
Love Jinx

Love Jinx is a fantasy-romance novel that follows the story of an omega servant in the Ardhave Residence who is cursed with a powerful spell called the Love Jinx. The curse, created by a vengeful witch who was betrayed by her lover, affects people who are seeking true love and happiness in their relationships. Despite Syera's best efforts, the curse always seems to get in the way of her relationships, causing them to fail. As the story begins, Syera is a lowly servant in the Ardhave Residence, living a life of servitude and obscurity. However, things take an unexpected turn when she meets a man who seems immune to the Love Jinx. Intrigued by him, she embarks on a journey to uncover the truth about the curse and the man who might hold the key to breaking it. Along the way, the protagonist must confront not only the challenges of the curse but also the societal expectations and pressures that come with being an omega servant in her world. She must also navigate her own conflicting emotions and desires as she falls deeper in love with the man who might be her salvation. With its R18 rating, Love Jinx contains mature themes and scenes, including explicit sexual content. The novel offers a thrilling and sensual tale of love, passion, and the power of magic.

IllusionaryMonarch · ファンタジー
5 Chs

Love Jinx

In this world, everything feels so uncertain. Every day, it feels like I'm walking on a tightrope, unsure of whether I'll make it to the other side.

The world is changing so rapidly, and I'm struggling to keep up. Every time I receive a letter, there's some new crisis or disaster to worry about.

It's like the ground beneath my feet is constantly shifting, and I'm just trying to find my footing.

But even in the midst of all this chaos, there are moments of beauty and hope. I see the way people come together in times of need, how they put aside their differences and work towards a common goal.

I see the way the sun rises every morning, painting the sky with hues of pink and orange. I see the way the leaves change colors in the fall, and the way snowflakes dance in the winter.

So even though this world can be harsh and unforgiving, I know that there's still goodness and light to be found. And as long as I keep my eyes open and my heart full, I know that I can navigate this uncertain world with grace and resilience.

"Are you okay?" I ask one of the servants. She was coughing so much due to the influence of the Duke and Duchess's pheromones.

She nodded.

But still, I can sense the strong pheromones coming out from her body. She's been there for about two minutes and yet, she's reeking pheromones. I shook my head in dismay and divert my gaze to the others who were laughing at her misery.

"You shouldn't have let her in," I said irritated. "Having fun? Tsk," I rolled my eyes and turn my back to them.

I can almost hear them murmuring something nasty about me, and I don't even give a fuck.

Instead of helping her, they made fun of the innocent girl. Some people are really narrow-minded, an example of that is the one who was laughing earlier. As if that's cool. Amp!

She still coughs, so all I did was assist her in the servant's quarters where the head of the servants is there to give her suppressants.

She's an omega, alright. She can't control her pheromones well and doesn't know yet the nature of every being in this world.

She shouldn't feel it anymore because her heat season is over but because she was strongly influenced by pheromones, it return. Forcefully.

"What the heck? Why did you let her into the dining area?" The head of the servant shouted furiously.

I kept my mouth shut. She glared at me but I just divert my attention to something else. Jumping to conclusions without even evidence and all.

I folded my arms and looked at her without expression.

Knowing that she's accusing me of what happened to her. That's not a good mindset to have. I turn my back to them when I saw that she was in good condition now. Although the heat is still there.

Only I can enter the room full of pheromones. Be it, dominant omegas or dominant alphas in heat. I'm trained to serve them without affecting my well-being.

As I entered the dining area with a tray of food, I set it down in front of Duke Garrik and Duchess Nienna. As they began to eat, the Duke spoke up, "My dear, have you heard about the upcoming masquerade ball?"

I couldn't help but perk up my ears at the mention of the ball. I had heard rumors about it from the other servants, but I never expected the Duke and Duchess themselves to be discussing it. I continued to serve them their breakfast, trying my best not to eavesdrop.

"It's a special one where you can find your destined mate," the duke continued a hint of excitement in his voice.

The Duchess's eyes lit up. "I'm so excited about it. It's been so long since we've had one."

The Duke nodded. "It doesn't hurt to have a little extra luck, does it?"

The Duchess paused for a moment and added, "You know who could use a little nudge in that direction? Our daughter Misha. She's been so focused on her studies that she hasn't had time for anything else. Maybe the masquerade ball is just what she needs to loosen up and have some fun."

