
Love is all you need

Contemporary Romance
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What is Love is all you need

WebNovel で公開されている、Bhawana_Kumawat の作者が書いた Love is all you need の小説を読んでください。Yvaine and Zephyr both are the puppets of power until they realize love. What will happen when they bind themselves in a fight between powerful people? Will there love overcome this situation? Or they...


Yvaine and Zephyr both are the puppets of power until they realize love. What will happen when they bind themselves in a fight between powerful people? Will there love overcome this situation? Or they will be lost in the MIST OF HELL.

5 タグ

Mr. Zhan, Your Wife Is Looking For You

In her past life, Lu Yao was caught in a bloody war between two families, but was tricked into sleeping with a stranger, getting pregnant and killed with her child still in her belly. Returning from the dead, she took her pregnancy report and strutted to the Zhan family's mansion, yelling, ""Zhan Jinghong!"" Zhan Jinghong was the eldest son of the Zhan family, a super-rich family in the capital. He was known to be ruthless, handsome, volatile, and detached. However, no matter how callous he was, surely, he would admit his own mistakes...? Slamming the pregnancy report on the table, Lu Yao snapped: Take responsibility! Zhan Jinghong: Who are you? Lu Yao: A month ago, in room 1301 of Hotel Million Peaks, we did it on the bed, on the balcony, by the window, and in the bathroom. Don't tell me you don't remember. Zhan Jinghong: ...?! Later on, news that Zhan Jinghong was getting married spread throughout the capital, and his bride was alleged to be the illegitimate daughter of the Lu family, recently recognized. The capital was certainly left in shock by the news, but they were all waiting for a quick divorce and for Lu Yao to make herself a laughing stock, since no one believed she could hold the throne as a matriarch. Regarding that, Lu Yao had this to say, “Sorry, but I am going to keep you waiting.” With the superpowers she gained following her reincarnation, she reshuffled the power balance in the capital, and people soon spoke about her as if she would soon surpass Zhan Jinghong. The public: So what if she is somewhat impressive? Her marriage won't be a happy one! Lu Yao, giving Zhan Jinghong a nudge with her foot while she nursed her son: Hear that? Someone said that my marriage won't be a happy one... Zhan Jinghong: Who said that? I'll tear his mouth off!

Triple Wind · 一般的
40 Chs


Donathan rehandra atau biasa dipanggil Nathan. pria dengan tinggi kurang lebih 1,8 meter itu, terkenal sebagai salah satu kebanggaan stars high school. diumur 15 tahun ia sudah duduk dikelas 3 SMA dan tercatat sebagai salah satu siswa berprestasi yang selalu memenangi beragam olimpiade. ia terlihat keren, berkarisma dan pintar lalu point tambahannya Nathan itu tampan, saat ia melangkah di koridor kaki panjangnya terlihat begitu menakjubkan, dengan senyumnya yang terlihat bersahabat tak heran jika banyak gadis-gadis yang berharap bisa menjadi pendamping pria itu. mungkin bagi orang-orang Nathan memang seperfect itu, namun Nathan tetaplah Nathan. sosok pria yang akan bergelayut manja di tangan Indira alita tetangga sekaligus ibu asuh bagi nathan. dan bagi Indira Nathan hanyalah anak kecil yang sudah ia rawat sejak masih berada di taman kanak-kanak, yang saat itu masih setinggi pundaknya, Nathan lebih di kenal sebagai dodo di rumah. dodo yang manja dan sering merengek-rengek tidak jelas hanya karena tidak dibuatkan makanan. dodo yang terbiasa memanggilnya bunda sejak kecil, walau jelas-jelas mereka hanya berbeda dua tahun. perasaan nyaman mengikat keduanya hingga tanpa sadar mereka telah melewati zona aman hubungan mereka selama ini, karena Nathan tanpa sadar mulai melibatkan hati dan perasaannya pada setiap pergerakan Indira. "kalau gue bilang gue suka sama lo boleh gak sih?" "a- apa?, lo mau jadi sangkuriang!. sini maju kayaknya kepala lo butuh di pukul juga pake sendok nasi biar sadar" "serius, kalau pacaran sama bunda boleh gak sih" "ya allah. kualat lo nanti!, beneran minta dikutuk jadi batu ni anak"

ndrynt2002 · 若者

What’s wrong with a snake that just wants to cultivate and transform?

Chinese Title: 只想修炼化形的蛇蛇有什么错 Genre: Girls Love, Xanxia Author: 城玉 Raw Novel Link: https://www.jjwxc.net/onebook.php?novelid=4204753 Synopsis Ji Yuebai, a genius in the cultivation world seen only once in a thousand years, was seriously injured during an outdoor training session when she encountered a little green snake. She had always considered it her duty to eliminate demons and protect the Dao. Usually, she would dispatch these kinds of creatures with a single sword strike, but now, her severe injuries made it difficult to mobilize her spiritual energy. A slight misstep during her healing process could lead to demonic possession. Helpless, Ji Yuebai could only watch as the jade-green little snake swam towards her across the water and wrapped itself around her body. She made up her mind that as soon as her wounds healed a bit, she would cut this creature into a thousand pieces. However, the little green snake, unaware of the impending disaster, flicked its pink tongue unconsciously. It just so happened to touch Ji Yuebai's ears, as smooth and lustrous as pearls and jade, and suddenly found that the body beneath it started shaking uncontrollably. It's often said that snakes are naturally lustful, and demon snakes even more so. Ji Yuebai could no longer bear such a humiliation. What if she succumbed to demonic influences? She attempted to channel her spiritual energy into her sword, but at that moment, an icy sensation came from her wounds, providing temporary relief from the pain. She then saw the green snake's slender tail gently applying a sacred healing herb, which hadn’t touched water, to her wounds. ... Ji Yuebai, the junior master from Tian Yuan Sect, who was always at odds with the demonic path, caused quite a stir in the sect when she returned from her training with a snake demon in tow. Many people in the sect thought Ji Yuebai had lost her mind. Even more self-proclaimed warriors of justice, under the banner of demon-slaying and protecting the Dao, demanded the death of the little green snake, branding it a vile creature of evil. That is, until Ji Yuebai stood on the Life and Death stage, shaking the fresh red blood from her sword, and said coldly: "Is there anyone else who objects? Let them speak on the stage of life and death." From that moment on, no one in the sect dared to bring up this matter again. ... The little green snake followed Ji Yuebai in her daily cultivation. When Ji Yuebai got up, it did too; when Ji Yuebai rested, it would curl up into a ball in her arms and rest with her. The unrivaled swordmaster of Tian Yuan Sect, Ji Yuebai, finally had a companion. Many noticed that the Shishu, who used to have a stern face every day, now had much softer corners to her lips. Until one day, Ji Yuebai woke up to a gentle, silky touch. She looked down to see an exquisitely beautiful woman with green snake skin softly curled up in her arms, her wrist resting on her waist in an almost boneless manner, and her voice was utterly captivating: "Yuebai, I've transformed~" It was then that the always single-minded Ji Yuebai understood the true meaning of the term "demon."

Kirisuna1 · LGBT+
1 Chs


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General Audiencesmature rating