

The next morning a call woke me up I was still enjoying my sleep,it was on a weekend who would be calling me this early I ignored the first ring,it rang the second time and I lazily dragged the phone to my ear I didn't check who was calling.yes!what! "I'm so sorry I called you this early seems I woke you up,let me end I would call you later".just the voice on the phone woke me up I jumped up with a shocked expression on my face it was Chris!Chris was calling immediately sleep left my eye.no no you didn't wake me from sleep I had to lie I have been awake I can't have him hang up now a call I desperately waited for.he laughed then we started talking that was how I and Chris started talking.every night,every morning went on for a while and he told me how he always had a crush on me.for real!he has had a crush on me!why didn't you say anything? He told me how he respected my brother's and the fact I was his sister's best friend for crying out loud that wouldn't have mattered . He finally asked me out! Did I waste time to accept?no I didn't I accepted and we became an item.i was so happy I told Ann my best friend and she was happy she told me she knew her brother had a crush on me and that i had a crush on him too.why didn't you tell me? "Nothing really,I didn't want to be an intruder it's good you guys figured it out yourselves ".I and Chris were so happy together he started driving I and Ann to school,he would take me out on dates and he always surprises me with gift.my family respected my relationship it was going well.he wasn't even in a rush to get me to sleep with him.one day I was with Chris phone I was seeing a movie with his phone and a text came in "are we still on this night?" My eyes popped up at the sight of that and my heart started beating differently,as if that wasn't enough another one came in "you are sexy and hot I just want you to know that".that was it!!Chris!!!!I started calling him. "Hey babe why are you shouting my name like that?" Who are this people?I showed him the text he had nothing to say he just kept rubbing his hair "babe calm down its really nothing for real" for crying out loud Chris you can't tell me that's nothing he didn't have anything else to say so I left he didn't even stop me from leaving for real he didn't.i went home and cried myself to sleep if he was getting text like that from girls possibly he isn't faithful.i refused calling him he kept calling but I didn't the next morning I woke up with his romantic text message I couldn't help but I smiled and he came to pick me up to school.he still came after school dropped Ann home and took me out for a date he apologized and told me he asked them not to text him again that I was the one he was in love with,i felt secured.chris always showed me he loved me, even in the midst of his friends he respected me but that didn't stop Chris from cheating on me.and each time I confront him he always makes me believe he was innocent.i was blinded by the fact that I loved him that I forgave him over and over again.ann my best friend friend will always advice me to be careful I didn't expect her to tell me anything Chris was her brother after all.till a girl sandra started chatting me and told me to stay away from her boyfriend.i was so shocked and I didn't even have something to say back to her I went immediately to ask Chris who Sandra was and he didn't have a good defense.all he could say was that he was sorry. it was Ann that told me she dated Chris before they broke up never knew they were back together I have never felt that heartbroken that was the first time I felt that pained. I went home crying,I cried myself to sleep I thought I had him all to myself I thought he loved me I didn't date anyone because I was hoping to be with him now I'm with him I keep seeing things that will break my heart.he kept calling but I never answered,he sent me text I didn't reply.i kept avoiding him the times he came to the house I never came out to see him.ann would always come to my room to console me.she told me that Chris really loved me my best friend wouldn't lie to me,but I was really heartbroken.i came to the sitting room where he was with my brother's I saw him smiling at something they were discussing.God I missed those lips when he talks his beautiful dimples always get displayed he doesn't have to smile or laugh to show it I enjoy each time we talk because all I glare at, is his face and I loved dipping my index finger in the dimples on his face,I was lost staring at him I didn't notice everyone was looking at me. "Jas!" That was David my senior brother "what are you lost in ?" I was startled and wanted to run back to my room but Chris held me and begged to speak to me we went to my room he apologized and showed me the text he sent to Sandra that he has ended things with her that I was the one he was in love with.i told him if he loved me he wouldn't cheat on me he told me it won't happen again.i stood not knowing what else to say indeed I have missed him he placed a light kiss on my lips,His lips were warm and soft. They parted slightly, allowing