
in the dark

Sitting in the dark, trapped between four walls, Chizuko had lost her bearings. Her breakup with Izumi was so painful that she couldn't bring herself to do it. For her it must have been a nightmare, she was going to wake up and see him next to her smiling at her. But the reality was quite different, she and Izumi had broken up. She was muttering in her corner, rocking in all directions, her hair a mess, she was biting her nails.

When she heard the door unlock, she hurriedly got up and left the room thinking it was Izumi. At this idea, a smile appeared on her lips, she called him enthusiastically

- Izumi, izumi I...

Seeing the person standing in front of her, she lost her smile and her face darkened.

- ah...murata it's you

- yes, it's just me

Seeing Chizuko in this pitiful state tore him apart inside. He could feel her pain and it unbearable. He was filled with rage because if Chizuko was like this it was because of this scumbag who didn't deserve it in any way. He clenched his fists, in his left hand he held a white plastic.

He had brought her food, knowing very well that she had not eaten anything all day. This lasted several days, she hardly ate any more. Even though he spoke to her, it didn't change his state of mind. She had lost weight, her eyes were empty; she spent these days locked up.

- Chizuko, look, I brought you something to eat. You must gain strength

She shook her head no. That didn't stop Murata from setting the table. Chizuko remained frozen, facing the door waiting for the return of this person so dear to her heart. Despite the pain he had inflicted on her, she still hoped he would walk through that door.

It was difficult for Murata to witness this, to know her so full of hope, knowing full well that he would never come back to her again.

- come and eat...chizuko

He went towards her, he had God only for her and she for another. Facing her back, he covered her with his arms. He didn't say a word but deep inside he begged, "Stop running after him, look at me; I'm here, so look at me, I beg you."

She started to cry, her voice trembling she said

- Why? Why doesn't he love me anymore? Why does he hurt me so much? Me...

"NO" murata didn't want to hear it and repeated this to himself over and over again

- I like it

Hearing this even though he knew it was awful. She cried so much that she ended up falling asleep without having had anything to eat. Murata put her to bed in his room, he stayed near her to observe her. His eyes were red and swollen. He bit his lip and promised himself to give this izumi takeda a good beating.

He brushed the strand of hair that fell behind his ear and intended to spend the night by her side as he had been doing for a while. He was afraid that those dark thoughts that had crossed his mind at the very beginning would return. The next day, he was in the kitchen and reheated yesterday's meal which he put on the table. He went to wake Chizuko; both at the table, chizuko took small portions which she chewed slowly with a blank look.

Ma toute première œuvre j espère qu elle vous plaira.

Taloulacreators' thoughts