The Duke smiled. "That's a great idea. We'll make sure to invite her to the ball."

After I looked over the table to see if I arranged it well and then, I step aside to wait for their possible orders.

A ball. I wonder if someday I can attend that kind of event. Can a mere servant like me attend that expensive event? Maybe not.

The Duchess took a sip of her tea and then turned to me. "Syera, have you ever been to a masquerade ball?"

I shook my head, feeling a bit embarrassed that I had never attended such an event. "No, your highness. I've only heard stories about them from other servants."

I blink a few times. Masquerade? That sounds fun!

The Duchess smiled. "Well, perhaps we can find you a mask to wear. It would be a shame for you to miss out on such a special event."

I felt a flutter of excitement in my chest at the thought of attending the ball. But then a wave of nervousness washed over me.

"Thank you, your highness. But I wouldn't want to overstep my place," I said, in a low and slow manner.

A mere servant like me attending to the ball held in the palace? That's not gonna happen, will it?

The Duke chuckled. "Nonsense, Syera. You're practically part of the family. And besides, it's not often that we get to have such a grand celebration. We want everyone to enjoy it."

I couldn't help but feel grateful for the Duke and Duchess's kindness. They truly were wonderful people. And the idea of finding one's destined mate at a masquerade ball was intriguing. I couldn't wait to see who would attend and what would happen.

As I cleared their plates, the Duke and Duchess continued to discuss the details of the ball. They talked about the music, the decorations, and the food that would be served on the night of the masquerade ball.

I mean why? It's going to be held at the palace. Or is it that they're determined that the masquerade ball would be successful? Hmm, seems that way.

The Duchess turned to me again. "Syera, do you have any experience with ballroom dancing?" Her brows arched a bit.

I shook my head once again, feeling a bit embarrassed. "No, your highness. I'm afraid I don't."

The Duchess smiled warmly. "Well, we'll have to fix that, won't we? I'll make sure to have someone give you some lessons before the ball. It's important that you feel comfortable on the dance floor."

I blink a few times. I couldn't believe my luck. Not only was I going to attend a masquerade ball, but I was also going to learn how to dance. It was all too much.

As I excused myself from the dining area, I couldn't help but feel grateful for my position in the household. The Duke and Duchess truly were kind and generous people, and I was honored to serve them.

I've been in this mansion for almost a decade. Ever since I was born, I became aware of my well-being, not as a young lady of the Ardhave Residence but as a servant. Me and their daughter Misha, we're childhood friends.

Misha Ardhave, lady of Ardhave Residence, daughter of the Duchess and Duke, and a distant blood related with the emperor. Even though it's a little bit, there is still no denying that she has royal blood.

As I made my way back to the kitchen, I couldn't help but wonder who I would meet at the ball. Would I find my destined mate? It was a romantic notion, but I couldn't help but hope.

As I was going about my daily tasks, my thoughts kept drifting to the upcoming masquerade ball at the palace. I couldn't help but wonder what it would feel like to attend such a grand event and potentially meet my soulmate.

The idea of having a destined mate always seemed like a romantic notion to me. The thought of having someone who was meant to be with me, who understood me completely and loved me for who I was, was something that I yearned for. But as much as I longed for it, I couldn't help but wonder if such a thing truly existed.

I had seen so many couples who had been together for years and still seemed unhappy, while others had found love in unexpected places. It made me wonder if love and soulmates were just a matter of chance, or if there was truly someone out there who was meant for me.

Despite my doubts, the idea of attending the masquerade ball and potentially meeting my soulmate filled me with excitement. The thought of finding that one special person who would complete me and make me feel whole was too enticing to ignore.

As the day of the ball drew closer, I found myself daydreaming about the kind of person my soulmate would be. Would they be someone who shared my interests and passions or someone completely different from me? I wondered if they were also thinking about me, or if they were even attending the ball.

But as much as I hoped for the best, I couldn't help but feel a sense of nervousness. What if I didn't find my soulmate at the ball? What if they weren't even there? The thought of going back to my lonely life after the excitement of the ball made me feel uneasy.

But then, I reminded myself that love and soulmates were not just about chance encounters or destiny. It was about being open to new experiences and being willing to take risks. Whether or not I found my soulmate at the ball, I was determined to enjoy the festivities and have fun. Who knows, maybe love was just around the corner.

But I can't stop wondering about what does it feel like to have a mate?

