

Once, there sat a 27-year-old man in his office, exuding undeniable charm. His long hair was neatly tied in a ponytail, accentuating his graceful persona. Behind his stylish glasses, his sharp jawline could captivate any onlooker, but it was his deep, cold eyes that held a story of their own.

As his phone began to beep with a message, he paused to read it. The message spoke of a mother eagerly awaiting her son's return for their upcoming wedding anniversary. It urged him to let go of the past, as dwelling on it would yield no results, and forgiveness was the key to redemption.

Meanwhile, at Malik Mansion, the atmosphere was alive with activity. Maids hurried about their tasks as the mansion was adorned like a palace in preparation for guests' arrival. Bena Bagum, overseeing the arrangements, urged everyone to get ready swiftly as guests would soon be arriving.

Suddenly, the main gate swung open, and a figure entered. The plate in Bena's hand slipped to the floor as she froze in disbelief, tears streaming down her cheeks. The newcomer, too, had tears in his eyes as he dropped his bag and rushed to embrace her tightly.

Amidst tears and shock, the family members rejoiced at his return. "Please stop crying, I've returned after so many years," he reassured Bena, wiping away her tears. Amidst the emotional reunion, Ahmad and Amir, however, looked on with stern expressions.

Ahmad Sahab, his father, confronted him with barely concealed anger, questioning his motives. "I am sorry, Dad. I realize my mistake, and I've returned to make things right," he replied, seeking forgiveness from his uncle Amir as well.

But Amir Sahab remained unforgiving, reminding him of the pain he caused his daughter. Bena Bagum offered words of solace, assuring him that things would eventually normalize, urging him to rest before the evening's function.

In his room, he lay pondering his past mistakes, regretting his selfish decisions that had shattered everything. He yearned for a familiar face, promising himself to amend his ways and seek forgiveness.

"Hmm, my 'churail', where are you? I've longed to see you. I promise I won't make any more mistakes. Please forgive me this time," he whispered, his heart heavy with remorse.

A girl emerged from the operating theater, bringing hope to the patient's family who anxiously awaited news of the surgery. With a smile, she informed them of the successful operation and assured them they could meet the patient in a few hours, as they would be shifted to the ICU shortly. She offered to provide details to one of them before retreating to her cabin.

Despite the tough surgery, she remained composed as she settled into her chair. Her phone rang, and upon seeing the caller ID, a smile spread across her face. The caller began reproaching her for missing a family party she herself had organized.

"Where are you? Are you even in your senses? You organized a party and yet you're not here," scolded the caller.

"Sorry, Brii Ami, it was an emergency surgery that had to be done immediately," she explained.

"How many hours did it take?" Mona Bagum inquired.

"Four hours," she replied.

"Samra, have you lost your mind? You had a fever last night, and on top of that, you performed a five-hour surgery!" Bena Bagum exclaimed in anger, insisting she return home immediately.

After brief instructions to her assistant, Samra arrived home, where decorations were complete, and she awaited her scolding from Brii Ami. As Bena Bagum approached, Samra closed her eyes in anticipation.

"Sorry," she whispered.

"Samra, do you even care about yourself? You had a fever and yet you performed a five-hour surgery," Bena Bagum reprimanded her.

"It was four hours, Brii Ami, four," Samra corrected.

"Shut up. Show me your fever," Bena Bagum demanded, checking her temperature.

"See, it's still there. Despite my repeated warnings not to overwork yourself and avoid making a hospital, you went ahead and did it anyway. You took over a branch of your own hospital, and you're there all day and even pull night shifts. This behavior worries me, Samra," Bena Bagum expressed in concern. Samra stood up and embraced her, knowing how to handle her mother's worries. She kissed her cheeks and reassured her of her capabilities as the city's best cardiologist.

"But your behavior worries me," Bena Bagum persisted.

"Ah, I'm just going to rest now. By the way, has Sinaan bro arrived with Haya from Dubai? Their flight was today," Samra inquired, diverting the conversation. Bena nodded, then thought of Arsal.

"Allah, I completely forgot about Arsal. What will happen when they see each other?" Bena Bagum pondered.

"Oh, Brii Ami, where did you go? Oh well, forget it. Send some good coffee to my room, and wake me up 30 minutes before the party starts. After all, it's your and Bree Baba's anniversary. I want to look good too," Samra said with a smile before heading to her room. However, as she entered, her smile faded, and tears welled up in her eyes. She wiped them away and sat on the bed.

"I don't know how much longer I can put on this facade of happiness. No one knows the pain I'm going through. Arsal, I'll never forgive you for what you did to me. I'll never forgive you for the pain you caused me," Samra muttered.

Bena Bagum entered the room, finding Ahmad Sahab in a tense state.

"What has your son come to do again? Wasn't what he did before enough? Wasn't the pain he caused that innocent girl enough?" Ahmad Sahab questioned angrily

.Ahmad... Samra is also my daughter. I've raised her since she was 8 years old. But Ahmad, Arsal is also my son. I know Arsal has made mistakes, but he's remorseful. Give him a chance to explain," Bena Bagum pleaded through tears.

