back at Rachel's home, I and Rachel were currently playing chess with Elora, Oliver, Iris and Amor cheering for us. Soon we got bored of it as the match ended in a tie. Rachel went out of her room and bought some ice-cream for us.

I was so thankful to her at that time cause it was so hot, that we had almost bathed in our own sweat. After finishing the ice-cream, I asked Rachel:

"Have you completed your assignments?"

"Nope! They are just lying around somewhere waiting for me to die on them someday!"

"Let's do some of them right now"

"You really wanna do that right now?!?"

"Then, when will you complete them? After the school opens?"

" Ughh! Fine wait here!"

Soon she bought her assignments and we started to do them. Couple of hours later Rachel said:

"Please stop that's enough! I can't anymore! I am gonna die!! This thing is taking my soul away!"

"Fine, what are we doing now?"

"Hmm…. Wanna watch a movie?"


And then we started to watch 'The Kingdom of Gaurdians'. It was a good fantasy movie. After that I looked at the clock and it was almost 7:35.

Mrs. Grace called us out and offered us some fruits. Rachel had a collection of some romance books, she bought 2 books and handed one of them to me and whispered:

"This one will help you with Liam!(。•̀ᴗ-)✧"

"Why you doin this to me?" I whispered back.

"Cuz, Ah like a love story!" Rachel whispered back.

I read the title of the book, It was 'Love like petals'. Good name I guess. I took a fork and stabbed it in one of the pieces of melon which was served by Mrs. Grace and gobbled it up.

Soon I started to read the book, the protagonist was a female high-schooler and was somehow similar to me by behavior.

After a while when I completed the first chapter of that book, I could notice the male lead was somehow similar to Liam and that the protagonist was in love with the male lead. I peeked at Rachel who was already looking at me as if she was waiting for me to look at her. She signed me to look at my phone, and I took and my phone and saw Rachel's text:

"How many chapters completed?" -Rachel

"1" -Me

"Damn already! You fast!" -Rachel

"Anyways! Found any similarities ( ꈍᴗꈍ)" -Rachel

"No." -Me

"WHAT! (ノ`Д´)ノ" -Rachel

"Yah." -Me

"Why? Maybe its not given in the first chapter! You gotta complete that book as soon as possible!!" -Rachel

"Oh ok." -Me

"But why tho?" -Me

"It'll help you with Liam of course ( ˘ ³˘)" -Rachel

"Cut. It. Out." -Me

"Nu.(〃゚3゚〃)" -Rachel

I threw one of the cushion which was kept beside me at Rachel,

"Ow! That hurts!" said Rachel.

'What? A cushion?' I thought to myself giving a disappointing look to Rachel.

"M-maybe not that…. much?" Rachel said.

After sometime Oliver, Elora and Iris joined us to eat the fruits. Mrs. Grace took Baby Amor in her hands and gave him a bottle of milk to drink.

As we all were eating fruits, Mrs. Grace asked me:

"How's your mom? It been so long since I saw her! When was the last time again?"

"When Amor was born!" Rachel exclaimed.

"Yes! When Amor was born!" Mrs. Grace agreed.

"Oh, I miss those school days when me and your mom used to hangout so much with each other! Alas! But now we both are busy with our lives…"

Yes my mom and Rachel's mom were friends during their school time and are still friends. My dad and Rachel's dad were enemies of each other at their school time. I believe they are doing better currently than their school times.

"Ill visit your home someday! Make sure to tell your mom about it!" Mrs. Grace said.

"Sure, I will" I replied.

At 8:00, Dinner was been served at the dining table. I and Rachel with Oliver, Iris and Elora helped Mrs. Grace to arrange the dishes on the table.

We had Rice, Chicken curry and salad for dinner. It was delicious. After we ate the dinner, I and Rachel helped Mrs. Grace with cleaning the dishes. Soon after we completed the dishes, Rachel asked her mom:

"Mom, Can I and Xia go outside for some air, Just for few minutes?.."

I was stunned to hear that and looked Rachel with the thought 'Do you even know what time is it??' and Rachel nodded her head in a way to reply me, 'Don't worry, I know. Lets just see'.

"No you can't, You can go to the balcony, Right Xia?" Mrs. Grace said.

"Y-yes, we can" I replied with a cracked voice.

I and Rachel went to the balcony and I asked Rachel:

"What were you trying to do? Has she ever given you the permission to go outside at night?"

"No, I just tried my luck because their was a chance that she could send us outside, but instead of sending us outside, she send us to the balcony, which is also not a bad option.." replied Rachel

"What are you actually trying to say?" I asked.

"What I am actually trying to say is, You also need to try your luck, I think Liam's a good person and if you confess to him then let the results be in the hands of fate! At least you won't regret something!" Said Rachel.

"Wait a minute! What confession and regret? I don't even know him! What are you saying?? And don't you think, You should be the one using this?" I replied.

"I was going to do it! But I couldn't because you were interrupting in between!" Rachel exclaimed.

"Wait then today, were you trying to confess Ivan? I asked for which Rachel nodded a 'Yes' and then I continued:

"But does he even know you??"

"Maybe? But who cares, I'll just confess him and he can come to know me afterwards!" Rachel replied.

"But, it doesn't work that way, you need to know each other first for a confession!" I said.

"Xia, it's 21st century going on! Anything can happen!" Rachel said.

"But it doesn't change the expression of love! People fall in love once they come to know each other." I replied.

"I am not listening to you! Let's go back inside and arrange our mattress!" Rachel said

I didn't reply anything to her and we went inside Rachel's room.

Before sleeping we listened some of tteokbokki-kun's songs and after some time we were sound asleep.

The next day I woke up and saw the time which was 7:30. Rachel was still asleep and I picked up my phone and saw several missed calls from Mom. I called her back and she picked up the call in the speed of light. She told me to came back home as soon as possible. So, I got off the mattress and brushed my teeth from and extra brush which was bought by me. I washed up and changed into new set of clothes that I bought.

After I came out of the bathroom, I saw Rachel awake, sitting on the mattress with a drowsy face. She yawned and said:

"You're awake? Since when? And then she took her phone and exclaimed:

"Holy shit!! Its 8:00 already!?" and rushed out of the mattress, brushed her teeth and changed her outfit.

Then she got out of the room, said something to her mom and came back to me and said:

"Ok let's go! I'll be accompanying you to your home."

"Ok" I replied

And I returned back home with Rachel.