As an omega werewolf, I have always wondered what it would feel like to have a mate. Alphas have always had their pick of partners, but for us omegas, finding a mate is rare and special. The idea of having someone who is mine, who will love and protect me, fills me with a mixture of excitement and fear.

I have heard tales of the bond that forms between mates, an unbreakable connection that goes beyond physical attraction. It is said that when alpha werewolf finds their mate, they feel an instant connection and a sense of completeness. It is a bond that cannot be denied or ignored, and it only grows stronger with time.

But what about an omega's mate? As a dominant omega, I have always wondered if my mate would be an alpha or another omega. Would they be strong and protective like an alpha, or gentle and nurturing like myself? Would they be someone who would stand by my side through thick and thin, someone who would love and cherish me for who I am?

The thought of having a mate fills me with both hope and uncertainty. I long for that special connection, the one that goes beyond words and actions.

To have someone who will love and accept me unconditionally, flaws and all. But at the same time, I fear that I may never find that kind of love, that my curse will always keep me from happiness.

Despite my fears, I hold onto hope. Maybe one day, fate will bring me to my mate, and I will know what it truly feels like to be loved and cherished. Until then, I will continue to search for that connection, that bond that goes beyond words and actions. Because in the end, that is what truly matters—to have someone by your side who will love you for who you are, and who will never let you go.

As I finished my tasks for the day, I couldn't help but feel a sense of excitement and anticipation for the upcoming ball. I imagined myself in a beautiful gown, dancing with my soulmate under the glittering chandeliers of the palace.

But then reality set in. As a servant, I would never be able to attend such an event. I was here to serve the duke and duchess, not to attend lavish parties.

"Who am I even kidding? Myself?" I shook my head and tried to push those thoughts aside.

There was no use in daydreaming about something that would never happen. Instead, I focused on my work and tried to keep my mind off the ball.

As I served the duke and duchess their dinner, I overheard them discussing the upcoming masquerade ball. My heart sank as they talked about how excited they were to attend and how they hoped their daughter Misha would find her soulmate there.

I couldn't help but feel envious of Misha. She had everything I could ever dream of - a loving family, wealth, and the chance to attend the masquerade ball. I couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to have all of that.

But then, I reminded myself that happiness didn't come from material possessions or attending grand events. It came from within and from the relationships we built with the people around us.

As I cleared their plates, the duke looked up at me and smiled. "Syera, are you doing okay? You seem lost in thought," he said kindly.

I snapped out of my daze and forced a smile. "Yes, your grace. Just thinking about the tasks for tomorrow," I replied.

Lady Misha chimed in. "Syera, have you heard about the masquerade ball at the palace? It's going to be a grand event. I wish you could attend with us."

I felt my heart skip a beat at her words. Could it be possible that they would allow me to attend the ball with them? But then reality set in and I realized that it was just wishful thinking.

"Thank you, milady. But I am just a servant. I do not belong in such grand events," I replied humbly.

The duke and duchess exchanged a look, and the duke spoke up. "Nonsense, Syera. You have been a loyal servant to us for years. We would be honored to have you attend the ball with us as our guest."

I was speechless.

I looked at the Duchess and the Duke who were smiling at me. they looked at me to just go along as if they didn't know and they just found out now.

I nodded slowly.

I looked at their daughter who couldn't squeal in joy. Her eyes were glistening in excitement. It's the only time she's been happy for so long. At the same time, she was jumping so his parents scolded her.

My heart filled with gratitude and happiness, and for the first time, I allowed myself to believe that maybe, just maybe, my dreams of attending the ball and finding my soulmate could come true.

"Father! Mother! I want to bring her with me on the night of the masquerade! And it's final Syera and doesn't even think of disobeying me," Lady Misha said as she sip on her wine.

The duke chuckled. "Very well," he even clapped his hand.

I swallowed hard. Now, I don't even know how to turn her down now that she asks me herself to be the duke.


I was combing Lady Misha's long, chestnut hair, as she sat in front of me, staring absent-mindedly at her reflection in the mirror.

Suddenly, she let out a sigh and said, "Syera, have you seen Akil around lately?"

I paused for a moment, wondering how to respond. Akil was the most handsome and charming servant in the Ardhave residence, and it was no secret that Lady Misha had a bit of a crush on him.

"I think he's in the garden, milady," I said finally, keeping my tone neutral.

