
Love in Hollywood

Miley Mcray, a talented actress, had her dreams of becoming a movie star put on hold after a devastating failed relationship. However, her life takes an unexpected turn when she gets an opportunity to act alongside Colin Harvard, the latest star of Marvel Studios. This collaboration catapults Miley from the shadows of acting into a whole new world of stardom. As Miley and Colin spend more time together on set, a deep connection forms between them. Their shared passion for the craft and their undeniable chemistry make them the perfect on-screen couple. But little did they know that their on-screen romance would soon spill over into their real lives.

Sparrow_Tristane · 都市
4 Chs

Unveiling Emotions.

Nichole's heart raced as Colin confronted her about her unexpected presence outside the building.

"Hey, babe. You startled me. I dropped by to say hello to a dear friend," she responded,

Her voice tinged with surprise. Colin's eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"You never told me you had a friend in the industry," he said, his tone reflecting his surprise.

Nichole's smile widened as she replied, "Well, I do. Must have slipped my mind."

Curiosity piqued, Colin asked her about his own purpose there.

"I am to meet with a friend here. The call I got earlier," he explained.

Sensing the need to depart, Nichole kissed him on the lips and said,

"Oh, alright. I best be on my way. Have a busy day." She got into her car and drove off, leaving Colin standing there, his mind filled with questions.

Turning to walk towards the stairs, Colin heard his name called from behind.

"Col," Frank's voice rang out. With a smile on his face, Colin greeted his friend with a warm embrace.

"My man," he responded, embracing Frank. "Look at you. You smell money," Colin teased.

Chuckling, Frank replied,

"Don't do that. Not the star boy telling me I smell money." Their laughter filled the air.

"I am on a project. Came to see someone and also do some rehearsal," Frank informed Colin.

As their conversation unfolded, a taxi pulled up in front of them.

Miley stepped out, wearing black pants and a sleeve crop top, her hair put up in a bun as she carried a bag over her shoulder.

Frank noticed Miley's arrival and, in turn, noticed Colin's reaction.

"You know her?" Frank asked, his curiosity evident. "Yeah, she's on the project too," Colin replied.

Intrigued, Frank continued, "Do you feel it?"

Confused, Colin questioned, "Feel what?"

Frank, with a mysterious tone, replied,

"The energy she emits."

Colin dismissed it, saying, "You sound weird."

As Miley gracefully approached the broad stairs, her hair strands surrendered to the wind, and her natural beauty shone under the sun.

Engrossed in her phone call, she walked until its end, then lifted her head to see Colin and Frank standing side by side.

Frozen in her steps, she shook her head in disbelief. "What is this?" she said, her voice filled with hurt.

Concerned, Colin asked,

"What's wrong?" Frank's eyes widened, realizing the connection. "Miley?" he uttered.

Confused, Colin looked between Miley and Frank, desperately seeking answers.

Miley turned away swiftly, leaving them puzzled and shocked.

Colin called out to Miley as she hurriedly got into a taxi and zoomed off, but his words fell on deaf ears.

The day passed, and the next day arrived.

It was four in the evening when the sound of the doorbell echoed through Colin's unimaginably amazing apartment.

He hurriedly put on a polo shirt and pants before opening the door, revealing Miley standing there with shy eyes.

He invited her inside and offered her a seat on one of the couches.

"First off, I am scared that you found my house," he admitted.

Miley replied calmly, "And I am scared that I am here."

Colin reassured her, "If it's about the other day, I am not upset.

"I acted childishly." Miley acknowledged her behaviour, adding, "I shouldn't have let emotions cloud my reasoning. We were there for a reason; I should have been more mature."

"You owe me no explanation," Colin assured her. "I just need you to be stronger than your feelings. You are on a whole new road now, in the world of fame; you must stand firm."

Miley nodded, acknowledging his advice.

Colin offered her a drink, but she declined, expressing her desire to continue with their script.

"You don't look comfortable," he said.

"I don't have male friends. " She said.

"Oh, I get you. " He stated. "Let me get dressed. I'll take you somewhere more comfortable," Colin said.

"Frank is a friend. We go way back. Cool with that? " Colin said once they settled into the empty hall.

"You didn't hurt me. He did. " She said.

"How did he not recognise you early enough I wonder." He said.

"I… Used to be fat. " She said.

"What? " He was extremely shocked.

"Yeah. What you see now took six months to achieve. " She said.

"That's impressive. I, on the other hand, used to be lanky. " He said.

"No… " She said.

"Yeah. Took me eight months I think to get this body. " He told her.

"Wow." she voiced.

"In a few days, we will be on set, you must learn to leave the world behind when you are.

Everyone has a story to tell. Some day, we all will. " he told her.

"You make it seem so easy. " She said.

"It's not, I can assure you but for now, your head has got to be in the game.

I am a whole different person when I act and it could be intimidating but if your mind isn't sound enough, it could be overwhelming. " He said.

"I get you. " She said.

"Alright. So we share a kiss under the tree at night and under the full moon.

You pull away unwillingly, saying -" he read out the script.

-"Mother must know by now of my absence." She completed.

"Good. Okay, let's do this. " He said.

They laughed at their faults till they were perfect. The night came so quickly and they shared goodbyes.

Slowly, Colin's car pulled up in his compound and he got in cheerfully.

"Where are you coming from? " Nichole inquired once he turned on the lights to see her sitting on the couch directly opposite the door.

"Aren't you sneaky? " He said.

"I asked you a question, Colin," she repeated with her straight face.

"I was out rehearsing. " He answered her.

"Let me guess, with Miley. '' She said, scornfully.

"What is up with you lately?" He became concerned.

"What is up with me? Can't you see she is taking advantage of her privilege?" Nichole stormed up.

"I can't do this with you tonight, babe, I need to rest," he told her while walking towards the stairs.

"No, you will not walk out on me." She followed behind him.

"What do you mean you need to rest? What have you two been up to? Did you sleep with her?" she inquired.

"Enough!" He sounded really angry as he turned towards her.

His tone frightened her a bit and her eyes blinked in surprise.

"You just- yelled at me?" She couldn't believe it.

"What has gotten into you? Why are you so obsessed with her? We have something so beautiful, I love you, you!" He responded.

"Can't you see? You defend her like she is something more, she isn't.

She is a nobody who got a one-in-a-million opportunity and will do anything to matter.

She will ruin us. She is out for you. She knows with you, she stands a chance to be what she could only dream of-"

-"Stop! Stop! Stop! She isn't the first of her kind I get to act with.

There was Merit, there was Abby, there was Kendra, the list goes on and you never got to be like this.

What are you so scared of?" He couldn't just get it.

"You claim to love me, yet can't prove it. I am done playing this game.

If I really mattered to you, if this relationship means anything to you, then have her kicked out.

You can if you choose. Your words hold water.

If you tell me that you can't then right now I will walk out that door and you will never see or hear from me ever again.

So what's it going to be? " She said, folding her arms.