
Love letter from a stranger.

A strange letter,but from who?A letter filled with love and chills.Find out who writes live letters to Lilac in “Love letter from a stranger”.

ooladolapo · 書籍·文学
6 Chs


The Friday night football game was a blur of cheers, popcorn, and the bone-chilling November

wind. Lilac, bundled in a giant scarf, sat with Chloe, her eyes scanning the crowd for any sign of

a potential admirer. Just as the game reached its peak, another note vibrated in her pocket.

"Meet me by the water fountain after the game," it read. A jolt of excitement shot through her.

Finally, a chance to meet her secret admirer face-to-face!

The final whistle blew, and the crowd erupted.

Lilac excused herself from Chloe, her heart

pounding a frantic rhythm.

She navigated the throng of excited students, her eyes desperately

searching for a familiar face.

Reaching the water fountain, she found it deserted, bathed in the pale glow of a


Disappointment clawed at her throat. Just as she was about to turn back, a shadow detached itself

from the wall. A tall figure, shrouded in the darkness, stepped forward.

Lilac's breath caught in her throat. It was Ethan.

Ethan was the star quarterback, charming and effortlessly cool. He was everything Lilac wasn't -

popular, athletic, and completely out of her league. They'd barely spoken two words to each other

all year.

"Lilac?" He sounded nervous, a stark contrast to his usual confident persona.

Lilac stared at him, speechless.

Was he her secret admirer all along?

The playful notes, the

stolen glances - did they all mean something?