Lady Misha let out another sigh. "He's so handsome and kind, Syera. I wish he was my destined mate."

I raised an eyebrow. "Destined mate, milady?"

Lady Misha blushed. "Yes, you know, the one you're meant to be with forever. My parents keep talking about it, and how the masquerade ball is coming up and how it's the perfect place to find your destined mate."

I nodded, pretending to understand. In truth, I had no idea what it meant to have a destined mate. I was just a servant, and love was not something that had ever been a part of my life.

Lady Misha continued, lost in her thoughts. "I just wish I knew how Akil feels about me. Does he like me as more than just a friend? I wish I could just ask him."

I bit my lip, trying not to smile.

For I, myself too, don't know what he thinks of you lady misha so don't ask me! Why can't you just confess to him straight? You totally want him too.

I snorted and bit my bottom lip.

Lady Misha was sweet, but sometimes a bit naive. She had no idea of the social barriers that existed between her and Akil, or the impropriety of such a relationship. But I couldn't blame her. She had been sheltered her entire life and had never known the harsh realities of the world outside.

As I finished combing Lady Misha's hair, I couldn't help but think about what it would be like to have a destined mate. Was it possible to find someone who you were meant to be with forever? And if so, what would that feel like? I shook my head, dismissing the thought. Love was not for someone like me, a mere servant.

As Lady Misha got up from the chair and started to walk towards the door, she paused for a moment and turned back to me.

"Syera, do you believe in love?"

I froze for a second, caught off guard by her question. "I'm not sure, milady," I said cautiously. "I've never experienced it myself."

I really haven't experienced it, I have had relationships but they never lasted long. Maybe because of the curse I have? Maybe that's it.

Lady Misha looked at me with a mixture of sympathy and curiosity. "Oh, Syera. I'm sorry. I didn't realize."

I forced a smile. "It's alright, milady. Love is not something that concerns me."

Lady Misha nodded, but I could tell she wasn't satisfied with my answer. "But don't you ever wonder what it would be like? To be with someone you care about deeply?"

I shrugged, not knowing how to respond. In truth, I had wondered, but it was always a fleeting thought, something that I quickly pushed aside. Love was not for someone like me, a servant. I had no business entertaining such thoughts.

As Lady Misha left the room, I continued to comb the tangles out of her hair, lost in thought. Did Akil feel the same way about Lady Misha? And what about me? Did I even want to know what love felt like?

The idea was tempting but also terrifying. Love was a powerful force, one that could bring both great joy and immense pain. And as a servant, I knew that I had no control over my destiny. I was at the mercy of the Ardhave family, and whatever fate they had in store for me. But still, the idea of love lingered in my mind, refusing to be ignored.


As a servant, I learned about the history of the werewolves and vampires in the Kingdom of Elarian. The two groups have never been okay with each other, as their histories are filled with wars, hatred, and bloodshed. It is said that their rivalry started over a thousand years ago when the first vampire king declared war on the werewolf packs.

There are different types of werewolves, and I happen to be a rare Dominant Omega. I'm still a servant, but not just any servant. My position requires me to be very careful with my actions and the way I carry myself. As for the vampires, they are divided into different ranks: nobles, commoners, and thralls. Only the nobles possess the ability to turn humans into vampires.

Pheromones are a big deal in our kingdom. They are chemicals that our bodies produce, and they affect our behavior and mood. The strongest pheromones in the Kingdom of Elarian are the Dominant Alpha's pheromones. They can make anyone weak in the knees and cause them to submit to the Alpha's will.

The Recessive Alpha's pheromones are also potent but not as strong as the Dominant Alpha's. Dominant Omega's pheromones can cause other werewolves to feel protective and possessive of them, while Recessive Omega's pheromones are said to be very alluring to vampires.

There's also a curse called the Love Jinx, which affects people like me. It's said that the curse was created by a powerful witch who was betrayed by her lover. She cursed all lovers, making them unable to find true love and happiness. As a result, I've had my fair share of failed relationships. The curse always seems to get in the way, making it impossible for me to be with someone.

I've decided to stop pursuing love and relationships altogether. It's just not worth the heartache and disappointment. Instead, I'll focus on my duties as a servant and try to be content with the life that I have. Who knows, maybe one day, the curse will be broken, and I'll finally find the love that I've been searching for.


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

And also, creation is hard, cheer me up! Lovelots!

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