
Crazy love

Love is the beauty of the soul. Love come into all of our lives.it comes many times in someone's life and one time in someone's life. Love is a thing that changes everything in life.some people are very crazy about love. Love doesn't always make you happy. Sometimes it hurts and sometimes it gives joy.

We all have that special person in our lives, for whom we can do anything and want to pain ourselves in Their colors for the rest of your lives.

Love is the free exercise of choice. Two people love each other only When they are quite capable of living without each other but choose to live with each other ."

Love its logical, or even our choice. Love chooses us. If you truly love someone,you love them with their scars, their sadness and their flaws.

True love is when you love someone but you can't find the reason why you live that person. Because true love does not need a reason.

True test of love is not how much you love someone, but it's how long can you preserve it in your heart. It means if you find new substitute for someone in your heart, you never loved that person form your heart.

Do not love a person just because of the physical appearance….but love a person for who they are…. Because true love is etemal Iove….it will not change but it will last..

And if you love someone, tell them. Forget about the rules or the fear of looking ridiculous. What is truly ridiculous is passing up on an opportunity to tell someone that your heart is invested in him. It's better to lose your pride with someone you love rather than to lose that someone you love with your useless pride or ego.

I will share such a story with you !!!

Many years ago. There was a family in a village.

Angelina was the middle girl of the family. Angelina was a very beautiful girl. All the boys in the village liked Angelina a lot. Angelina didn't like anyone.Angelina thought there was no such thing as love. That time Angelina was studying in class 8th. Angelina gradually grew up, and boys become more and more crazy about Angelina.

Suddenly Angelina's family moved from the village to the city. Then Angelina enrolled in the city school. Many changes came in Angelina's life. Angelina was very happy with the new city, new school and new friends. Angelina goes to school every morning. Angelina's school was morning shift,so she went to school at 6 o'clock, and Angelina came back from school at 12 o'clock in the afternoon. This is how Angelina's life is .

One day Angelina was on her way way to school. Then Angelina saw a piece of paper at her feet. There was a rose flower along with the very beautiful envelope and paper. But Angelina didn't see it, she ignored it and went away. On the 2nd day there was a paper, rose flower in a beautiful envelope. When Angelina first saw this envelope and rose, she thought it might be someone else's . But Angelina was surprised when she saw the 2nd day of the same thing.

2nd day also passed, but Angelina again ignored the matter.

Thus every day started like the first day.

Then Angelina was worried, she couldn't understand what was happening. But she couldn't tell anyone about it . Because Angelina's family was very strict.

One day at school, Angelina talked about this with her friend. Angelina talk openly everything to her friend. Angelina's friend said, you should open the envelope and look at the paper. And I hope this will be good. Angelina started thinking about her friend. Angelina thought whole day, and she decided that tomorrow she will definitely open the envelope.

The next morning, Angelina got ready to go to school. And when she went the way, the funny thing is that she didn't see any envelope that day.

Angelina started walking along the road thinking about the matter. Then suddenly a small child came and gave Angelina a rose in a beautiful envelope. Angelina asked the little child, why are you giving me this? Who gave this?

Then the little child went away without saying anything. Angelina was very scared but then she opened the envelope and saw something written on a beautiful paper.

Angelina opened the paper and starting reading the paper. It was written on the paper…..I fell love with you at first sight, even I don't know who are you. Please accept my love…

Angelina dropped tha paper and went away.

In this way, many days passed and Angelina did not get any love paper or anything. Angelina started to feel happy. Angelina thought that boy might not disturb her.

Many days passed like this, it was a winter morning and everything was dark with thick fog. Angelina see a boy on her way to school.

When Angelina crossed the boy, after a while Angelina looked back and saw the boy following her.

Angelina was very scared and staring running very fast.

Angelina was very afraid to go to school the next day. Angelina did not go to school that day. Then the day after tomorrow Angelina saw on the way to school that boy and the that boy calls Angelina, and he asked Angelina, what's your name? And he says I love you so much. Angelina went quietly without saying anything.

One evening, Angelina was standing in front of their house and watering the flowers plant. The suddenly Angelina's eyes went to the field in front of Angelina's house.

