

The morning came and Alexa was still sleeping like a baby, Unable to move. She searched for her strength through the bright morning sun.Her eyes gazing at the curtains as they were already spread.

Alexa: "oh she is up early again

Annoyed by the fact her sister got up before her.

Alexa: "it's always another day that Alex will ruin my beautiful sleep".

Alex and Alexa are twins by birth but with different fathers.They are dizygotic twins. Meaning they're not alike in any way.

Alexa aunt princess give birth to them both due to Maria being unable to conceive.

Their family are the richest in the Eastern side of Liberia,. Making everything the family does public and famous. And the pressure was all too much for Alexa .

And it was a school Monday morning and Alex got up early to make sure her sister was up. Alexa on the other hand enjoyed sleeping cause it was the only time she was free and at peace, but her dreams always came to an end when Alex pull the curtains apart.

This family had many secrets unknown by man and earth.

Alex: lexa we can't afford to be late please.

Alexa: so sad I thought we're so rich

Alex: very funny.. but seriously we have to be on time for school.

Alexa: okay fine .. I won't make you late today.

Alex: thank God!

Alexa:Yhy right

Alex: let's go please

Alexa: am all set, no breakfast am starving

Alex: I told the maid to pack a lunch and breakfast, now let's get going.

Alexa: Okay madam bossy

They head out of the mansion looking extremely gorgeous. Rocking their blue shirts and grey pants.

Upon reaching the campus of aware international school. The girls saw the press and unfortunately they couldn't escape them.

Reporter 1: The hunkins Queens how are you girls doing.

Alex: oh we're fine and running late also

Reporter 2: oh please you guys can take few minutes off to talk to us.

Alexa: Nope seriously we're missing our class .

Reporter 1: Okay Alexa we have a question for you.if you don't mind.

Alexa: sure and after that we're leaving

Reporter 2: So we received information that you are a lesbian.And you are secretly dating a girl named diva. So is it true??

Upon hearing the questions Alexa froze in silence and couldn't say anything.. Alex immediately stepped in for her sister.

Alex: please we're running late excuse us.

With that she pushed them aside and they head inside. With that every Students that were outside was shocked and some even perplexed.

Student 1: oh boy, this is real messy.

Student 2: why didn't she just denied it am sure it's just a stupid rumour.

Student 3: or maybe not cuz she's really upset about the question.

Student 2: yeah cuz she's behaving strange

Student 1: I always knew that girl was a lesbian she doesn't even look at boys.

Student 3:But see she rejected a very popular guy cuz she doesn't date guys wow.

Head teacher: why are you guys doing here get back to class everyone. The drama's over.

Meanwhile Alexa rushed into the rest room. And sprinkled water on her. As the water drip down her face.Billions of questions raced mind .

Alexa: who could have told the press..

To be continued