
love letters

Zoe_Widner · 若者
7 Chs

Accepted II

Chris chris's house

Chris: *on the phone with his mother*No mom i will NOT do that show, i'm on a break remember.

Chris's mom: It would be good for you.

Chris: I don't care mom I need a break and I also want to go back to school.We taked about it remember.

Chris's mom: Wait WHAT?!?You want to go back to SCHOOL.

Chris: Yes im going back to school.It's West Wood University*sarcasticly*only the best money can buy.

Chris's mom: *angerly*Fine as long as you continue singing afterwords.

Chris: Ok thanks bye*hangs up*Ok now to see if I got in.*opens letter*Of course I did and a special letter form the board.

Chris's manager: Well you leave when??

Chris: In 2 days....why?

Chris's manager:You need to start packing.

Chris: Your right and they sent a list of the things i would need too.


Chris: Im ready lets go.

Chris's manager: Ok but remember you are still a celebrity soooo....don't get into trouble ok.

Chris: I know I won't.....We are here.

Fan 1: CHRIS

Fan 2: Are you going to west wood?

Fan 3: What classes do you have?

Chris: Hi evrybody*camera flash in face*Can we take photos later.*car stops*

Guide: Ok follow me to your room.

Chris: Ok thanks*grabs luggage*

Guide: Sorry we couldn't get you the private room like you requested.

Chris: It's fine...Who will I be staying with?

Guide: 2 boys around the same age. Zack the athletic one he is always top in watever sport he plays, and Anthony he is the smartest and always has top grades in all his subjects.

Chris: *nervous* Good to know

Guide: We are here

Zack: Hey dude welcome.

Anthony: Hi

Chris: Hi.....Where is my room?

Guide: Over there.

Chris: Ok thanks

Hi, sorry for not writing lately i have just been busy.

Don't forget to be safe

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Zoe_Widnercreators' thoughts