The Angelina saw that boy standing and looking at Angelina. And he trying to tell something.

When Angelina seeing this, then Angelina quickly went to her room.

In this way the boy used to stand sometimes in front of Angelina's house and sometimes on the way to Angelina's school.

Angelina started getting very upset about that boy.

Thus some months passed. Angelina made many new friends at her school. Angelina has a lot of fun with her friends. Angelina told all of Angelina's friends about that boy. Because that boy always followed Angelina every day.


There was a family in the house next to Angelina's house. Angelina used to go and talk with the aunt of that house in her free time. Angelina knew aunt had 2 sons but Angelina never saw them.because they living in another city for theirs studies. In that house aunt and uncle lived in alone. And that uncle was a teacher. And uncle have a beautiful book library in his house. Uncle and aunt both loved Angelina very much.

One day Angelina went to that aunt's house in the evening, that time Angelina heard someone singing a song from behind the window. Then Angelina went inside the house and asked her aunt; who sing a song?? Aunt said; come with me let me introducing with you. Aunt take Angelina and go to the inside of his son's room.

Then aunt said; Angelina, this is my little son and his name is Liam. He was 4 year's older than Angelina.

Liam looked at Angelina's face and smiled. Then Angelina left her aunt's house. After few days Angelina's school vacation started. Angelina stayed at home all day and Angelina did not go out anywhere. Sometimes Angelina wanted to go to her aunt's house next door. Then Angelina thought that aunt's son is coming so it is not right to go to aunt's house . In this way, Angelina did not go to her aunt's house for a long time .After a few days one day Angelina's mother came and said; the next house aunt is asking about you.

Then next day evening Angelina went to her aunt's house with her mother. Angelina's mother and aunt are talking, then Angelina went to uncle's library. Angelina loved to read books, so when she got time, she used to go to her uncle's library and read books. Then Angelina took a book in her hand and starting reading the book.

Suddenly Angelina saw Liam came to the library. The Liam saw her,and said her, don't be afraid. I also came to take the book. By the way seriously I didn't know you were here. Anyway, nice to see you here. "You're so much prettier," Liam said.

After saying this, Liam looked deeply into Angelina's eyes. After looking like this for a long time, Liam said, "Why didn't you come to our house for so long?"

Angelina smiled, bowing her head in shame; I thought I should not.

Liam said why did it feel like that. Liam asked Is this because of me?

Angelina said, NO. Then Angelina said, by the way, I was not afraid. Liam said, I can see everything clearly in your face. Liam smiled and left the library with a book in his hand. Then Angelina also laughed.

The next morning, Angelina went to the roof of the house. And the outside climate was very pleasant. The beautiful air, the chirping of birds, the light fog,and some group of white clouds are playing happily in the sky. Angelina looked nature very happily on the roof. Then suddenly Angelina heard someone calling her,and she turned back and she saw Liam calling from the roof of the his house. Liam called and said,Angelina you look very beautiful today. Angelina smiled and went from the roof.

Angelina could understand that Liam started to like her. But Angelina did not think much about this. A few days passed like this.

One evening, Angelina heard the sound of a boy talking from their living room. Angelina was shocked !! Who came to our room?Then Angelina went to that room, and she saw Liam sitting on the sofa and a book in his hand. Angelina's mother is sitting on the other sofa next to him. Angelina's mother see her. Then Angelina's mother said her; bring tea for him. Then Liam said ,aunt I will not drink Tea today.

I will came another day and drink tea. And he said I have come to give this book to Angelina. Saying this,Liam put the book in Angelina's hand and went away.

Angelina was thinking , I didn't talk about any book then why he did bring a book. thinks about this, Angelina took the book and placed it on the table. One evening suddenly Angelina

remember that book. Then she went and took

the book from the table in her hand. Then she

opened the book and saw that the book had his

name beautifully written on it. Angelina was

very happy to see this. Then she is opened the

book and started reading. The book was a

romantic love story. Angelina got excited and

started reading the book. Suddenly the book

feel from Angelina's hand, then she saw a

beautiful colored paper fell on the ground from

inside the book. Then Angelina picked up the

beautiful paper and took it in her hand. Angelina

took the paper and started reading that paper.

