
School tour?

...She asks if he if he is free after school he says "yeah" Penny silently victory dances in her head. He asks if she is free Saturday and she asks "for what?" he says "to take you on a date of course!" She wakes up. "OF COURSE IT WAS ALL A STUPID DREAM" she yells. She marches downstairs already off to a bad start of her day. She quickly looks at the time and spits out her water that she was drinking! She is going to be late on Exam day! She slips on the first thing in her drawer and the first pair of shoes and dashes out the door before saying goodbye to her parents. She sees the bus zooming in front of her and runs to try and catch it. It is already past the corner of her street. She grabs her skateboard from the garage and goes as fast as she possibly on it to get to school. She gets there twenty minutes late and the exams are just about to start. Her first exam is for science and she has to write everything she learned about the digestive system and the stomach. After one hour and a half she hands it in 15 minutes minutes before the deadline. Find out about her other exams on the next episode!