

He felt the van deviate from the road and blow them up as it rolled. He hit his head hard on the roof of the pickup truck as the van did somersaults and rolls. He couldn't quite tell how often it was being thrown, but it was a dangerous amount.

Between the rolls, he realized that Richard somehow got on top of the man he had bitten in the driver's seat and his large body hit the horn with each roll.

Until he suddenly stopped and stood on his roof.

Richard knew the moment the van went out of control. He was thrown against the wall, his breath rushing out of his body. Little Stevie, Malone and the other man bumped into him, all crushed by the force of the van leaving the road.

Where is Alex?

Even as he skidded through the rocking vehicle, he felt panic rise inside him. For a few seconds, nothing was real, it spun upwards and the world literally went sideways. Richard felt like he was inside a washing machine, being launched into high orbit like the infamous left sock.