[I don't believe in love but I don't know why,

I've been thinking about you since the first time

I saw you.]..this was written in the paper!!

Angelina took the paper and started smiling.

Many days passed like this. One day Liam's

mother came to Angelina's house. Liam's

mother came and said, "my eldest son's

marriage is fixed." And I am coming to invite

your whole family to my son's wedding. Then

aunt tell Angelina, listen, my sweet girl, you will

came yo a few days before the wedding.

Angelina and her mother laughed. Then Liam's

mother left from the Angelina's house. The

ceremony was the day before Liam's brother

wedding. Angelina was getting ready to go to

the event and suddenly Angelina heard Liam

calling her, Liam repeatedly calls Angelina to

come quickly. Then Angelina's mother said to

Liam, Angelina is still getting ready, you go, she

will come later. Then Liam left out form the come quickly. Then Angelina's mother said to

Liam, Angelina is still getting ready, you go, she

will come later. Then Liam left out form the

Angelina's house.

After some time, Angelina went to Liam's house, but Liam was not there. Angelina started

looking for Liam. Angelina was very sad when

she didn't see Liam. Then Angelina went to help

Liam's mother with her work. A lot of time

passed like this, suddenly Liam's mother comes

and tells Angelina, Angelina bring some things

from the roof. Then Angelina said okay aunt I

will go and get it. Saying this, Angelina started

going to the roof. When Angelina climbed a few

stairs, she suddenly saw many flowers neatly

laid out on the stairs. Angelina thinking slowly

started to climb the stairs. After climbing a few

more stairs, Angelina saw many red roses.

Angelina didn't picked up the red roses and she left from there. Angelina went to a room to get some things for the event. Suddenly Angelina heard the sound of the door closing. When she turned the she see Liam standing by the door.

Angelina got scared and hurried towards the door.

Then Liam grabbed Angelina's hand and he said , wait Angelina. I want to talk with you. Angelina says tell him, say, what you want to say quickly.

Liam slowly came to Angelina's side and he holds her hand and he says you look very very beautiful today. And I love you so much…. Angelina laughed.

After that, Angelina walked out of room with a light smile on her face.

Angelina had something on her mind about Liam but she didn't want to reveal it .

On the night of Liam's brother's wedding, Angelina left to go to her house. Then Liam said, come let me take you home. Angelina said, okay.

Liam and Angelina left the gate of Liam's house.

The scene of that night is was very beautiful. The stars and moon filled the sky looks very beautiful. Suddenly Angelina saw a snake near her feet. She huffed and hugged Liam in fear. Then Liam grabbed Angelina and said don't be afraid, I'm here. They both stood silently, after some time the snake left from there.

Then Liam tells Angelina, look, the snake is gone, and now no reason to be afraid.

After sometimes , when Liam arrived in front of her house with Angelina, he wrote his phone number on a piece of paper in Angelina's hand. Liam said: call me if you think you love me . I will wait for you call.

And listen Angelina tomorrow I will go to the another city and I don't know when I come my house again so please take care. Liam said this and left from there.

Angelina felt very bad for Liam. After some time, Angelina went to her room and slept.

The next day Liam left. Angelina began to miss Liam a lot. A few days passed like this,

Angelina wen to study at a teacher's house. That teacher's house was near Angelina's house. Angelina used to go to study daily in the evening. One day Angelina was studying in that teacher's house that time she saw that the boy who had been bothering him for the first time was here. Angelina angrily said, why you followed me here?

In that time teacher is coming and told Angelina; Angelina, he is study in your same class but another school. From now on he will come to my house every day for study.

The teacher said, the boy's name was robin.

Angelina got angry, but she has to come to study because her exam is coming up.so she remained silent and did not say anything.

After few days robin said to Angelina, I come here to see you, to talk to you. Then Angelina angrily said that will never talk to me understand. I will tell my family everything if you again try to talk with me. Saying this, Angelina left from there. She went home and told her mother openly everything. Her mother is as surprised and said, so much has happened, why you didn't tell me before about this. Angelina says I didn't say anything out of fear.