"Bena... We have guests over for the function. I don't want any drama. We'll discuss this later," Ahmad stated firmly, and she nodded in agreement.

"Samra, I know you're in a lot of pain. Your happiness is plastered on your face, but your smile is just a façade. You think we don't notice, but, my child, your true smile will only return when you both forgive each other," Bena Bagum thought to herself.

At night, as the guests arrived, all the girls gathered in one room, preparing for the party. Samra entered and greeted her friend Haya.

"Haya, when did you arrive?" she asked, embracing her.

"Just a while ago. Are you feeling okay? You were asleep when I came," Haya inquired.

"I'm fine. Where's Broo and... my handsome baby?" Samra asked, her eyes lighting up.

As Sinaan knocked at the door, Samra hugged him, tears welling up in her eyes. Sinaan, too, missed his sister.

"Oh, my cutie... how are you?" she exclaimed, holding Sinaan's two-year-old son, Faiz.

"Girls, hurry up, everyone's here... and Samra, Mom is calling you, get ready and come down," Sinaan urged, and she nodded. After the other girls left, Samra remained.

"Wow, Samra, nothing stops you. You planned the party yourself and yet you're the last one to arrive. Hurry up!" she murmured, picking up her earrings and rushing downstairs. In her haste, she collided with someone, feeling a familiar touch around her waist. She knew that touch, that scent... Her heart raced, her body trembled. She couldn't muster the courage to look up, but she knew he was there, back after so many years.

"Samra, are you okay, dear?" Bena Bagum and Ahmad rushed over. Haya was also present. Samra pushed away from the person as if shocked, avoiding eye contact with anyone. She composed herself.

"A... Arsal... when did you arrive?" she asked casually, while everyone looked on wide-eyed. Amir Sahab had tears in his eyes, witnessing his daughter's immense strength.

"Um, just now... How are you?" Arsal replied with a smile, his gaze fixed on her face.

"I'm fine. Oh, Brii Ami, Bree Baba, why are you standing like this? Today, you are the chief guests of this party. A dance is a must, isn't it?" she said, trying to lighten the mood. They nodded, and as everyone danced, tears welled up in Samra's eyes. She stumbled and ran back to her room. Arsal followed.

Entering the room, Samra didn't lock the door and rushed to the washroom, shutting herself in. She collapsed on the floor, replaying the party scene in her mind like a film.

"You came... why? What did you come for, Arsal? You left me, didn't you? So why have you come back?" she sobbed.

"You took away my love, my trust, my best friend... you stole everything from me," she whispered in anguish.

Arsal entered the room, but Samra was nowhere to be seen. He knocked on the washroom door.

"Samra... Samra, are you okay?" he asked with concern.

Hearing his voice, Samra stood up, wiped her tears, and came out. Arsal rushed to her and hugged her tightly.

"Are you okay? When I saw you crying, I was terrified... I know I hurt you before, and now my presence is causing you pain, but Samra... I realize my mistake," he said, but she pushed him away.

"Pain? What pain are you talking about, Arsal? Nothing happened to me. I'm absolutely fine," she said with a playful smile.

"Samraaa," he whispered.

"What? What happened to me? Why would I cry? Maybe something got in my eye... that's it. Now, let's go, everyone's waiting," Samra said normally, leaving him in shock.

"Why isn't she reacting to anything?" Arsal wondered to himself.

"And yes, Arsal... don't come to my room like this again," Samra said, leaving him shocked.

"What's wrong with her... everything happened because of me... I've hurt her so much that she doesn't seem to have any feelings left... But don't worry, I'll bring back my 'churail' (beloved) again," he said with a smile and rejoined the party. While everyone enjoyed, Samra stood in a corner, observing her family.

Hayaa approached her. "Are you okay, Samra?" she asked, to which Samra nodded with a smile.

"Hmm... what could happen to me?" she replied.

"Well... Arsal... all of a sudden... you..." Hayaa struggled to ask.

"Oh, sooner or later, he had to come back, right, Hayaa? This is his home too... and besides, everyone has the right to make their own decisions in life. I'm okay... don't worry," Samra said with a smile, though inwardly she knew the storm raging in her heart.

"Let's forget all this... tell me, when are you guys planning to shift to Pakistan?" Samra asked.

"I don't know... Business has expanded so much in Dubai that it's becoming difficult for Sinaan. It'll take another 2 to 3 years even to consider closing everything... Their flight is tomorrow," Hayaa informed her, and she nodded.

The party went smoothly, but Samra felt everything spinning around her. She managed to balance herself and went to her room to take her medicine. Sleep soon consumed her.

The next day, Sinaan and his family left for Dubai. No one except Mona Bagum talked to Arsal. He noticed Samra walking alone at 6 in the morning. He joined her downstairs.

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