my tongue to slip inside. Our bodies pressed together heatedly against the wall, breathing heavily as our lips pressed together.Our tongues tangled and went to war in our locked mouths, battling madly for dominance,my heart was pacing I was excited and yet scared.i was scared of where the kiss would get to but I wanted it while placed on the wall with our lips locked to each other his lips tasted like honey and peaches I could feel his heavy deep breath as he came to my neck I let out a moan he continued to nibble on my neck my legs became weak he carried me and laid me on the bed "are you ready for this?" It's my first time and I wouldn't have it with anyone but him he gently undressed me and placed gentle kisses from my head down to my toes with my legs spread apart from pain to pleasure after everything we laid gently on my bed with myself cuddled on his smooth chest he promised to love only me I slept off when he left I didn't know.i and Chris were doing fine,but then I started noticing some of his character,I would be talking to him but he will be lost in his phone but come on!I'm talking to him, when I call his attention he will carelessly tell me he is busy but I'm talking to him,what could be more Important to listening to me.i complain about it he will apologize but will still keep doing it I complain about it not for him to apologize but change.sometime we went out with his friends we were all laughing I was saying something to Chris but Chris wasn't paying attention to me he was more interested pressing his phone,I felt embarrassed I felt bad his friends noticed it Ben his friend called his attention he looked at me and said he is coming I stood up out of anger and walked out.he ran after me instead of apologizing he started asking me why I will disrespect him in the presence of his friends,why will I walk out on him".for real!is that what he should be saying?you can't be serious Chris that is all you could say?after ignoring me and making me look like an idiot in front of your friends? atleast all I needed was for him to apologize but he didn't he kept on saying "is that the reason you would walk out on me?" I just can't! I left him and went home. We didn't speak to each other that day I wasn't going to call him and he didn't call few days later he called and apologized.we kept going on and off if Chris wasn't cheating,he would be ignoring me and I just couldn't continue.the day of my college graduation everyone was there for me but Chris wasn't he couldn't even atleast come for his sister Ann,Ann didn't know where he was I called him and he said he was coming but he didn't come our family had small party for I and Ann in my house Chris still wasn't there I decided to go to his house to check on him on an important day of my life why wouldn't he be there for me I thought maybe something was wrong with him just as I was about to knock the door was opened I saw Chris holding Sandra's hand the same Sandra he told me he has ended things with they were smiling and holding hands immediately he saw me he let go of her hand.i was so speachless I think my heart stopped beating for a second I lost balance I had to hold the rail to keep myself from falling I didn't cry out but tears were dropping uncontrollably from my eyes Sandra looked at me with an eyeroll and left while Chris stood there speachless.He tried holding me but I slapped him,he tried holding me again I slapped him again and ran out I ran back to my house I couldn't go inside I called Ann she came out and saw me crying she came close and embraced me I cried for long on my best friends shoulder she didn't ask me what was wrong she just took me to my room thank God the party was over.she stayed with me when I felt better and stronger I told her what happened she was so angry she left to their house I think to confront her brother.i switched off my phone I was not ready for any call I think I was done with Chris I can't do it again.if Chris loved me he wouldn't do this to me when my phone was on I saw all his text, immediately he started calling again I declined.finally he came to my house the audacity!I came out and asked him what he wanted?he said he didn't mean to hurt me Sandra was the one who kept throwing herself on him that he doesn't love her I'm the one he loves.so if Sandra kept throwing herself at you you couldn't resist?you couldn't say no?you don't have discipline?you love me but yet easily drawn by another woman?Chris love is not enough.if you love me,if you want us you will have respect for me of all times on my graduation?it's okay Chris I forgive you I really forgive you but it's really over I'm not interested again I deserve better you can go ahead and be with sandra.he tried begging but I was really tired of all his apologies he has hurt me in several ways and of all days the most important day in my life when I needed him.i gently removed his hand from my hand and walked back in.i shut the door and earned on the door tears rolled own my cheeks after a while wiped those tears out and went inside my room it was time to move on.