That night, suddenly someone knocked on the door of Angelina's house. Angelina was reading at that time. then her mother Asked her who came so late at night? Angelina said, wait I see open the door. She opened the door and she saw a middle-aged woman standing outside the door. The woman saw Angelina and said please save my son. She saying this she started crying.

Then Angelina's mother came to the door and asked that woman, who are you? Why are you coming here?

Then the woman said I am robin's mother. My son has taken a lot of painkillers and now he is in hospital. Lying in the hospital bed, still continue he calling Angelina's name. Please come with me to the hospital. Then Angelina's mother told her that I will take Angelina to the hospital tomorrow morning. The next day Angelina's mother and Angelina went to the hospital to seen the boy. She went and saw the boy lying in the hospital bed. Seeing Angelina, robin got up and sat on the bed. Angelina's mother scolds robin and says that it is not good to do that,and would never do it understand.

Saying this, Angelina and her mother came from there.

Angelina started thinking about Liam . She think, she would call Liam. The next evening, Angelina called Liam. When Liam picked up the call and said hello, Angelina hung up in fear. Then Liam calling Angelina again. Angelina picked up the call and she stays silent. Then from the other side Liam says Angelina I know it's you. Then Angelina said how do you know I am this. Liam says my mind says it's you. I will calling you later. In this talking Angelina hung up the call.

Then Angelina did not calling Liam for a long time. Many days passed like this. Angelina started missing Liam all the time. One evening Angelina was standing on the roof their house. Suddenly she listen, someone like Liam is calling Angelina.

Angelina looked back in surprise, and she to see Liam standing. Then she run to Liam's side and hugged Liam. She cried and said, I love you so much. I missed you so much.

Liam's was very happy, and since then Angelina and Liam's love story started.


Angelina's life was colored by love.because Liam loved Angelina a lot. Thus their love story continued. That used to communicate through letters. I this way they were going their love story in a very romantic way.

A few months later, Angelina's mother told her, some peoples coming to seeing you about marriage. Angelina was very shocked. Then she told her mother I will not marry now. I want to do my study complete. Then Angelina's mother said, that they are not coming to get married, they are just coming to see you. If they like you, then the marriage will be arranged but the marriage will be after few years so you don't worry about this. Angelina was very upset.

Liam was in out of that city. Angelina didn't understand what to do she now. Angelina was crying. When those people came to Angelina's house then robin comes with some boys to Angelina's house. And he told everyone listen, I like Angelina so much. You guys just get out of here. Angelina is only mine. I will definitely marry Angelina. After hearing robin's words, they got angry and left. Angelina was very happy.

That night, Liam calling Angelina.Angelina told Liam everything.Liam asked in shock, why didn't you tell me so much happened? Angelina says I didn't get time to call, because everyone was at home.

Then Liam said I will be come at my house tomorrow morning. Angelina was very happy.

The next day Liam came and Angelina went to meet Liam in the evening. She went to Liam's room and she saw full room is full darkness. The she called Liam, Liam, where are you?

Suddenly, a boy put Angelina's back against the wall and holding Angelina's hand tightly. Then Angelina started crying in fear. Liam turned on the light of his phone and held it to Angelina's face. Then Angelina saw that the boy was her Liam. Later all the fear disappeared from the face of Angelina. Liam and Angelina spend some time together. And when she left Liam's room, that time Liam's mother saw her. Then Liam's mother asked Liam, what Angelina was doing here??

Then Lime told his mother everything. Hearing everything, Liam's mother said so much had happened but you did not feel the need to tell me. Mom I thought I'd tell you when the time came but you saw it so I didn't hide it," Liam said softly. Lime was standing in front of his mother with his head down looking at the ground. Liam was getting very scared. Then Liam could understand that his mother put her hand on Liam's hand and said, "My loved son."

