
Chpt #45

Nancy was busy preparing for the wedding event at the hall.

Fanny then walks in to greet the team together with Amanda.

"Guys gather up! This is Fanny. I believe everyone knows her. Our Chairman has hire her to oversee and help us to improve our service!" Amanda introduce Fanny to the team and everyone was in awed.

Fanny, slim body, pretty face and definitely pretty too even without makeup, dress luxuriously and head to toe are all branded.

"Please do guide me alone" Fanny smiles at everyone.

"You must be Nancy right? Why not you show me around?" Fanny hooks on Nancy arms and pretends to be friendly to her. Fanny already knew about her relationship with Ryan.

Nancy smiles and showed her around.

They clicked off so well that they even went for lunch together and shared some personal experience.

"Tell you a secret. Actually Ryan is my boyfriend. Don't tell anyone okay. I didn't tell him I'm back and its a surprise for him" Fanny whispered to Nancy.

Nancy was shocked and went speechless.

"Nancy…?" Fanny tries to snap Nancy out of her dazed.

"Oh…haha I'm shocked. Seeing him so hardworking I thought he's single" Nancy tried to be calm.

"He is always like that. Work has always been first. But its okay that's what we love about each other. We will never interrupt each other time" Fanny speaks with a loving tone.

Desmond happened to be at the canteen and Fanny ran towards him.

"You better tell me where Ryan is or right now I'm going to make life difficult for Nancy" Fanny smiles to prevent from looking suspicious.

"He is in the hospital…" Desmond shared the details.

Fanny then walks back to her seat and continue to tell Nancy on how close Ryan and Desmond were with her.

Nancy couldn't take it anymore "Fanny sorry. I think I'm having gastric and i need to get some rest first before i start back work" and she left.

Nancy went to the rooftop and took a deep breath to prevent her from tearing up.

*Ring* *Ring*

Ryan called her but she rejects it immediately.

Nancy touches her necklace and tells herself "That is only one side of the story. Let's trust Ryan."

But on the other hand, Nancy who never trust that someone could be loyal said , "why are you so confident? What makes you think he won't leave you" Nancy could help but to cry.

Fanny who saw Nancy at the rooftop approaches her. Hearing her footsteps, Nancy quickly wipe her tears.

"Hey are you feeling better? Do you want to see the doctor?" Fanny pretends to be worried about Nancy.

"Don't worry! I'm fine! Let's get back to work" Nancy laughed and they went back to the hall.

"Amanda sorry, but i need to leave. Something urgent happen and i need to take a look" Fanny gave random excuses just to leave and meet Ryan.

"See you guys tomorrow and thank you for today" Fanny greets everyone and left to the hospital.

Desmond saw Fanny running out and he quickly calls Ryan to inform him that Fanny might visit him.