
Love Is Lust

"I hate you Clyde Lara" A love story starting with love, drama and romance but guided and overruled by the past,they can't be together. Clyde Lara is a successful business lady whom fell in love with Julia who had an hidden identity.Their love story was the definition of a perfect one but Julia's past entails them to stay away from each other. Love between them later turns into hatred and they both despise each other to the core leaving an unending grudge and pain in their hearts. Years Later, Julia later finds out the dark truth behind his painful past but by this time, Clyde had lost her memory and had relocated to another country. He kept on searching crazily for her day by day in order to complete his unfinished love story. Find out by downloading this lovely book.

Derin_Asha · 歴史
45 Chs

I am a strong woman

After getting ready to leave for d office,I got a call from Julia. I was so happy but as I wanted to pick,Julia hung up.I tried to call him but it seemed he had blacklisted my number.

I wanted to cry but the courageous part of me woke up and I thought within myself that I am strong not weak.

I left for the office and everyone was happy to receive me,some even scolded me for coming to the office today. I was now addressed as Mrs Browns. The name browns annoyed me a lot, But I had to be happy lol happy for the devil's name.

As I was engrossed in work I got a call from someone,Oh my God its Bryan.Why does this guy want to kill and suffocate me,he is so annoying.I hesitated for a while but when he kept calling,I had to answer.


Ohhh baby doll,you made me call yiu thrice before you answered the call.Ok let my pardon my baby doll I heard him say while smirking.

Bryan what do you want,you have started to irritate me already and pls don't call me baby doll.

Baby doll the name fits you and why can't I check up on my wife what if she is in danger or what if she was kidnapped.

Bryan so you don't wish me well.Please just get the fuck cause if I keep talking to you I will loose myself.Then after saying that I hung up and blacklisted his number.

This man is really really annoying shit I really despise him, I mumbled. I can't wait to get a divorce I can't actually tolerate him, Shit so worst to tolerate.

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