Liam's mother chuckled and she said I already liked Angelina for you. She also says I was thinking how to tell you about Angelina .but now I am very happy that you and Angelina are together. Then Liam told his mother that I love Angelina very much and I want to marry her. liam also said that mother Angelina loves me a lot.The day you decorated the stairs with red flowers, That day I saw and understand you love Angelina. That day I understood everything and asked Angelina to go to the roof. When Angelina came down from the roof, I saw the color of love for you on Angelina's face. Lyme bowed her head in shame after hearing everything from her mother. Liam hugs his mom lovingly and says mom you know everything…..

Liam told his mom if Angelina mom doesn't agree to marry him to me. Liam's mom says you don't worry about that, You study with your heart. When the time comes, I will personally go and tell you about Angelina and your wedding her mother. Liam was very happy to hear this. Liam told Angelina everything on the phone. Angelina didn't come to Liam's house for a few days out of shame. Suddenly one day Liam's mother called Angelina, then Angelina came to Liam's house. Angelina talked to Liam's mother for a long time.

Then some people came to Liam's house. Liam's mother and Angelina were shocked, and then Liam's mother asked the people who are you? Then people that your husband has rented the flat next to you. Liam's mother said this and showed them a room .And said that is your room. There was 1 girl and 1 boy in that tenant family. Girl's name is Nisha. Nisha is 2 years younger than Angelina. Then Angelina went to her house. A few days passed like this. Angelina sees Nisha always finding excuses to talk to Liam. Angelina didn't say anything but she was very angry. One evening, Angelina told Nisha about Liam's love for her. Nisha heard this and left there quickly. Actually Nisha started liking Liam. One night Angelina was reading a book in the library at Liam's house then Liam came to the library. started talking to Angelina in the library. Liam hugged Angelina at one point while talking. At that time Nisha came to the library. Liam leaves the library after seeing Nisha. Then Nisha looked at Angelina angrily and said Liam loves you a lot, doesn't she? Before Angelina could say anything, Nisha take one knife and she cut the Angelina's hand.

Blood was flowing from the cut. Angelina could not understand why Nisha did this. The next day Angelina saw Liam and told him all. Liam says I see you don't say anything now. After saying this, Liam went to Nisha's mouth and Liam went and slapped Nisha. Liam also said that, nisha if you doing bad behavior with Angelina or does anything, remember that i will kill you. Saying this, Liam left there angrily.

In this way, many days passed, Angelina passed school and enrolled in college. when Angelina go her first clss day in her collage. Angelina was shocked when she went there. then she saw robin was there. After some time, Angelina asked her friends and found out that Robin had enrolled in Angelina's college. Angelina got very scared and thought that from now on she will annoy me again every day.

A few months passed like this, One day when Angelina was returning home from college, Robin blocked her way and stood in front of her. Then Angelina asked Robin why are you standing in my way? what do you want?

Then Robin, what i want you know it very well. I have liked you for so many years, why do you do this? Why don't you understand Angelina I love you please accept me. Saying this, Robin held Angelina's hand. Then Angelina slapped Robin hard on the cheek. And she said I hate you and said I don't love you why bother me. Seeing Robin's slap, everyone on the road started laughing, then Angelina quickly left from there. That afternoon, Liam's mother Angelina came home and told Angelina's mother about Angelina and Liam's marriage. Angelina's mother happily accepted Liam's mother proposal . Liam's mother and Angelina's mother decide to get Angelina and Liam engaged. Angelina came from home in her college. and she was happy to hear about her and Liam's engagement. So he did not tell his mother what happened in college. and she didn't even tell Liam about it. After a few days, Angelina got engaged to Liam in a very beautiful way.

A few days passed like this, One day, Angelina is not returning from college. Angelina's mother was very worried and started crying. Then she called Liam and asked him to come home. After some time, Liam arrived at Angelina's house. Then Angelina's mother told Liam everything. Liam said aunt you don't worry I went and see, saying Liam came to Angelina's collage. But then there was college off because it was evening late. Liam then went to Angelina's friend house and asked them where Angelina was. They say ,Angelina did not come to college today. Hearing this, Liam was very scared and he started looking for Angelina everywhere.

