
Chapter 13

Decisions "Good or bad?"

Ugh! Danm it! I'm so sick of online schooling I just wanna see my friend Ana, and go to the library without a swarm of bodyguards trailing behind me and recording my every step to Christian. If I even do one slightest movement that the bodyguards (some of the pack) think will harm me in anyway shape, form or mentally they have strict orders from Christian to take me straight away to his house, and if I refuse they can do whatever they like as long as I get to Christian's house. I've so far been carried over the shoulder from Zed, pulled by the hair by the dirty bitch blond named Teyah and I had a close encounter with the second biggest member of the pack named Paul also known as Teyah's boyfriend also known as him dragging me from my danm legs. Jesus! I think Christian is taking this a bit too serious for my liking and he's a tad overprotective and super anxious for me.

I'm in Christian's room debating what I should do to occupy myself today when an idea pops into my head and I check I have the mind block on so nobody from the pack knows what I'm about to do. I hurry onto my feet and scramble around Christian's room to find all the necessities I'll need for this plan to work. I grab my MacBook Pro, my school books and pencils, my backpack and last but not least my Black jumper with a zip. I ask myself "Is this really a good idea? Should I do it?" My subconsciousness awakes it's been awhile since I've heard from her but she says "Of course this is a good idea, Christian has kept you prisoner for too long and you want to see Ana your friend and so do I, we both do." She's not wrong there I do miss Ana and want to see her so without further hesitation I go to Christian's window and open it getting ready to jump, but I must remember how he taught me to land and to do parkour. Thank god I pushed him to do so because I'm going to need the knowledge now more than ever. I take a deep breath and jump out the window landing on my feet and bending my knees so it doesn't do as much contact on my feet and it works, without thinking I dash the way to our high school making sure nobody has seen, heard or are following me. I can't believe I've done this! Christian is gonna be mad as hell but also very worried. Was it really worth hurting him and his feelings in order to go back to school? "Yes of course it is you idiot he has no reason to keep you home from school without your consent!" My subconscious is right I mean, what could possibly happen to me?