But unfortunately Liam couldn't find Angelina anywhere. Liam goes to Angelina's house in tears and tells her that I have searched everywhere but I can't find Angelina anywhere.

Then Liam goes to the polish station with Angelina's mother and tells everything. Palish told them you go home we will find out what Angelina. Thus 1 year passes but no one knows where Angelina is or what she is doing or if she is alive. Suddenly one day Liam's mother went to his aunt's house. Liam's aunt's house was far away in another city. Liam's mother stayed there for a few days and after a few days she came to the market ready to return home. she was standing for the car. Suddenly he saw a girl like Angelina walking with a woman. Liam's mother followed them to see if it was Angelina. Liam's mother stood in front of them and recognized Angelina. Liam's mother asked the woman with Angelina, who are you?? The woman didn't say anything, then Liam's mother, Angelina, asked, "Where did you go?"We've been looking for you in many places, Angelina.

Angelina doesn't know Liam's mother Angelina asks Liam's mother who are you aunt?? Then the woman with Angelina asked, do you know Angelina? Lime's mother says Angelina's house near to my house. And Angelina was supposed to be my son's wife. My son got engaged to Angelina. 1 Year Age Angelina was lost. We've been looking for Angelina in many place. But Angelina was nowhere to be found. Then the woman with Angelina said you come with me in my house. she also said that my house is near from here. Liam's mother go home with the woman. After going to that house, the woman said that I and my husband saw this girl lying unconscious on the road. Then we picked her up and took her to the hospital and then the doctor said that Angelina didn't remember anything. Due to his head injury, he forgot everything before, even he doesn't know his name. The woman added, "We don't have any children so we brought Angelina home as our daughter."Then looking at Angelina, Liam's mother cried and hugged Angelina. Liam's mother called Angelina's mother and told everything. Liam's mother calling Liam and said I found your Angelina. You come quickly. Ever since Liam lost Angelina, Liam was like a living corpse. Lyme's eyes started to tear as she heard her mother's words. Liam said: Mother I am coming.

After 1.30 minutes of this, Liam went to Shaikhane and started crying after seeing Angelina. Liam asked Angelina where did you leave me. did you know that, lots of place I searching you. Liam sat down on the ground crying. Then Liam's mother said Liam don't cry now we got Angelina back. Let's go home with Angelina. Angelina's mother also has wait for Angelina. Saying this, Liam and Liam's mother came home with Angelina. Seeing Angelina, Angelina mother hugged her and started crying.

After some time, Angelina's mother took Angelina to the hospital to see the doctor. The doctor and Sane said that Angelina has forgotten everything before. We cannot say when it will be fixed. Then Angelina's mother came back home with Angelina. Many days passed like this, Angelina has alone all the time. she don't want to talk with liam also. Liam tries to come and talk to Angelina every day but Angelina ignores Liam. In this way, Liam slowly began to break down, then suddenly Liam remembered Angelina and Liam's letter that Liam would show Angelina. Lime went and showed Angelina all the letter and said Angelina please try to think. Then Angelina said sorry I don't remember anything. That evening, Liam said to Angelina, let me take you out to the house. With this, Liam brought bike and went out with Angelina. 10 minutes after leaving, Liam and Angelina had an accident. A guy from the street calls Liam's house and say it. Angelina and Liam were seriously injured in the accident and both were hospitalized. Liam's family and Angelina's family were present there. Then the doctor came and said that Liam's leg was injured so much that he will not be able to walk for 6 months. On the other hand, Angelina's hands and feet were cut a lot but she did not have another problems. The doctor said that Angelina's sence is back, you can meet, and the doctor left. Angelina's family quickly went to Angelina. After seeing when Angelina see her mother , she crying loudly. Angelina then asked her mother how Liam is. Then Angelina's mother took Angelina to Liam's room in hospital . Angelina started crying after seeing Liam. After a few months, Liam recovered. Then Liam and Angelina got married in a big way.

This is how the love story of Angelina and Liam ended.


Hi dear readers. Thank you for checking out my new book. Hope you like it and will give this book a chance. In the meantime,don't forget to check out my other stories...